
My girl

Olivia's pov 

"I don't know what you mean ".I replied back .

"You are clearly lying to me "

"And why should I lie to you "I asked with annoyance

"I don't know ,"you tell me ".he asked .

"I don't know what you are talking about ,"and if you don't have anything else to say ,then maybe you should leave ".that was the only way I could get him out if not he will know that I was definitely hiding something.

"How dare you talk to me in that manner ".his voice was so full of anger .

I stood up from the couch and walk towards the door. 

"My aunt will be here any moment from now ,"and i don't want her to meet you here. 

He angrily stood up and walk towards me .

"Are you ashame of me "he shouted with anger .

There and then i knew he was definitely angry.

"I don't know what you mean ."I just want you to leave ".I was becoming scared but I have to hold my ground .

"Fine ,I will leave but don't you come running to me when you need my help "

"I won't be needing your help anymore ". I shouted back before i closed the door .

I knew I was rude to him but this was the only way I could get rid of him before he finds out anything from me.

I went upstairs changed my cloths and went to the coffee shop .

When I got to work I changed into my uniform and started working.

"You don't look bright today ".that was cicilian my Colleague.

I gave her a small smile before taking an order from a customer .

"I'm fine ,"just stress from school ".I lied

"Don't worry you will get used to it".she replied me with a smile and went to clean a table .

I wish it was really school work that was stressing me .but deep down I knew what my problem was .today was the day I will have to give Rona an answer and I can't say no to his request .

Maybe I should agree to his request at least it's just for two months and after that I will be free from him .or maybe I should tell Derick about this .he seems like he cares a lot about me even if he was hiding it .but I'm scared I will put my aunt in danger if I do this .

I was still in thought when my phone started ringing . I picked it up without looking at the caller 

"Hello "

"Hello sunshine"

"Who is this "I asked 

He chuckled before answering me 

"Your worst nightmare baby "

"Rona ?"I asked 

"Yes baby"

"What do you want ".I shouted at him over the phone

"Don't you dare use that voice on me ".his voice came with command  .

"I'm sorry ".I whisper.

He chuckled before answering me "that's my girl "

"I'm not your girl ",

"You will be after today ".he was so full of himself and had all the confidence that I will accept him.

"And if I don't ".

"You don't wanna see the dangerous side of me".he spoke with authority and so much seriousness like he knew what he was doing.

"What do you want ".I asked with a calm voice .