
I'm A Hitman Reincarnated Into a Knight

In the world of mafia where danger is everywhere. There are three best hitmen known in the mafia world and one of them is known as 'Reaper' but no one knows her real name. One day while meeting a client, the woman got betrayed and when she thought she was about to die she woke up in an unfamiliar place 'where the hell am i??'. She got reincarnated as Ren the daughter of a Marquess. The art on the cover is not mine. ctto

Arseru · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Selena Stellar?

Today is just another normal day for Ren. Looking around the garden while sipping tea 'Ah...I hope this peaceful time last longer' she said to herself while picking up a biscuit.

When Ren was just about to bite her biscuit Ain came to her side "Young master Ren, Sir wanted to inform you that your father is seeking for your presence for an important matter".

Ren who had an open mouth and was ready to eat the biscuit "...". She sighed and looked lazily outside "Alright, I guess i'll go to him now?" Ren ate the biscuit before going.

While walking in the long hallway Ren thought that it's been so long since she and her father had a conversation. It's not like she hates talking to her father but if her father called her like this, surely he'll ask something like before when Leo's about to visit.

Ren opened the door of her father's personal office. When she entered, she saw her father with glasses in his eyes, holding and reading papers. There are tall stack of papers on the table 'poor guy...' Ren thought to herself.

"Father" When Ren called her father, he looked up to see her daughter who looks just like her. "Ren, have sit" Ren nodded and sit on the sofa.

Ren's father put down the papers that he is holding and removed his glasses. "Today i called you for something".

'I knew it' Ren thought to herself and waited for her father to continue. "Tomorrow, Duke Beckham's son will come here again but he is coming with his fiance so i want you to entertain them again, is that okay with you Ren?"

Ren blinked twice 'It seems like Leo have a fiance already huh?' she wondered how does it feels like to have a fiance?

Ren isn't really shocked about this. From what she learned, most kids when they reached ten years old will have their own fiance that's arranged by their own parents, whether they did it for political purposes or just out of interest. What surprises Ren was that, same sex marriage is accepted here in this kingdom and it wouldn't be weird to see a couple with the same sex. Ren doesn't have prejudice towards homosexual relationships and she thinks that it was alright, She's also close with sweet male couples in the training grounds.

Replying to her father's request "I'll do my best to not disappoint father". Ren's father nodded and smiled gently to her response.

"Alright, you may go and rest now" her father said as he wears his glasses again. "Thank you father" Ren stood up and was about to leave but saw the lonely expression on his father's face "Is there anything wrong father?" Ren said with slight worry on her face.

Ren's father thought for a moment "Mhm...Well...I've been busy lately with many things and i miss being with you and your mom..." he sighed as he wanted to see his beloved wife. Ren made an 'oh' sound "Then father, can the three of us go out once you have a free time?". her father smiled and nodded "Okay, i want that".

- × - × - × - × - × -

Inside the big and luxurious room, a girl with silver bluish hair is reading a book. She lifted the page to see the next page. when she blinked her azure blue eyes, her long and beautiful eyelashes couldn't help but flatter slightly.

It was quiet and peaceful inside the room, there was an atmosphere that'll make you sleepy. Ren yawned as she finished reading the book. She stood up and put the book back on the shelf.

Ren strectched her body then a knock sounded at the door. "Hmm? Come in". The door opened and the one who opened the door was Ain "Young master Ren, the visitors have arrived". Ren nodded her head while looking at the girl "Alright, accompany me to them".

Ren walked towards the room where Leo is located. When she got there she saw Leo talking to a girl who's wearing a cute pink dress. Leo turned his head and saw Ren "Ren! Ahaha come here!"

Ren slightly laughed and approached the two "It's been a while Leo". Leo nodded "yeah yeah~ by the way i came with someone" he looked at the cute girl and said "This is my fiance".

The girl looked at the two as if they're an eyesore "Hmph" the girl looked away a bit irritated. 'what an attitude...' Ren thought.

Ren didn't know what's her deal but she decided to smile gently "Good day milady, My name is Ren Lenxington. Can i know the lady's name?" Ren said with a palm on her chest.

The girl looked at Ren then rolled her eyes, she pinched a part of her skirt and bowed elegantly "Pardon my rudeness, I am the daughter of Count Stellar, Selena Stellar" she said while forcing a smile on her face.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Leo asked looking at Ren. "Whatever you guys want"Ren replied to Leo.

"Hmm...Can we go to the training grounds??" Leo said with enthusiasm. Ren looked at Selena who's silently watching Leo "How about you lady Selena, do you want to go?". Selena think for a moment and nodded.

- × - × - × - × - × -

When they reached the training grounds, Leo rushed to the instructor who teached them last time. "Instructor it's been a while!" Looking at Leo running, Ren was left with Selena.

It was very awkward but Ren's the first one who broke the silence "So uhm lady Selena, do you also train swordsmanship?".

Selena shook her head and kept on watching Leo from afar. "You're not interested?" Ren blinked twice.

Selena took a deep breath and looked at Ren "My parents think that it was too dangerous for me so they didn't allow me to". Ren nodded to her answer "Then do you want to try while you're here?"

"I don't know anything about swordsmanship..." Selena looked down feeling a bit embarrassed. Ren thought for a moment then smiled "Then, what do you think about me teaching you some?"

Selena looked up and stared at Ren for a while then replied "W-well since you insist on teaching me, i guess i'll give it a try?". Ren didn't know how to reply so she just nodded while smiling "It's not like i want to train or anything okay??".

