
Handle It my way

Derrick pov

After Rona left I stare at Olivia and noticed she was uncomfortable. she moved closer to me but refused to meet my gaze. I noticed she was looking everywhere except me. I moved to her and held her shoulders, she reacted to my touch and stare at me.

"You did not tell me you were coming". She said those while looking away 

"I wanted to surprise you ". I said those words while staring at her. 

" I'm sorry about that ".she told me in a pleading voice.

"it's okay "

She smiled at me before standing beside me

"So why are you here ". She asked 

" why? Can't I come to see you without any reason" I asked

"You know that's not what I meant ". She replied.

We were both silent for a moment before I spoke up

" so you are still with him ".I asked 

" I dunno ".she replied

I felt hurt and angry but decided to wave it off 

She noticed my mood and gave me a pitying look 

" are you okay?".she asked 

I ignored her and just look away. we were both quiet for a few whiles before I noticed her holding my hand. I stare down at our hands holding each other before looking at her. she gave me a cute smile which took all my anger away.

"Do you wanna come in?". She asked 

" I think I should probably be going home, it's late already ".I replied 

She smiled at me before removing her hand from mine.

" can I come pick you up tomorrow".I asked 

She was quiet for a moment deliberating if she should accept it or not 

"Is it because of Rona?". I asked, 

" of course not".she replied quickly

"Then why are you quiet". I asked 

" you can come tomorrow I will be waiting for you ".she replied with a smile on her face. I moved closer to her and place a kiss on her cheek. I stare at her and noticed she was shy, she shying looked  away and quickly moved away from me 

"I'll see you tomorrow then". She said those words and quickly placed a kiss on my cheek before running off. I chuckled softly at her behavior before entering my car and drove 


When I got home I met dad in the sitting room tapping his computer .he noticed me and signaled  me to come over 

" what's up dad ".I greeted him. he nods his head in reply. I sat beside him and took a sip of his Drink 

" How are things going between you are that girl, ".he asked still tapping his computer 

" her name is Olivia dad ".I replied with annoyance. he noticed my tune and gave me a hard look.

" whatever".he replied 

I rolled my eyes at him and stood up

"I'm going to bed". I told him while walking away 

"Do you need help in getting her ". Dad asked. I stopped walking and turned around 

" don't do anything this time dad, I can handle it".I told dad in a serious voice. he stares at me for a moment before going back to his laptop. I hissed in relief before walking to my room. I took my bath and lay on my bed. the thought of Olivia keeps coming to my mind and I could wait to see her tomorrow.