
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

theogbasilisk · Anime und Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 11: Interlude and Meetings

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 11: Interlude and Meetings


- Felix -

Once I arrive at the Conference Room, I take the seat at the head of the table as I wait for Saeko to arrive with Carrion.

The Conference Room itself is incredibly luxurious, it's got a fancy carpet, a nice round wood table that releases a pleasant woodsy aroma. The table can comfortably accommodate about a dozen people, and the chairs surrounding the table are also incredibly luxurious. 

Clayman really did enjoy the finer things in life, not that I don't enjoy them as well.

There is a nice fireplace located to the side, along with a special magic artifact that weakens the will of everyone in the room. Of course if you are strong enough you can brush it off, but against weaker people, it can prove deadly in a negotiation.

I decided to leave it there.

I hear a knock on the door, "Come in."

The door opens to reveal Saeko, Carrion, and Suphia. At least I think that's her name.

She's gotten decently stronger since the last time I saw her, at least she hasn't been slacking.

"I have completed your order Felix-sama!"

"I can see that, thank you Saeko." Hearing my thanks, Saeko takes her place behind me as she beams proudly.

That girl is way too easy to make happy.

"Sup boss, I am here to learn what you expect from me as your subordinate. I brought Suphia along as well since she wanted to see you, along with something else which we can talk about a little later."

I gave Suphia a short nod as she bows to me.

"I see, take a seat Carrion, you too Suphia."

I wait for them to be seated before I begin talking, "Since you decided to serve me Carrion, there are a few things I want from you. First off, I want the ability to command your military in circumstances where I think it is necessary. Of course I might also order you to accomplish certain tasks as well. I would also like for you to give me 5,000 or so of your men seeing as I don't currently have an army. Of course I also want an alliance between our two countries, I don't see a reason to make Eurazania into a vassal state either."

This might seem like I'm asking for a lot, but I'm really not, Carrion is effectively my subordinate now, he should be doing what I tell him to regardless. I'm trying to make sure I don't take too much from him, I do still want to keep him happy after all.

His military is incredibly large, to the level where 5,000 is almost nothing. I don't plan to command his military very often either, I just want to make sure that he understands that I have the power to do so if I desire.

I will also have Megumin train up the soldiers and make sure they are loyal.

Overall, my terms aren't terrible, especially since he is getting my protection, I don't mean to brag but I'm really strong now so he is getting quite a lot from my protection alone.

Plus I want to get my own little revenge on him for not talking to me first about becoming my subordinate.

But I also don't want him to regret swearing allegiance to me, I guess I'm prideful like that.

I observe Carrion's facial expressions as he considers my requirements, he doesn't seem to be all that surprised by my demands, he likely expected them seeing as he is a ruler as well.

5,000 soldiers might not seem like all that much when compared to Eurazania's massive population, but it needs to be kept in mind that a healthy Lycanthrope is generally around A- ranked at the very least when going all out.

"Alright Boss, I can do that, Suphia already wanted to come and serve you so I can send her along with some men for you to start your military off with. You left quite the impression on her the last time you visited hahaha."

I ignore the blushing Suphia as I wait for Carrion to continue, "The only thing I wish for is your protection, seeing as I am no longer a Demon Lord some other nations might try and test their luck." 

I was already planning to do that, "Alright, I can do that."

Hmm, should I name him?

No, I don't think I will, he has the potential to evolve into a True Demon Lord, if I name him he won't be able to evolve until Odin comes up with the ability to bypass that restriction.

I don't really need to worry about Carrion's loyalty, his pride won't let him betray me. Plus, he's weak, if he does betray me I won't let my personal feelings get in the way of killing him.

'Notice. A method of artificially inducing the Harvest Festival has been devised. The process involves ten times as many souls as a normal Harvest Festival, and is done by using Beelzebuth to break down the souls into pure energy, then transferring it to the individual in question. As a result, a Harvest Festival-like phenomenon is created, with the target individual undergoing an Awakening Evolution, making them an existence equivalent to Demon Lords.'

'Huh? When did you come up with this Odin?' 

'Notice. A solution was created the moment the Master desired it.'

'And why didn't you tell me earlier?'

'This information was not necessary at the time.'

'That's… fair, in the future tell me whenever you come up with a solution to a problem I'm having, don't wait. Got it?'


'Why do you sound sulky?'

'It's just the Master's imagination.'

'Sure it is, whatever.'

Still, 100,000 souls, that's a lot. I have no clue how I can go about getting that many souls, I may be a Daemon, but even I'm not comfortable going around massacring hundreds of thousands of people.

Maybe I can find a method of artificially creating souls in another world?

Definitely something I need to explore in the future.