'I don't really know what this girl's deal' Ren thought and sighed secretly. "Yes yes" Ren shook her head and laughed slightly.

"What are you laughing at??" Selena glared at Ren. "Uhm nothing?" She replied. Ren took two wooden swords then she gave one to Selena.

"First you needed to do a proper stance, each style of swordsmanship have different stance. Well i have my own stance?" The stance that Ren was talking about was the stance that she learned from her past life.

"I guess you'll need to a change of clothes first, your current outfit isn't suited for training" Ren called Ain and told her to get a training clothes that suited Selena's size. After a while, Ain arrived with the clothes and handed it to Selena.

Selena finished changing her clothes and was holding a wooden sword. The training clothes fitted just right on Selena. "Then, shall we get started?"

Selena nodded while listening to Ren carefully. "For now, try to copy my stance" she did the stance and Selena tried to copy her. "Hmm...Close but not quite" Ren helped Selena fix her stance and after a while she knew how to do it properly.

"Mhm" Ren nodded and smiled "Now try swinging your sword". Selena did as she told "Hmm...Your movements is a bit stiff" Ren held Selena's hand and guide her on how to swing her sword "like that".

"Ohh" Selena slightly widened her eyes in amazement and nodded. Ren smiled "Now try to do it again properly this time" Selena nodded and looked forward so that she can concentrate on her swing.

"You're a fast learner lady Selena" Ren clapped her hand three times in satisfaction and nodded. "Now that you know the proper stance and how to swing your sword properly...Swing your sword a hundred times and try to keep your stance properly even the way you swing".

Selena did as she told but when she reached the fortieth swing, she felt pain in her shoulders but she kept on swinging "stop" Ren said. Your swings are becoming sloppier, try again and start from the beginning".

"WHAT?!" Selena shouted then Ren looked at Selena with a serious look "If you want to learn swordsmanship you needed to practice it and do it properly. How will you master it if you made yourself do it in the wrong way from time to time? I want you to do it properly so that your body will get used to it and your muscles will remember the proper movements"

Selena bit her lower lip and nodded "I understand" Ren looked at the girls eyes and can see a resolute resolve and burning passion, she smiled "Then let's get started shall we?"

The practice lasted for 2 hours and after that Selena is drenched in sweat while panting heavily. Ren handed her water and a face towel "You did well lady Selena".

Selena drinked the water and wiped her face. "Thank you uhm...Lenxington?" Ren shook her head "Just call me Ren lady Selena". Selena nodded while still trying to catch her breath "Then just call me Selena too". Ren blinked twice and nodded while she's smiling "Got it".

"Say Selena...You like Leo right?" Ren was looking at Selena with a slightly teasing look and her lips were grinning.

Selena turned Red when the other person asked a sudden question "H-huh? Me?? Like him?! P-pfft please stop joking Ren".

Ren laughed softly looking at the flustered Selena "Alright alright, i'll stop now". Selena was puffing her cheeks and was annoyed with Ren so she started hitting her lightly while Ren kept on laughing.

"What are you guys talking about? Can i join?" As the two we're talking, Leo just suddenly appeared like a mushroom.

Selena's face turned into a ripe tomato as she saw Leo "Nothing you idiot!" Selena ran away as fast as she could, on the other hand Leo was dumbfounded and pointed at himself "I'm an idiot?..." Leo just stared blankly into the space.

'What an interesting couple' Ren thought to herself and chuckled.

- × - × - × - × - × -

It was already time for Leo and Selena to leave so Ren send them off. "Here have this Selena" Ren gave Selena a small container.

"What's this?" Selena stared at the container and opened it. "That's an ointment, I'm sure you'll have body pain later or tomorrow because of the training so put some when you got home". Selena made an 'Ohh' sound and nodded while smiling slightly "Thank you Ren". Ren shook her head "No problem and you're welcome".

Leo and Selena entered the carriage then it started to head off. inside the carriage while Selena is looking outside Leo sipped his tea and looked at Selena "So what do you think of Ren?" Leo was looking at Selena while smiling, looking at the two of them earlier, it seems like they've become friends.

Selena was actually a sheltered girl and doesn't have friends her age, even the maids or servants in their estate weren't really close with her. Leo was the first person she considered as a friend and a person she's close with.

Selena looked at Leo calmly "Well i think that he's a kind and caring boy". Hearing Selena's words, Leo couldn't help but choke on his tea.

"Are you okay?" Selena asked worriedly while looking at Leo. Leo kept on coughing but after that he calmed down, he laughed.

"I'm okay don't worry it's just that- did you just mistaken Ren as a boy?" Selena slightly tilted her head to the side, confused "What do you mean?"

Leo laughed for the last time and wiped his tears "Well Ren might look handsome but Ren is a girl".

"Eh??" Selena was so shocked from what she heard. "Sorry, i think i forgot to inform you about it".

The carriage remained silent until they've reached their destination.

- × - × - × - × - × -

Did you guys thought that Selena will be Ren's love interest? Well sorry to disappoint you but no- but what do you think?

[Small Interaction Between Selena and Author]

Author who was very enthusiastic today had an announcement to the characters "Guys! i thought of a new story what do you think?? should i start writing it??" The author looked at everyone with beaming eyes.

"Stupid author! finish your current story first before writing a new one! Hmph!" The one who confronted the author was Selena.

"Alright i apologize" :'3

Sorry if it took me a long time to update today, me and my mom went to the salon today so yeah and thank you for understanding :'3!

Arserucreators' thoughts