
I'm a Summon!?

John is your typical shut-in. He has never once had a girlfriend, or any friends for that matter. He was getting sent off to the military to be useful in life, when his life abruptly changed. He was given the |Summon System| and sent to another world. _________________________________________ This story follows John as a powerful summon, training and fighting with his summoner.

Undead_God · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Fighting monsters

"We are here." Alec says. I look around, and see some of the lizards. Alec sets me down.

He goes to draw his blade, and then realises something.

"I DON'T HAVE A WEAPON!" He yells.

The lizards look over at us, and start charging towards us. And these are no normal lizards. They are each about four feet tall, and varied in colour.

"Shit they're coming." Alec sighes. "I guess I'll have to punch them to death."

As he is saying that, I jump at the nearest lizard, and claw at its eye.


'Is that good?' I think. 'Well it's not important right now.'

I continue clawing at its eye.




[Critical Hit: -30]

'Oh thank god.'

Alec jumps in and starts to punch the lizard. Finally the lizard dies, and I hear a little -Ding-.

I look over to see what it is, and what was on the screen surprised me.

'I leveled up?'

'System show stats.'


[Species: Hare]


[70 HP]

[178 Agi]

[51 Def]

[79 Str]

[73 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:2]

'Invest the stat points into strength.'


[Species: Hare]


[70 HP]

[178 Agi]

[51 Def]

[81 Str]

[73 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:0]

'Stat board away.'

'So it appears if Alec kills something, I get the experience as well.'

"Well that was one of 20, 19 left." Alec says, bringing me back to my senses.

-15 minutes later-

'We have killed the rest of the 19, and I leveled up twice.'

'Stat board.'


[Species: Hare]


[90 HP]

[180 Agi]

[53 Def]

[83 Str]

[75 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:7]

'Invest 4 points in strength, 2 in defense, and one in health.'


[Species: Hare]


[100 HP]

[180 Agi]

[55 Def]

[87 Str]

[75 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:0]

Then a thought pops into my head.

'System, can I see the stats of other monsters?'


'Does it work on humans?'


'System, how much strength is one damage?'


'So in that case, I do about 17 damage?'



'System, analyze Alec.'

[Alec Selato]

[Species: Human]

[Level: 2]

[100 HP]

[75 Agi]

[55 Def]

[66 Str]

[97 Int]

'System, why is he a lower level than me?'

[The system has an implemented Experience Boost, making you level up faster]

'I see.'

"Well I should start collecting the lizard tails." Alec sighs.

Alec puts me back into the void, where I want to test something.

'System, can I simulate living beings in the space?'

[You can]

I think about the fire lizards, and they appear before me.

'This should be good enough for now.'

-30 minutes later-

'Stat board.'


[Species: Hare]


[100 HP]

[180 Agi]

[55 Def]

[100 Str]

[75 Int]

[System points:0]

[Stat points:0]

'So my strength went up by 13.'

"Stat board away."

Alec pulls me put of the void, as we are back at the adventurer building.

We go inside, and hand the tails from the lizards to the receptionist, as proof we completed the quest. She hands us back the drops, as well as a small bag.

"This is a bag of holding every adventurer is given after completing there first quest. It is to make storage of quest items easier to make quests quicker." She says.

"Alright thank you." Alec tells her.

We walk over to the quest board to see if there are any that would be easy to deal with.

'This one seems interesting.'

*Squeak squeak*

Alec looks over at me. "Whats up?"

I jump to try and grab the quest paper, but miscalculated how hard I need to jump. I fall a good 4 inches short. Alec sees what I was trying to grab, and takes the quest.

-Gather 5 Hydrolillies-

-Gather 10 Draconic Grapefruit-

-Obtain 2 Lich Wolves Fur-

-Reward : 3 Silver-

"This quest is kind of difficult. We have to kill two Lich wolves, as well as gather 10 Draconic grapefruit."

"The Hydrolillies shouldn't be too hard though, as you can find them near any body of water."

Alec reads it over again and sighs.

"Might as well, I don't see any better quests."

Alec walks back over to the reception and says "I would like to take this quest."

"Sure one second." She grabs a paper from her drawer, and hands it to us.

"Because this is a quest involving Lich Wolves, we have to have you sign a formal document, as Lich wolves are rarer nowadays, and as such people are trying to hunt them more."

Alec takes the paper, quickly reads it over, and signs at the bottom.

"Alright that should be all." The receptionist says.

Alec leaves the guild office, and walks around town for a bit, before stopping in front of a blacksmith. We enter, and are bombarded with the smell of coal and the sound of metal clashing. We hear a voice from the back.


A few seconds later, a man about 5 feet tall covered head to toe in soot appears from the back room.

"What can I do for ya?" He asks.

"I'm looking for a weapon."

"Well come on in."

We enter another room, next to the one the blacksmith came out of.

Along the walls are a variety of ever weapon you can think of. From swords to bows, sythes to iron knuckles, so on.

"Well? Pick one out would ya?"

What weapon should he have? Comment, and the most like comment is the weapon. But keep it realistic please?

Undead_Godcreators' thoughts