

Don't worry! tomorrow you will be a hero and be suuper strong and save the world! exclaimed the pixy reassuring the anxious little boy in an attempt to cheer the little boy up and as he helds out his hand "and you'll join me and we'll be heroes together!" the pixy enthusiastically exclaimed.

As the little boy saw this pixies ocean blue eyes brimming with excitement he knew he couldn't turn him down and reluctantly he holds his hand and slowly stands up.

"but I'm so weak I don't know..if I deserve to be a hero... are you sure" the little boy whimpers.

"sure I'm sure! we'll be heroes together and be suuper strong!" hearing the encouragement of his pixy friend the little boy couldn't help but smile as they walked home.

but alas not everyones dreams will come true even if they tried their hardest for their fate had other plans.