Sol smirked, "Is that right?"
Before Hiatch could utter a word, Sol interjected.
"No, it's wrong you old cunt." Sol began to walk to the platform.
Instead of taking the side steps he used Wind Ripple to create steps in the air to walk straight up onto the platform.
Hiatch was a little taken aback but held his ground.
"Fine. I was looking for a way to teach you a lesson anyway. You should have never joined this sect." Hiatch cracked his knuckles, unleashing a brutish aura.
The aura quickly enveloped the entire area with the Core Disciples furrowing their brows in seriousness.
Inner Disciples felt their hearts grow heavier in weight, their heads beginning to hurt from the increased amount of information suddenly flowing into them.
"Brat... I didn't become an Elder for no reason. A long time I have practiced, long distances I have travele--" Sol cut Hiatch off again.
"Traveled? You haven't even left this puny island."