
I'm a Summon!?

John is your typical shut-in. He has never once had a girlfriend, or any friends for that matter. He was getting sent off to the military to be useful in life, when his life abruptly changed. He was given the |Summon System| and sent to another world. _________________________________________ This story follows John as a powerful summon, training and fighting with his summoner.

Undead_God · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Getting stronger

It has been about five minutes since I was put in the summon space, or as I would like to call it, the void. I have been running around and jumping to increase my agility, and have been clawing the tree to increase my strength. So far I have gone up about two in agility and one in strength.

'This takes less work than I thought.'

As I was thinking that, I was pulled out of the void.

"Mother, Father, this is my summon." Alec says.

"Oh my goodness, they are adorable." The Mother says. "What gender are they?"

"They are a boy." Alec replies.

"So you managed to summon a rabbit?" the Father asks.

"Yeah, he is just a rabbit." Alec sighs.

"But he can evolve, so i have my hopes up."

"I see." The Father mutters.

"But I can be an adventurer now, because I have a summon." Alec says joyfully.

"Make sure you dont hurt yourself, alright?" His Mother tells him.

"Will do Mother."

"Alright, I will see you soon." His mother says, while giving Alec a hug.

"Goodbye Mother, Father."

"Goodbye Alec." They both say.

They start walking towards the adventurer building. "Ooh I can't wait." Alec says excitedly.

They arive at the building, and they enter.

They are hit with the sound of 30 different people talking at once.

'That is way too loud.' Both me and Alec think.

'System, would I be able to learn noise supression?'


'Oh. That sucks.'

Alec walks over to the reception area and is greeted by a woman in her 20s or 30s.

"Hi how can I help you?" She asks.

"I would like to register as an adventurer." He replies.

"Alright, just fill out this paperwork and we will see if you are qualified.

"Okay this should be easy right?" He mumbles to himself. He sets me down.

"Go explore or something while I do this, just dont get hurt or in trouble, okay?"

I start exploring the building, but I'm not finding much, only people and the quest board.

I look at the quests and see one that interests me.

-Kill 20 Fire breathing lizards outside the forest-

-Reward: 5 silver coins-

I start going back to Alec, only to be stopped by an adventurer.

"Hey little bunny, you shouldn't be in here."

He says, reaching out to grab me.