
I'm a Harry Potter Wizard and I Ended Up in Hero World!

I was once a normal guy. Then I died and became the greatest wizard of my new world and got ostracized by morons because they are morons. Now I am in a world that has superheroes but somehow managed to convince themselves that leaving Nazis alive is smart. I got a lot of work to do. Warnings: •Superhero Crossover based on Worm •Every canon material can suck it •Harem •Morally a bit weird MC(he might enslave people or he might help kittens get off from trees) •OP MC(Harry Potter magic taken to the illogical extreme)

EgyptianDio · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 16

I had to admit, Whirlygig's powers may have been lame as hell due to how weak they were, but they actually had some amount of use.

As in all the trash she had circling around her intercepted my stunning charm, who could have thought trash tornado could be useful?

"I don't know who the hell you are, you limp dicked bastard, but you are gonna pay for this!" The druggie woman yelled as she started to run towards me, her trash cyclone moving along with her.

It was kind of a mesmerizing sight. Sure it was made out of trash and was ugly but there was something that was also strangely beautiful about it.

But nothing about it that would protect its user from a electrical shock.

"Inpulsa!" Arcs of electricity flew from my fingers and then connected themselves with unkempt druggie. After a second, I couldn't help myself and started laughing.

"Unlimited Power!" I kept the electro shock for a few more seconds, making sure that she wouldn't be able to do anything, before I walked up to Whirlygig's twitching body.

"Just so you know, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the contributions you will help me make in the name of advancement." I said with a smile and hit her with a stunning spell, finally allowing her to get some rest from her pain.

"Now then…" I started to lower myself in order to pick her up before my instinct screamed at me and I jumped, narrowly avoiding a yellow and white colored blur that had almost slammed into me.

"I don't know who you are creep, but you are going down!" The blur that actually had been a human said as she hovered above the ground with her hands on her hips while her blond hair billowed with wind.

So this was Glory Girl.


Victoria Dallon was a simple girl slash superhero. She hated bad guys and she punched people she hated. Unfortunately, she had a less than flattering track record of destroying her surroundings whenever she tried to do that but it felt like today was her day.

Because the bad guy had already trashed their surroundings so she couldn't actually destroy it while trying to hit him!

"Now now, trying to tackle me like that is quite rude you know. At the very least buy me a dinner and give me your password for your bank account." The masked weirdo said as he looked at her. A talker, great, they were always the most annoying out of the guys she had to punch.

"Or we can just skip through all of those and throw you in prison!" She yelled as she flew at him with her fist raised high. Which he side stepped away from.

"Now that's quite a declaration. What about me makes you think that I belong in a prison?"

"The burnt corpses around you and what you were about to do to Whirlygig!" She yelled as she kept trying to hit him.

"I'll have you know that these gentlemen were burnt before I came here, and I was just helping up a lady on the ground. Isn't that the kind of thing heroes do? Thank me for doing your job!" He yelled as he dodged her latest attack and punched her in the stomach, sending her flying away.

"Now then, now that we are done with trying to punch each other, can we finally talk like civilized beings?" He said with his arms spread out like he was waiting for a hug. Victoria allowed him to talk as it allowed her the precious second she needed to recharge her forcefield after it had been brought down by his punch, meaning that he was at least a tier three brute.

"Or we can do this!" She yelled as she flew at him as fast as she could and finally landed a proper punch to his... hand?

As she realized that the bastard had caught her fist, she tried to punch him with her other hand but it was caught as well.

"This will end up with you in prison, so can we just end this already?!" Victoria yelled at him with a smirk which turned into a frown when she saw that he was snickering.

"What's so funny, asshole?"

"Your panties are showing."

With wide eyes, Victoria's gaze went downwards and then it snapped upwards as her chin met the bastard's knee.

"Can't believe you fell for that!" And now the bastard was laughing, great.

She really didn't want to admit it, but she probably should have brought at least one more person with her. Maybe her cousin Crystal or even Gallant, cause she was starting to get tired and felt more and more like the bastard was just playing with her.

A feeling that intensified rather immensely when he did a spin and then kicked her in the stomach, sending her to a building with all the pain from getting kicked by a brute without her forcefield, which was a lot.

When she slammed into the wall of the building, she expected debris to fly around her as the impact of her landing destroyed the wall but that didn't happen. Instead she felt like she had just fell into something like a quicksand, like she was being swallowed by the wall. She tried to get back to the fight but her limbs wouldn't obey her. Almost like there was some sort of invisible pressure on them and as she looked around, she realized why.

Her arms and legs were inside the wall! The wall had actually swallowed her!

"Whelp, that ends that." The bastard said with a nod as he got closer to her while she tried to look around for his accomplice. There had to be one, no way he could be a brute and control a wall at the same time. Some people may have more than one power that may look very different from each other but they all followed a certain theme. This wasn't like that.

"Who the hell are you?!" She yelled as she struggled, how the hell was mere stone holding her anyway.

"Oh yeah I didn't give my name, sorry, that was very rude. I am Oberon." He said with a mock bow before going back to the side of Whirlygig and put her over his shoulder.

"Anyway, gotta go now. But we had fun right?" He said with a smile that she responded with a growl and more struggles.

"Well, maybe a smidge more fun for me. Anyway, be a good girl. Finish your homework and be in bed by night. And hey..." He walked up to her with the unconscious woman on his shoulder and squeezed her cheeks.

"...please tell the rest of your team that I said, hello." And then he vanished with Whirlygig, leaving her trapped in the wall.