
I'll take care of them all four

water_melon_ · Fantasie
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50 Chs

chapter 17:

It's too early to wake the kids so i'll go shopping for some clothes, and other things, i went to my room, i changed my dress , it's so short, i don't know how i stayed in it for a whole night , i found a white cute shirt , and a long skirt, i wore long boots , and some jewelry, kin' hotel really know how to dress women , i got out of the hotel ,and went to the shops .

Not gonna lie i expected more than couple of shops , well we are in the suburbs of the capital, lets get started then, ....it's almost lunch time, let's head back i thought as i walked to the hotel, i'm holding a lot of bags , but it's totally necessaries, clothes, jewelry, snacks, scarf, coats, aren't we going to the south? Mhh, i thought as i accidentally dumped into someone, thankful, a butler, not gonna lie his abs are cool to feel , even under his clothes, he helped me with the bags ,such a sweet man, his hair looks so soft and bright , never seen someone with that hair color , hot pink, though his eye are total black, like they're dead from the inside, wait a minute, a side character with colored hair , i don't think so, who's he ?, suddenly, i got it, Lion di bell , how could i forgot, the marquis ' son , in this empire, there are two marquis houses, the black fox house or the twin's house and the bloody bat, a house of vampires , he's hobby is to act like a detective , i think around this time , he was trying to find out kin' identity , i've always enjoyed his side chapters, so he's helping me to watch kin closely, do i help him or do i sabotage, we got to kin's room we entered as the kids greeted me , " mama you're finally back ," Emilia said, " we missed you mama, " Cecilia added, such cute babies, i saw the girls smirking at the boys , the boys looked flustered,and annoyed , i greeted them but they just nodded , what happened in my absence? " Mama, what did you buy, it's for your daughters ,ain't it?." Cecilia said as i released, my daughters are annoying the boys by saying mama to me , they want to say it but afraid of rejection, i hugged them and said

"Cecilia, Emilia, don't bother you're brothers, i'm your mother, all of you can call me mama ." The girls looked a little mad , but they still hugged me and the boys back . It was a nice moment until a big shadow showed up from behind me, it's kin ," go see what i bought, " i said to the kids , as he came close and said " if you're the boys 's mama , does that make you my wife ?." " I' m not yours or anyone's , i'm mine ." I said as i cut his speech, seeing how our relationship is now ,i think he is more comfortable with me after we saved the boys , he wanted to kill me in the first meeting . Lion has left, i told the maids to prepare lunch i couldn't let my babies hungry , we were eating, except kin, when Cecilia said

" so , what do we call him now , dada?, father?, uncle? ,old man? " " Well since the boys are your brothers now , he is your father," i said before kin explodes ,

" father ? Why are you wearing a mask ?" Emilia asked when Cecilia answered, " because he is ugly , there is no other reason for that ," kin was boiling, well the girls are loaded guns when it come to hurting people mentally, one is clueless and the other means every word they say .