
I'll become a villain in my next life

"Why? I tried to help people but they just abandoned me! betrayed me! they don't want me to play hero!? then fine I'll be the villain" Those are the last words of 'Riruko Kaido' codename: Ragnarok, a level 5 Esper with the power to control matter and elements as long as has knowledge of the subject as he died from the hands of the very people he protects he was betrayed by his friends, abandoned by his lover, and sold out to the researchers by the very person he trusted...... follow Riruko Kaido as he live out his life in another world with a determination to become a villain.... will he be able to maintain his word to become a villain? or will his past personality preserve the goodness in his heart? will he be a villain or a hero? (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Fantasie
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453 Chs

Chapter 261: The War At The Bridge II

[Demon's rebel army campsite, Demon Continent]

As Kaido was thinking about the happenings from a miles away, his attention was suddenly caught when Seralyn called out it's name


Hearing that Kaido soon slowly turned his head towards her and saw Seralyn together with a armored soldier whom he never met before

But before he could ask about his identification, Seralyn however has beaten him to it

"This guy here is Marxcus, he is the only soldier affiliated with high ranking nobility, to actually raise his sword against them in order to save me, I owe a lot to him for siding with me"

"Yes just what her highness Seralyn said" bowed Marxcus


Name: Marxcus

Age: 200

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Job: Demon Soldier

Title: None

Skill: high sword mastery

Blessing: None


Upon hearing that introduction from Seralyn, Kaido's suddenly eyed Marxcus before scanning him from top to bottom

Soon after he removed his gaze away from him and stared instead towards Seralyn with a look of amusement

"So your saying that this guy betrayed the nobles that are trying to persecute you and left with you?" Asked Kaido

"Pretty much"

"Oh! How cute loyalty" chuckled Kaido as he shrugged his shoulder

After that Kaido gave the soldier a mocking gaze while he also gave the Demon Princess a disappointed gaze

"What a pity"

With that sudden mumble Seralyn tried her best to understand it's meaning

"What did you say?" She asked

"Nothing, anyway why are you approaching me? I presume that the reason you approached me because you wanted something right? Come on! Spit it!" Urged Kaido as he felt interested on what's going to happen next while keeping his eyes toward the soldier

Receiving such an urging question, Seralyn then happily said her piece

"Well first thing first is that Marxcus here was amazed at the scene where you guys were fighting against the black Knight even if it was only just a few seconds"

"And who's fault was that?" Asked Shun

"Us, we were really sorry"

Seeing that Kaido soon felt disinterested as he urged her to continue

"And with what I had said previously, he wanted to ask whether that black knight has anything like a weakness, since you four have somehow caught fighting against him and escape temporarily"

Hearing it personally from her Kaido soon turned towards Marxcus before turning towards Seralyn, this kind of action really shook her as if she couldn't comprehend why would Kaido be wary of such innocent and loyal compatriot

"You want my honest opinion?"


At that he sighed

"If I'm going to evaluate it then I suggest you to forget it, that knight is beyond your level of understanding, he is someone who wasn't afriad to die thus he threw his body towards us with a hope to atleast kill or injure some of us, in other words your too weak"

With that both Seralyn and Marxcus somehow were shocked by Kaido's reply as the latter suddenly felt humiliated as he started to step up

"What did you say? Don't think that you can just do whatever you want in here"

But instead of listening to him Kaido suddenly released his wild Mana as it weight heavily on Marxcus shoulder as Kaido replied

"You had no idea who your dealing with, please don't mistake on whom to offend next time"

Walking up to him Kaido soon tapped his shoulder as Kaido brushed past them, however before he could Seralyn tried to stop him

"Kaido-dono! Are you really serious on what you just said?" She asked

"Do you want it to hear it personally from me?"

Realizing that it was useless to do that, Seralyn soon shook her head as she sighed and calmly bowed her head before leaving

Seeing her doing that Kaido Soo. Arched up into a smile as he said

"Smart brat, she knows her boundaries"

After saying such word Kaido soon entered the tent before walking towards one of the soft couch and kicked it over as he woke them all up

"Wake up sleepy heads! We're going somewhere"


[Bridge, Demon Continent]

The sight that they saw really astounded both the mother and son Elves as the latter was seriously worried and angry as he shouted


Of course as a woman who was also affiliated with nature magic, she felt that Sui was somehow like her own family due to the similarities of attributes

With that her anger suddenly surged as she glared at the black knight

"You'll pay for what you did!!!"

As she said that two magic circles appeared on her hands as she stretched them out before slamming them towards the ground

Due to that large greet root shoots out of the forums beneath her and started  to bridged its way towards where Sui is

Seeing this Elijah suddenly felt that he knew what he need to do as he quickly jumped in and aimed at the black knight with his conjured arrow

With a pull he quickly shot it towards him at an incredible speed as it zoomed past the air

With such an attack Asuto was forced to pull out his sword from Sui's heart as he hacks down the incoming arrow into two

But Elijah wasn't finished at all as he quickly arched his back and releas d even more devastating arrow

"Starlet arrows!!!"

With that kind of spell multiple arrows shot out towards him in a cylindrical parabola angle shots as it headed and aimed at him

Upon seeing such shots Melfina suddenly got the gist of it and quickly took Sui, Ingrid, and Zia away and jumping as far away from Asuto

Of course Asuto noticed this action but before he could do anything about it arrows soon fell towards him creating numerous and devastating explosions

As a result huge shockwaves reverbrated throughout the land which forced both Okou and like to put up their shields and casted their spell

"Absolute defense!!!"


