
Memories to Cherish

Rona's POV

I groaned angrily and poured some whiskey in my glass, 

I drank all the drink in anger and closed my eyes in frustration.

I was hurting her, but I was hurting myself more.

My door was open widely, angrily, I turn around and met eyes with an angry-looking Frank.

"You did not tell me you were coming".  I said those words and sat on my bed in annoyance.

"And you did not tell me you were still breaking the heart of innocent girls".he spoke in annoyance.

I stared at him in shock, 

"You saw her?".  I asked in pain, 

"Oh yes, I did, and I wondered how you were able to get such an innocent girl. Just by the look in her eyes, you will know that soul is so pure ".he spoke bitterly .

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink .

"You look hurt,is it what am thinking".he asked those questions while sitting on the couch opposite me.

"You sent that girl away crying, but here you are so hurt and sad ".he said those words while staring at me.

"Why are you here? ". I hissed angrily.

He stood up from the couch and walk over to the bar and brought out a bottle of wine and poured it in a glass.

"I heard my friend was shot,, so I decided to come see him ".he spoke calmly while taking a sip of his drink.

I hissed softly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Who is she? ". he asked while staring at me with curious eyes.

"None of your business, and stay the hell away from her, ". I warned seriously.

He chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink.

"You know she is not my type, I love wild and experience girls and that girl I saw few minutes ago is too soft and innocent for me".he spoke with a big grin on his face.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink 

"You like her right?". he asked 

"Shut up and get the fuck out, ". I spoke angrily.

Frank chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink.

"You know you don't scare me a bit, so stop this attitude".he spoke calmly.

I groaned angrily and stood up from the bed, while staring outside the window.

"If you love this girl this much, why then drive her away? ".he asked confused 

I hissed softly and closed my eyes, but all I could see were her eyes filled with tears staring at me.

"You don't know a thing". I blurted out.

Are you scared she might get hurt because of you?". he asked, 

I hissed stared at him before looking back at the window.

"You are in love Rona, you are in love".he spoke happily.

"I never knew a day like this will come, when you will sincerely love a girl ".he talked with a lot of excitement in his voice.

I groaned angrily and went back to the bed.

"Rona". he calls, 

"Just let me be ,frank, I don't wanna talk about it ". I said those words as an order, 

He hissed softly before speaking 

"Fine, we won't talk about it for now".

"Mike told me all that happened in China, I can't believe Darlington and his dad can do a thing like that". Frank hissed bitterly and took a sip of his drink.

"So, what do you intend doing? ". He asked, 

I ran my fingers through my hair and thought for a while.

"I will find him and make him pay for what he did ". I said those words as a promise.

"Well, all that will wait after you must have healed"

"I'm fine, just a few days' rest and am good to go ". I took another sip of my drink.

"Stop drinking". he spoke angrily

"Make me ". I said those and had another sip 

He groaned angrily and stood up from the couch, 

"I won't have a fight with a wounded man ". he said those words in a mockery voice.

"Even a wounded lion can kill a full fit goat".  I said those words with a big grin on my face.

He chuckled softly and went for another drink in the bar.

"How's Rita? ". he asked while pouring a whiskey in his glass.

"She is fine ". I hissed softly when I remembered all that happened earlier this morning.

"Is everything okay ?". he stared at me with curious eyes, 

"We had an argument ".  I whispered and took a sip of my drink.

"You are Rita having a fight, unbelievable". he chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink before returning to the couch.

"What are you guys fighting about? ".he asked, 

I ran my fingers through my hair roughly in frustration but did not say a word.

"It seems this fight is pretty serious".he spoke up, 

"Maybe ".  I whispered

"What's the problem? ".he asked, 

I took a sip of my drink before speaking up.

"She hates Olivia and doesn't want me with her ". I whispered.

"Olivia?, Is that the name of the girl I met downstairs".he asked, 

I nod my head but did not say a word.

"Why would she hate such a girl? "? Frank asked in disbelief.

I took in a deep breath and remembered all that happened few weeks ago, if someone had told me I would fall madly in love with her, I will never have believed it. But here I am, so deeply in love with her.

"They are course mate, you know how Rita can be, looking for trouble when there isn't any "

"And you will fight for her, ".  Frank said those with a rolling eyes.

"You met her through Rita? ".he asked, 

"Yeah, Rita reported her to me and the rest was history". I spoke softly.

"Unbelievable, so you fell in love with your only sister's enemy". He laughed softly.

"I hate you ".  I murmured.

He chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink.

"You have to work things out with Rita., you know she is the only family you got ". He spoke seriously

"Yeah, I know, a few shoes and bags will do the talking for me ".

He laughed loudly and stood up from the couch.

"I'm hungry," he murmured

"You act like a kid ". I murmured in annoyance.

"Come on man am just twenty-five years old, you don't expect me to be acting like you or my grandfather.

"I'm just a year older than you ". I blustered out in irritation.

"Whatever, but what am trying to say is that am too young to take everything too serious like you do. " he spoke those words and open the mini fridge in my room.

"Water, apple and watermelon, don't you have food here ".he groaned angrily.

"This is not the kitchen, go to the kitchen fridge, and you can find whatever you are looking for ". I spoke in irritation.

"You should have just said that ". He said those words and left my room.

I hissed softly and lay on my bed with my thoughts filled with her.

Just then, a knock came on my door, 

The person did not allow me response before he walks in.

I stood up from the bed and realized it was Mike, I stared at him and noticed he was furious but was doing his best to hide it.

“Is she home?".  I asked 

"Yes". he responded coldly

"How is she? ". I asked, 

"You should have the answer to that, ".he replied.

I hissed softly and lay back on the bed, 

I hated myself, I hated myself for causing her this pain.

I couldn't get off her face in my head, the way she looks at me in pain before she left my room.

"You are drinking".  Mike spoke angrily, 

"Why would frank let you drink? ". He said those words and angrily walked to the bar. I took out all the drink in the bar and put them in a bag before collecting the one on the table.

"You shouldn't be drinking, and you know it, ".he shouted angrily.

He stood in front of me and stared at me for a while before moving toward the door.

He was about to opening the door when he stopped and stared at me with anger.

"I hope you realize you've just lost that girl, " he said those words like it was so sure of it before leaving the room.

Hearing those words from him, I should be happy., at least she was gone from me, and now she can be safe, But no, I wasn't happy.

I felt my heart clench in pain, and it felt like I just lost a part of me.

I hissed in pain and lay on my bed with my eyes close.

Memories of all the time we spent together came flashing in my head.

I remembered the first time I saw her in the coffee shop, 

The first time she stares at me without fears in her eyes.

The first time I pulled her to my laps and how she nervously shivers under my touch.

The first time I kissed her lips, 

The first time she kissed me, Willing on her own 

And the first time I almost had her in bed.

All these were memories I will forever cherish.