Sol walked to the middle of the prison floor and sat down calmly in a lotus position.
Without any hesitation, he began to cultivate--closing his eyes.
'Reylin's bastard... how did he get this skilled?' Raith was in slight awe of the boy's speed and strength.
However, he was far more impressed by the short but explosive bout of skill that the boy showed when it came to sword fighting.
Swordfighting was not just a rare skill, but also an expensive one. It was known to be one of if not the most broad and difficult skill to master.
However, this boy seemed to have a good grasp on it at such a tender age.
'Hm... he may be suitable to be a cadet.' He mused, walking out of the dungeon after locking Sol's cell.
Raith calmly moved up the spiral stairs leading out, his iron soles clacking against the stone below.
In the middle of the stairs, he saw a man dressed in a light pink shozoku.