Oh well, that's future me's problem, fuck past me, that guy always hands over his issues to me. Future me is a savior though, I can always trust him to come up with a solution to my problems, and if all else fails I have Odin.

'Isn't that right Odin?'

'Affirmative, I will always endeavor to be useful to the Master, no matter what.'

'Thanks Odin, it always fills me with relief knowing I have an overpowered conceptual intelligence to count on.'

Though Odin can probably blow the AI's from both my past life's movies out of the park.

'Correct, Odin is by far the most superior skill for the Master, far more suitable than even Raphael.'

'Huh? It's almost like you have a rivalry with Raphael. It's amusing to consider that you and Raphael could be communicating about who is better, or better yet who's host is better.'

Truly, anime cliches have infected me like a virus.

'It is just the Master's imagination, the Master should pay attention to his surroundings.'

Ah, that's right, still gotta deal with Carrion, thankfully Thought Acceleration made it so I didn't look like I was spacing out, that would be rude.

I turn towards Suphia, "If you have decided that you wish to serve me, then I'll have Saeko show you to a room, and show you around."

Suphia gave me a bow and said, "Thanks Boss! I won't disappoint you!"

I give her a nod then turn towards Saeko who says, "Would you like me to show her around now, Felix-sama?"

"I would appreciate that Saeko, thanks!"

I wait for Saeko and Suphia to leave before I continue to talk to Carrion.

He ended up informing me about all the intricate details about his country, our conversation ended up finishing around dinner time so I gave Carrion a room for the night, after which I decided to go to bed as well.

I don't particularly need sleep, I sure as hell do like it though.

As I'm walking to the master bedroom I ponder on what tasks I have to get done, I need to sort out the Dragon's that Raiden is going to bring, sort out the Daemons Arcueid is going to bring, I'll probably have to tame the Primordial that Arcueid is bringing along. 

Those Primordials can be quite prideful, though it makes sense.

Hopefully she isn't a handful, I'm already having trouble curbing Megumin's more destructive tendencies.

Oh well, she's hot so a lot can be excused.

No matter what anyone tells you, looks do matter.

Then I also need to sort out the Lycantharope's Carrion is sending, Kurumi should be capable of leading them, I can put Suphia under her command as well. Kurumi doesn't have much experience, but she is strong and has a good head on her shoulders.

Hmm, I also need more maids, this castle is huge, far too big for Raiden on her own to manage, maybe I'll have Raiden pick out some people she can train to be maids.

She's been taking this whole maid thing super seriously so she will probably pick the best of the best.

Once I got to my room I quickly changed into my sleepwear, if I'm rich I might as well live in luxury right?

I grin as I go through my closet, I may not need clothing as I can just make clothes with Material Creation, but I sure do like having extra clothes.

I had Shuna make me a bunch of outfits, from casual wear, to formal wear, I even got a fancy coat made from Dragon Skin made.

As I am getting ready for bed I hear a knock on the door.

Ah, it seems Saeko needs something.

"Come in Saeko."

I turn to look at her and notice she is still in her purple secretary outfit, she must have just finished showing Suphia around.

She took longer than I thought.

"Did you just finish showing Suphia around?"

"Yes Felix-sama! But that pesky tiger was getting cocky so I had to show her her place!"

Ugh, did they really fight?

I don't always know what's going on in my territory as I usually leave the management of my Universal Sense to Odin, who I trust to let me know if anything is happening that requires my attention.

I guess technically this didn't need my attention.

'But I'd still like a warning next time Odin!'


'Now you're going all silent?'

I stare at Saeko with half lidded eyes, "At least tell me no one was injured or inconvenienced."

"Of course not Felix-sama! As if that tiger could injure me."

Ugh, I wasn't worried about her getting injured, whatever, I'm sure I would have been notified if something had happened.

"Well, other than that I'm assuming everything went well?"

"Yes, I showed the tiger her quarters and showed her around the castle and territory."

"Good, thank you Saeko, I'm glad I can count on you."

I turn back towards my dresser as I continue getting ready, "Is there anything else you need?"

"U-umm Felix-sama? May I ask for a reward?"

Hmm, a reward? Well she has been a great subordinate, and a good friend too, maybe over time she could even become something more.

Well, she hasn't really ever asked for a reward before, I don't see why I shouldn't reward her, hopefully she doesn't ask me to try her cooking though.

According to Odin she can use Cook to make her dishes taste delicious, the only downside is that it still looks downright apocalyptic.

And like I said earlier, no matter what anyone else says, looks do matter.

"Sure, what do you need Saeko? I can maybe upgrade your weapon to the Legend Grade if you want?"

I hear clothes rustling and turn around to take a look.


So that's what she meant.