
Chapter 3: The Student Council Meeting

I was worried for Miguel's safety.

As far as I know, Miguel does not have any decent combat experience and there's a 30-second cooldown for his teleportation ability.

"Hey, kid..." I approached the junior. "Are you alright?"

Before I could even reach his table, He stood up and sprinted away quickly. His gift turned out to be super speed.

"Hey wait! You left your - "

Without listening to me, He exited the cafeteria's doors, He was fast. Very fast. What am I going to do with his bag now?

Everyone got back on eating their meal and minding their own business after the boy left while I'm still being bothered by the thought of Miguel being alone with a super-powered bully.


After a while, I reached the middle of the school's hallway. Break time is nearing its end and I still can't find Miguel after looking all over the school's facilities and after bringing the poor boy's bag to the lost and found.

There's nothing I could think of where he has gone.

"Just where exactly are you..." I was even more worried at this point

I was on the verge of going to the guidance office to report his disappearance when I heard the loud footsteps of someone that is going down the stairs of the second floor.

"I'm okay." He approached me

I was relieved when I saw who it is. It was Miguel. But his short well-groomed hair earlier is now messy while his right side of his face had a small black eye.

"Whoa!" I approached him immediately. "He did hit you really good."

"It's not from him..." He chuckled making me more confused. "It's from the girls."

Huh? From the girls?

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It's a long story..." He replied

We then headed into our Valiance class which is the main curriculum and the last 5-hour period here in our school.

As we walk our way to our class, Miguel told me everything that had happened to him, to the bully, and also, the story behind his black eye.

So it turns out, he had accidentally teleported the bully and himself to the lady's locker room in which they both had their asses kicked.

"Teleportation via cognitive function..." I chuckled as we entered the classroom. "That's what you get for often fantasizing about what goes on inside the lady's locker room."

"I guess you're right," Miguel made a smug grin. "But it was worth it."

"You're such a pervert." I scolded him

We reached our classroom and picked our seats in the back row as others had just arrived as well. Our teacher soon arrived too and our five-hour class about heroism and bravery finally began.


After our class, Me and Miguel finally headed to the Student Council Office to attend the meeting.

"Do I really have to come?" I whined along the way. "I'm just a volunteer member."

Miguel let out a deep sigh before responding to me.

"I encouraged you to join us because you need to overcome that introversion of yours." He replied

I went silent and the conversation died out for a while.

"Actually," Miguel stopped in his tracks. "You've already gone better on socializing with people."

"You think so?" I was happy to hear him.

"Yeah. I noticed that you're not twitching anymore." He replied

Huh. Come to think of it, I stopped twitching ever since I became the peace officer of the Student Council.

"Oh! That reminds me," Miguel realized. "I found this new sweet 'cultured' work of art last night..."

After a little bit of chit-chat about the lewd treasures that Miguel had found, we finally reached the student council's office where all the members are probably already inside, waiting for us.

"Sorry if we're late," Miguel apologized as he closed the door behind us after we entered the room. "I had to have my eye check on the clinic."

The student council office was not too shabby. If anything it's spacious and fancier than I anticipated.

Our fellow members are currently sitting on the comfy-looking cushioned couches.

It was Beatrice and Audrey, Each dressed in their school uniforms.

"What happened?" Our attractive and resolute president asked Miguel in a concerned tone

Miguel soon told her the funny story about his blackeye as I thank god for having fewer people to communicate with right now.

There are actually eight of us student council members. I don't know where are the others right now but I'm relieved that they are not here.

"Where are the others?" Miguel asked Beatrice

"They have club activities." Audrey butted in.

Miguel and I then took a seat on the couch, facing Audrey and Beatrice.

"So..." Miguel muttered as the girls paid attention to him. "Are we going to do this meeting formally? or..."

"We should go straight to the point." Audrey suggested

"I second the motion." Beatrice said which made Miguel and Audrey laugh.

