
Chapt. 1

Sometimes while we are walking along the road we will encounter different things and different people.

Different people definitely have different mindset, some people will sympathize and some will not.

Like for example last week while looking out of the jeepney's window I saw a group of old men and women dancing zumba they were surrounded by people watching them, some are young people laughing at them, some are old people too but they were just standing on the side some are crossing their arms as if judging their performance, and some were just passer-by.

I was thinking back then those people are awesome, they don't get shy or embarass just because people were watching they just keep dancing. At that moment of thinking I know that learned something, like just because people have different thoughts about you doesn't mean you need to stop, instead show them what you have and what you can do.

Well easier said than done, I know that and right now I'm still working on how can I step forward without them saying anything about me and where should my goal be.

I sometimes envy the kids or the younger ones because they do know what they want, while me on the other hand have no idea. That is right I have no goal or inspiration or what I want in life a typical boring person. You may ask 'then aren't you writing a novel right now?' the answer is I just want to teach some life lesson to those who thinks they are the most problematic or hopeless person but I guess my purpose won't matter 'cause I just remember that life experience is the best teacher.

I once had a dream when I was 5 years old to become an Astronaut like Armstrong, then when I was in grade 2 I suddenly want to become a Doctor, when I was grade 4 I want to become an Artist, when I was grade 6 I want to become a Teacher and when I was in High School I want to become a Entreprenuer. Everything stop there or should I say my life stop there. While growing up not every child will have a smooth life and loving environment and I happened to be one of not so fortunate and unfortunate. I'm fortunate that the people who guided me while growing-up were responsible adult, and unfortunate because I had had to mature earlier 'cause of circumstances. I learned a lot about the reality of life at the early age and everything became nothing to me even my dreams vanish. When I graduated I lost my way for 6 years maybe because I want to try something new, I want some changes oe I want to know what I really want. In that 6 years I learned a lot from the lives of different people around me, some are succesfull while some aren't, some are competiting for favor that sometimes 'causes a fight and some doesn't care. In those 6 years it really open my eyes, even in family money 'causes a lot of conflict, betrayals and can also gain favor, only few people won't care about money but majority cares. The dreams I'm looking for vanish, my mindset change with the idea that only I care.

I don't have a dream anymore I can't see myself on anything. I don't know if losing my way for 6 years was a blessing or the opposite. Although I learned a lot of a negative kind of character of people, personality, or life experience it also gave me a advantage of knowing who I better be with.

Although I don't have a dream anymore, I have a goal in life, it may sound so dull and boring but I only want to have a stable income with a day-off in a week and also have my own house. That's it, if you're gonna ask me what kind of work I want I don't really care much as long as it's legal and doesn't take too much time.

As simple as that. People comes and goes in our life just to teach us a life lesson. Thankfully although I lost my way once I didn't regret it, 'cause I learned a lot not everything are negative some are positive like no matter what kind of a person you are as long as you're a family they will welcome you with open arms they might scold you but that's your punishment meaning you did something wrong, and it also proves that blood is thicker than water.

Being easy-going is my to go. So after decades of story my life started to move again. I found myself and learned that loving yourself is better than falling inlove. And falling inlove is scary.

Don't you agree with me? Falling inlove is scary I didn't see that coming to me before no matter how much mature I am. And because of that I became careless I became different person, it was shocking to the point I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it although I had had a lot of happy moments that times but it still scary, I can't imagine myself having a second time.

We are like a fools when inlove and maybe it is also the reason why some people want to be inlove. Because love can be your fuel and you won't care about anything as long as it's for love.

Becarefull guys.

Love is like a woman beautifull and fascinating but still scary.