And as if that wasn't enough Anna Soo. Chimed in as she casted a barrier around them

When the shockwaves however slammed against them all three of them suddenly felt the pressure coming from it which left them astounded once again by the Hero's potential for being strong as time goes on

However in all of that Asuto swept off the smoke around him and revealed himself as finer than ever as if such attack wasn't enough to bring him down

From afar after the elven soldiers saw that the elven hero was charging towards the enemy's side, they soon suddenly followed them to the root bridge that was created by their Queen and immediately followed him

"Follow the hero!!! Protect her majesty!!!"


"Don't let the Hero be left alone fighting the enemy!!!"

With that the Elven army splits away from the Beastman army and headed for the nature element bridge

As for Alduin after seeing this, he suddenly recounted that this might trigger the start of their struggle, so before they could be caught off guard he soon shouted out commands that will eventually understood by the rest of the army

"Let's go! Let hold on to this stone bridge! Confront the Demon's do not let them destroy the nature element bridge, hold this line!!!"

As he commanded that Xyrus immediately understood what he said as he instructed the army

"Shield bearers up to the front, pokers stand behind the bearers, and ranged units distance your self were going to advance slowly!!! Move out!"

With that the Beastman army suddenly shoots off the ground as they started to barricade the stone bridge

On the other hand such Incidents reached the ears of the demon king as he suddenly started tapping his finger on his armrest as he started to think about it

"So Asuto made his move and now we're in a battle against the Elven Hero? Humans and elves that passed through our army's notice? And the Beastman suddenly taking actions to split our attention into two way battle? Interesting" he said as a smile suddenly crept up from him

After that he suddenly gave out his order

"Belial! You will go towards Asuto and deal with the elves together with these I d army he brought, make sure to kill the eleven Hero"

"Understood!" Said Belial before opening up his wings and flew away towards Asuto's direction

"Sirius and Hepta! Clear the stone bridge, and if you can kill the Beastman hero along with it"

"As you wish"


Just like that both Sirius and Hepta headed off towards the stone bridge

"As for you Larval, you stay here in case I need someone to back me up"

"Understood your majesty the demon King"

With that Larval bowed and stareted fortifying their location

"The alliance is really entertaining, I never thought that they would take their initiative, looks like Asuto provoke them at such that forced them to move, what a crazy genius bastard"

With that the demon king started to laugh

As that happened demons infront of the stone bridge suddenly charged towards the alliance Beastman army with their claws and teeth's

The first one to charge was a horse of ordinary scourge as they charged in without stopping

With a screech they all soon filled the stoned bridge just like how a crazed zombie would flood the bridge heading towards their prey

Upon seeing that Alduin who was on the far back raised his hand as he commanded the army

"Ready!!! Fire!!!"

"Release everything! Mages use your magic, soldiers fired your weapons given to you"

With that the battle between tow sides at the bridge finally started as the Beastmen dealt with the crazed scourge that is heading for them like a wave

Due to it's sheer numbers even Xyrus have to step up as he started casting multiple magic circles and fired them off towards the crazed enemy

Explosions soon sounded up everywhere as they occur at the stone bridge that doesn't seemed like it would break any time soon

As the Beastmen soldiers struggle, sweats covering their foreheads, muscle pains from aiming too much, and headaches fro being pressured by their enemy, they Soon started to created gaps from their barrage as they fired back

But the enemy took ahold of this changes as kept charging in even though many of them were already killed in the process

Soon after a Demon with a large build that took the whole space of the bridge just to fit him in, suddenly raised his shield armor and charged in


With that using haste he suddenly zoomed past the dead battlefield and slammed against the shield bearers with no sweat and called out towards the other behind him

"Kill them all!!!"

At that command fellow Demon's, vampires, ghouls, scourge and etc. Suddenly humored of his back as they charged over his armor and plunging down towards the beastmen army

Soon casualties form the alliance started to appear

And just when they thought that it would go their way Alduin suddenly flew down towards the huge blocking Demon and aimed the muzzle of his Lazer gun to his head and fired off causing the head of the latter to explode like a cherry, before he grabbed the head less body and threw it off the bridge

With one shout the morale of the alliance shooted up

"Persist! Charge forward!!!"

As the battle intensifies at the bridge, the nature elemental bridge however soon finished as Elijah kept firing destructive arrows towards Asuto one after the other

When the bridge finally connected he soon pulled out his dagger and charged ahead

"Zavkiel!!! Release the limiter on my strength and speed"


With a jumped cracked appeared at his previous place as he plunged down towards Asuto and met his blade

Cause of that the groundd beneath them suddenly crumbled as both of them instinctually he moved off of it and continued to fight

.along those clashes Elijah motioned to Melfina and the others

"Go! Bring them to my mother! She can do something about them, I'll hold him off here"

After hesitating for A bit, Melfina soon bit her lips in frustration and nodded on, Soo. After Melfina led the others towards the bridge to head towards the Queen of Elves

Seeing that Asuto tried to stop him but was eventually pinned down by Elijah as he pointed his dagger at him

"If you want to pass, then pass through over my dead body"