

there's a rumour that in the deep forest of emertis lived a Fairy that dwells in a small cottage near the village of alderia, I heard that the fairy possesses many herbs and guards a special flower they might have the precious flower we are looking for"exclaimed the young priest

that's impossible! fairies don't exist aren't they just

silly creatures told in faiy tales? a tall cat like woman said in disbelief

" I don't think so, you know that pendant shoto wears all the time, maria."

said a blonde dwarf

what about it?

questioned maria

"its like a scent pouch and seems to act like poison to demons from what I observed it could be made by that fairy"

said the blond dwarf

"and how would you know if that's true? he never

tells us anything about it" maria said in disbelief

"It could be true shoto did say it was very important. why don't we ask him to confirm if it's true or not?"

said the young priest

"that's if he even tells us anything" maria says in a annoyed tone