
I'm A God, not a Mage

"I am above the level of inferior insects like you. BEGONE". I really hope this could become a comic. or manhua or manhwa. I will do my very best to live up to expectations. if chapter 0 gets a good review I'll continue the book.

Ernest_Critic · Fantasie
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2 Chs


I gazed down at the millions of stars that decorated the sole of my feet and merged with the hems of my trench coat. I could end multiple galaxies with a sweep of my arm. I could create supernovas with just a thought. Yet, I was going to die from a measly poison.

I coughed out ichor as I staggered to my throne at the far end of the Hall of Umbra—a circular chamber where the four great deities of the void assembled. The light of the gold-encrusted walls dimmed and brightened. I had lived for millennia and now it will all come to an end.

"Do you feel alright, my friend?", Deimos asked as a smile grew on his cruel thin lips. His pale skin had a faint glow beneath his star embroidered robes. He raised his arm and a five feet staff of pure orichalcum materialized.

" Here. Let me assist you", he sneered as he shot a beam of white-hot light in my direction.

I raised an arm and the superheated beam slammed into a wall of blue light.

"You!", I yelled, leveling a finger at my best friend.

A blue mini sun burst from my finger and hurtled towards Deimos. He quickly encased himself in a cocoon of brilliant golden light. Just before my attack could hit its target, a figure darted into its trajectory and stopped it with his hands.

My heart lurched as I recognized my brother. "Ezra! Why? You too?", I screamed, my thoughts roiling in confusion.

" I am sorry, Aasir. Your powers have warranted our fear. No master of Umbra should be stronger than the other. But you are an exception. You could easily take us all on with your full power. You have to go. If you are reincarnated we pray you remember this lesson."

"What are you talking about? You know I would never betray you. Why do this to me?", I asked as my tears washed down my face.

Why was this happening? The eyes of Ezra were cold and calculating. He was the deity of battle strength and strategy. I needed to run.

" Don't try teleporting. The hall has been sealed with nebula magic. You can't escape.", a soft voice advised. No. It couldn't be. There was no mistaking the sun-colored hair or that beauty. The temptress herself, Irenalva, the deity of witchcraft and beauty was part of this too.

I gasped and fell on my knees as a wrenching feeling tore through my gut. How had I not noticed their ill intent? Irenalva approached me, her swaying hips visible beneath her provocative purple robe. With my strength as it is, against these three I couldn't win. They approached leisurely their eyes burning with the pleasure of me writhing in pain from the effects of the poison. Ezra raised an arm and his firmament, a constellation sword emerged.

"Brother, please", I uttered as the blade swung in an arc and then... darkness.


I sat up quickly in a narrow run-down alley. The smell was horrible and my body hurt. I wondered where I was. The sound of voices rang across the air. I stood up with my arms on the brick wall of a building and gazed up at the grey sky. My eyes squeezed with determination.

" I swear I shall pay the three back a thousand folds", I swore, my hands balled into tight fists.