
Won't let go

Olivia's POV

“Hey oli, are you okay “. Lizzy gently taps my shoulders

I took in a deep breath and shake my head 

“I'm not okay “. I whispered

She hissed softly and moves closer to me 

“Talk to me”. She pleaded

I hissed softly and ran my fingers in my head 

“Rita said something earlier today when I called her "

Lizzy hissed softly before speaking

“You shouldn't listen to Rita, you should know that “.

I hissed and shake my head, 

“That's not the issues Lizzy, Rona is acting the way she said it “. I spoke hurt 

“How”. She asked, 

I hissed softly before speaking

“She said I've been dumped by Rona “. I spoke in pain

“And you believe her “. Lizzy asked in disbelief

“Why shouldn't I believe her when Rona have been acting this way towards me”

Lizzy hissed and stared at me with pity 

“Don't conclude things yet until you hear from Rona, but I thought you should be happy with this “.she asked confused

I hissed and lay on the bed with my back

“I'm not happy, and I don't know why, I should be happy right, then why am I not happy “. I whisper

Lizzy stared at me for a moment before she spoke up 

“Are you in love with Rona”.she asked while staring at me with a questioning look 

“No”. I quickly replied, “You are lying oli, you are behaving like someone who is in love with someone”. She spoke confidently

“Who told you that, have you ever been in love ?”. I asked

She hissed softly and stared at me 

“Don't change the topic, this is not about me but about you “.she spoke seriously

“It seems like you are in love with Rona “. She spoke confidently

“I'm not “. I murmured

“You are lying to yourself, and you know “.

“I'm not Lizzy, don't force me to say what I don't feel “. I spoke in annoyance

“Fine, we won't discuss this ever again “. She spoke angrily

“Fine”. I murmured, 

We sat on my bed in awkward silence until Rita spoke up 

“Since you are not in love with Derrick and Rona then why don't you leave them “.she spoke angrily 

“You are dating two dangerous guys at a time, this is really risky and bad for you “.she warned seriously

I hissed in stood up from the bed 

“I never planned for this I never planned for all this to happen “. I murmured, 

“I just came here to live a normal and peaceful life, never knew things would get this complicated”.

Rita stood up from the bed and held my shoulder

“It's okay, at least Rona is out of the picture now. He doesn't want to see you or have anything with you, you should be happy at least”.

Yes, I should be happy and even celebrating, this was what I've been praying for a long time, and now it has finally happened, it's feels like I'm in so much pain.

“Olivia, are you okay “. Lizzy asked 

“No”. I murmured

“Sit”.she took be back to the bed and we both sat down 

“What's wrong “.she asked 

I took in a deep breath and thought of what was wrong, why was I in pains when I should be happy.

“I dunno”. I murmured.

She hissed softly and stared at me with pity, 

“Are you worried about Rona?”.she asked 

I kept quiet and didn't know what to say, what should I tell her and how should I tell her.

“Is Rona right”. She asked, 

I didn't say a word, 

“If you are worried about Rona then you shouldn't be here worrying yourself "

“What do you have me do “. I asked 

“Anything oli, just do anything”.she spoke up 

“Anything?, When he doesn't want to see me, how can I do anything”. I asked in frustration.

She hissed softly before speaking up, 

“You shouldn't give up just because he doesn't want to see you. If you really care for him, then you should do everything possible to see him and hear from him yourself. and if he said he doesn't want to see you again, then you should let him go “.

Hearing those words from her, I felt relaxed and calm.

“I should go back to his house “. I spoke up 

“Yes, we should go together, when is your aunt going to work”. She asked 

I check the wall clock

“One hour from now "

“That's good, we should wait “.

Few hours later we were in front of Rona's mansion

“You think this will work “. I asked nervously

“Yes, let's be hopeful”

I took in a deep breath and rang the bell 

“You are here again “. I noticed it was the same voice, 

“Yes, she is here and won't leave until you let her see your boss, Rona “. Lizzy spoke in a rough tone 

I stared at her and marvelled at her level of confident

“Go home girls, boss doesn't want to see anyone”

“Tell him to come here and say it to her face”. Lizzy spoke angrily, 

The man over the speaker hissed softly before speaking

“Just go away “.

“We won't “.she argued

“Fine”.he said those words and switched off the speaker

“Hey “. I shouted, 

“Don't stress yourself, he won't hear you “. Lizzy spoke in anger 

We hissed softly and sat on the pavement 

“What should we do “. I asked

“Just sit here and wait a little, then we will constantly ring that bell until Rona comes out” 

“Will that be okay “. I asked 

“Sure "

She was about saying something when her phone started ringing

“Mom”.she murmured

She picked up the call and kept quiet listening to her mum

“But you should have told me earlier”. She spoke angrily

“Fine, am on my way “.she hissed and ended the call 

“What is it "

“Mom's sister is here, and we are all having a family dinner “.she spoke in annoyance

“Then you have to go "

“Yeah, but what about you “.she asked 

“Don't worry about me, I will be just fine”. I told her with an assuring smile on my face.

She hissed softly and stared at me for a while Before getting up, 

“I'll be calling you, please don't stay out late”. She said those words seriously before staring at me with a worried look, 

“I'll be fine, don't worry about me “. We hugged each other while she left.

I took in a deep breath and walk up to the gate and rang the bell several times but got no response.

I knew he was seeing me through the camera, so I wave my hand at the camera but got no response.

I hissed in frustration and sat on the pavement.

What should I do, I thought to myself.

The ringing of my phone caught my attention, I brought out my phone from my pocket and saw that it was Derick.

I bite my lips nervously before picking up 

“Hey baby "

“Hey”. I whisper

“Are you okay “.he asked 

“Yeah, I'm fine”

“Are you sure “.he asked 

“Yeah “. I replied confidently

“That's nice, so where are you “. 

The moment I heard that question I shiver in fear but calm myself

“I'm in Lizzy's house, they are having a family dinner, so Lizzy invited me”. I lied 

“that's nice, enjoy yourself okay “,

“Yeah”. I hissed in relief

“Alright I'll call you tomorrow then”

“Okay "

“I love you, goodnight”

“Goodnight”. I whisper and quickly ended the call, I can't tell him I love him when I wasn't sure of it.

I stood up from the pavement and walk over to the gate.

I rang the bell several before the gate open and Mike walk out with a cold look on his face, 

“Hey Mike “. I greeted awkwardly 

“What are you doing here, it's late "

I check the time on my phone and saw that it was few minutes pass 9pm.

“I just want to see Rona “. I begged, 

He hissed softly and stared at me with curiosity

“Why do you want to see him “.he asked while staring at me with a cold Expression on his face.

“He has been avoiding me and I want him to look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't want to see me ever again " I spoke in pain, 

Mike stared at me for a while before walking away.

I hissed softly and sat back.

Few minutes Mike came back and sat beside me, 

“You should go home, boss is really serious .he doesn't want to see you “. He said those words while avoiding my gaze.

“Why “. I asked, 

“I don't know, he just doesn't want to see you, "

I hissed in frustration and closed my eyes. I knew if I leave this place and go back home, then that will be the end of all this.

I should be happy and even celebrate this, but here I am almost in tears just because of the same thing I've been wishing for a long time. I wipe off the tears drop that fell on my cheek before speaking, 

“I'm not going home “. I murmured

“Don't be stubborn”. Mike said those words while staring at me, 

I stood up from the pavement and stared directly at Mike with a serious look on my face.

“Tell Rona I will stay here all night if he doesn't want to see me, and it's not a threat but a promise”.