Our president is fun to have around, For a rich kid, She's not spoiled and bratty. She's too socially inclined to people regardless of their social status. That's why she's popular here in our school.

Putting the fun aside, Beatrice fixed herself and began carrying out the meeting's agenda.

"As you all know, Here in the Eastern Hero Institute we have strict rules to follow under the Government's policies." She stated

She continues to explain that our Government strictly monitors the activities of the gifted ones which is us, the beings with awakened superficial abilities, just to keep things under control as the bureau of investigation figures out the reason why children like us suddenly got these fictional abilities in the first place.

"And you'd probably wondering why I brought the government into this meeting. It's because they're the ones who demanded a new rule for us to implement in this school." Beatrice explained which got us all intrigued.

This must be important. A new rule issued especially by the government? I wonder what rule is it.

"What does the rule says?" Audrey asked

"I bet it's something important." Miguel said

We all paid attention to our dear president as she carried out the rule's info.

"The students in our school will not be allowed in any circumstances to form or join private fraternities, notorious crime groups, and gangs." She stated

So that's what the rule is.

"I guess the government themselves are scared by the thought of future generation of criminals that has superhuman abilities that also has the potential of costing innocent lives and mass destruction." Audrey commented

"Indeed." Beatrice said

"Well, Um..." Miguel muttered something

"What is it Miguel?" Beatrice asked him

Miguel looked back at her with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"That's awkward..." He says "The troublesome guy earlier told me that he was going to get help from his brothers to get back for what Blue and I did to him."

"Wait. You mean there's already a fraternity in our school?" Audrey was shocked and so am I

"Unfortunately," Miguel scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. And they're all coming for me and Blue."

I shuddered after hearing him.

This isn't happening! I just saved a kid from being bullied, Shouldn't I be getting a reward for doing something good? Then why the hell did I became a target by an entire fraternity?

"Hey, Blue?" A melodious silky voice called for my name.

I looked right where it came from and saw that it was from our beloved president. She was smiling at me...

"I heard that you stood up against bullying," She looked at Miguel before turning her gaze back to me. "That's so kind of you, Peace Officer."

The school's idol just complimented a nobody like me...I must not mess up my gratitude for her words.

"It-its...Nothing..." Damn, I stuttered...But I did it!

"Keep up the good work." She playfully said after giving me a gentle smile once again

I had a feeling that she just wants me to relax and forget about the whole fraternity that is going to beat me up. It is working though, not gonna lie.

We proceeded with the meeting afterward. Audrey gave some suggestions that might lessen the risk of students joining shady organizations.

"Okay." Our president stood up. "That concludes our student meeting. Is there anything else you guys wanted to add before we leave?"

She received no response from Miguel and me.

"There's nothing else, President." Audrey replied for us.

"Well then," Our president gazed at the wall-clock and looked at the time. "Our meeting is adjourned. See you all tomorrow."

It's already 5 p.m., I have a shift at the grocery mart at 7 p.m. so I still have time to go home and take a nice warm bath.

We all got up from the couch and started tidying up the office a little bit before we decided to leave. Audrey swept the floors, Beatrice closed the windows, and Miguel and I turned off every appliance inside.

"Phew!" Miguel sighed "All clean, Time to go to the dorm."

We soon headed for the door, about to leave when all of a sudden...

"Huh?" Audrey showed a face of confusion as she's about to twist the doorknob.

"What's wrong?" Beatrice asked her

"The door won't open!" She said as she repeatedly turned the doorknob aggressively

We're locked inside?

Miguel was about to help Audrey to open the door but suddenly,


"What was that?" Our president asked

We turned around after hearing that glass-shattering sound. Behind us was a broken window and the cause of it was on the floor.

It was a hard round object covered in yellow paper. Miguel went to pick it up only to find out that it was a letter.

And if there's something I'm sure about this letter, Is that it bears no good news.

Sorry for not updating for so long, and also thank you for waiting XD

RenPenRencreators' thoughts