

"I really need to buy a motorcycle if I want to survive this year." I was saying to myself as I walked home again, repeating the same process I had done the previous year.

My name is Jonathan Schwarz, the last name comes from my grandmother who is German, I am not special, I do not have a very interesting life and this was my last year of classes before I graduated and I have to leave to look for a job.

What I can most emphasize about myself, is that I am a sleeve reader in my free time, which is almost the whole day after leaving school and doing my homework, of course, my fantasy is to be reincarnated in another world, a rare fantasy that appeared when reading my first manga book about a young Japanese man who died in an accident and was reincarnated to become a hero in another world, Although I do not like the idea of being trodden by truck-kun to make my fantasy come true.

The road to my house was long and annoying since my house was 4 kilometers from the school, which is annoying without a doubt since the bus does not reach where I live which, forces me to wake up early and run, disheveled and half Asleep to school to try to arrive on time.

My parents are always busy at work, so they never wake me up and my sister is on campus enjoying college life so waking up for me is a matter of life or death.

There were only about ten blocks to my house, so I felt relieved, but at that moment I blinked a couple of times and from one moment to the other I found myself inside a strange glass tube.

I was confused, but not scared since I did not know what was happening the room was completely filled with hundreds of glass tubes like the one I was.

"What is this, where am I?" I told myself I was about to start scrubbing my hands in my eyes, but when I lifted them I noticed that my hands were dark and thin with pointed fingers.

"What are these things !? Hello !? Is there anyone!?" I shouted with all my strength, but somehow I could not hear my own voice, but in my head, I could hear a very loud and clear cry, my own voice, which scared me and started hitting the glass tube repeatedly, but the glass did not showed signs that it was breaking.

"Perfect, locked up and now both hands hurt a lot." I hit the glass very hard several times, which made my hands start to hurt making me know that this had been a very bad idea.

Fortunately, the glass tube was big enough to allow me to sit down and close my eyes, thinking that it was a dream, I thought that closing my eyes for a while and then opening them would find myself at home, but again proved to be a stupid idea

Moments later I noticed that the crystal had strange symbols, symbols that I managed to recognize, symbols that were used in fantasy novels.

"¡¿Magical runes!?" I exclaimed loudly standing up and sticking my face to the glass observing the rune in a detailed way, it was the typical rune that one could find in the sleeves of fantasy, the typical circle with hundreds of letters, I could not see my own reflection since the glass of the tube was not made to reflect but to be transparent, to be able to let see what was inside it.

Looking more closely I could see that almost all the glass tubes contained a kind of creatures, monsters, including in one of them a small green humanoid which was naked.

"A Goblin, an Orc, an Elf?" I said when noticing that the tubes contained different humanoids typical of fantasy, the handsome elves, humanoids capable of reaching thousands of years of age, orcs, humanoid that loved wars and human women, and finally a goblin, the typical goblin that loves to raze with villages and raping women a very common creature, in fantasy novels, but anyway I was surprised to see one of those fantasy creatures near me, breathing and sleeping.

"It seems that the new invoke has awakened, and I am afraid that it is impossible to use it, now that I see it more closely, this is a species that I had never seen." I could hear the voice of a person who sounded disappointed.

"The Princess and the King will be furious, use a teleport and take out that creature before the Princess appears." I heard what the voice said, but I had no idea that this voice was referring to me and that they were going to get rid of me!

At that moment the glass tube began to shine, but strangely nothing happened, it turned out that the area of the tube where I had hit, had broken some of the magic circles, possibly canceling the process that was about to begin.

At that moment I managed to realize what was happening, they were about to get rid of me!.

I did not know what would happen when that light appeared again, so I began to hit the glass tube at the same point again and again, with increasing force until the tube began to show cracks, which were going away. In all directions of the glass tube.

"A little more, Just a little more!" I yelled again, giving one last blow to the tube until it collapsed, totally shattered on the ground, allowing me to leave my prison, but now the problem was finding an exit from that place.

I started running inside that huge room, but no matter how far I went, I was not able to find the exit from that place.

"So Poor, so clumsy and so weak." I heard the voice say, but decided to ignore it and try to find a way out until it finally reaches what appeared to be a strange gate that was on the ground.

I went to the gate that was on the ground, but when I tried to take it with my hands, they ignored the metal and made me fall into the hole, the fall was long until I fell into what appeared to be a groundwater system, nor I had an idea of ​​where they were taking me, but certainly anything else was better than being in that room.

I Tried to stay afloat by all possible means, but the water did not show to be one of the dangers, if not the rocks that came out of the walls, ceilings and the same floor of the cave, my body ignored all the peaks of rocks until that at some point in front of me appeared a huge whirlpool that began to suck me towards its center, my life was about to end.

Trying to swim against the current of swirling water is and was a stupid action, so I decided to close my eyes and wait for everything to end at that time.

I quickly approached the center of the whirlpool where it sucked me and began to take me to another water tunnel where I tried by all possible means to climb to the surface and try to get air, but this turned out to be useless and my consciousness began to slowly get lost.

Hello! I started to write this novel with two goals: 1st to Learn and Improve my English, because this is not my language, so the criticisms about writing are very welcome.

2: I always wanted to create a novel, so why not? I hope you enjoy reading.

I will publish as I have time available since I am constantly working.

Lukasowocreators' thoughts