
Always my little bird

Olivia's POV

"Are you okay ?" Lizzy asked as I put on my dress, 

"Yeah". I murmured and flash her a weak smile 

I sat on the bed and put on my shoes, I Walk to the Mirror and noticed I was indeed a shadow of myself, my eyes were swollen for the crying I did all through the night.

I stared at myself in the mirror and noticed I have lost a lot of weight and even my dress couldn't fit me.

Lizzy stood behind me with a worried look 

"It's okay oli, let's go everyone is waiting for you "

I nod my head and left the room with her, I left the apartment and saw that a car was already parked in front of the apartment.

“Let's go". Lizzy took my hand and we entered the car.

The drive to the cemetery was quiet and no one said a word until we got to the cemetery.

I got down from the car and saw that a few people were already waiting for me.

I walk up to them, I realized aunt was already put in the casket laying beside a dug out grave, 

I swallowed the scream threatening to come out from my mouth.

"It's okay". Lizzy taps my shoulder 

I took in a deep breath and made my way to the grave, as I walk toward the grave I can see the pity look on everyone faces.

I walk up to them and stood behind Aunt's corpse.

"Let's begin the funeral".the priest spoke up 

He started performing the funeral rights, but my thought was somewhere else.

Aunt is gone, and I'm all alone in a foreign country with no relative here except for Lizzy, who I see as my sister.

I sob silently until I felt Lizzy tapping me, I turn and stared at her 

"It's time to pour the sand and drop the flowers".she whispered 

I stared around and noticed everyone staring at me with pity and sadness.

Aunt casket was open, and I saw my beautiful aunt sleeping peacefully, dressed in a long white dress.

I took in a deep breath and signaled for it to be closed, 

Her casket was closed and lowered to the ground.

I pick up the sand from the ground and poured it on the casket before throwing the flower on it.

As soon as I finish, Lizzy joined, so we're others.

I stared at aunt's grave and saw it was decorated with flowers of different colors.

The priest said the final prayer, and they started covering her up.

"Let's go ". Lizzy spoke up, 

I stared one more time at aunt's grave before walking away.

I was walking away when I realized Derrick was here all along with his uncle.

I stared at him with anger but decided to calm myself down.

He walks up to me and wanted to say a word, but I did not let him, 

"Stay away from me Derrick". I shouted in anger.

"I only allowed you to be here just because you are close to aunt, but that doesn't mean you have the right to talk to me ". I spoke firmly.

"I'm so sorry oli" he tries speaking, but I shut him up

"I don't need your apologizes, keep it to yourself and I don't want to see you in the apartment, you've already paid your last respect to her there is no need of you coming to the apartment". I muttered out those words in anger and left with Lizzy.

I got in the car, and we drove back home.

I got home and changed into a white long dress before going into the sitting room to welcome  guests who came to pay their last Respect to aunt.

I stared at her picture that was placed on the table and wondered how can a lady smile so brightly even when she knew she has limited time on earth.

I stood by the door welcoming guest with a weak smile on my face, each person who comes will either hug me or say encouraging words to me.

Guest were coming in when I noticed Mike coming in with Rona.

I met eyes with him and felt anger and hatred run through my body.

"Oli" I did not let him finish the word before I took his hand and pull him out of the house with me, we got outside, and I took my hand off him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in anger, 

He stared at me with a worried look but did not say a word.

"Rona, what are you doing here ?" I asked again in anger.

He hissed before speaking up 

"I came to see you and pay my respect to your aunt " he spoke calmly and tries to take my hands, but I move away. 

I chuckled loudly at his words 

"You are here to see me and pay respect to my aunt" I asked in a mockery voice.

He roughly ran his fingers through his hair and stared at me with concern.

"If I remember you don't have a good relationship with my aunt, she never liked you, so what respect are you trying to pay here ". I spoke in anger, 

"And if I remember correctly, you told me we should act like strangers, so what are you doing here in a stranger's house". I asked in anger 

"Listen, Oli, everything I said or do was for your sake" he pleaded, but I ignored him.

"I'm so sorry oli, I'm a fool, a big fool to think I can stay away from you ".he muttered out those words like he meant it.

"Oli". I saw Lizzy by the door.

"Go Rona, stay away from my life ". I murmured in anger and went into the apartment with Lizzy.

I got into the apartment and met Mike's curious eyes on me.

He walked towards me and place his hands on my shoulder and stared at me with pity and concern.

"How are you ".he asked while staring at me, 

"I'm fine". I murmured

"Sorry I couldn't make it to the funeral, our flight was delayed"

"Flight?" I asked confused

"Yeah, we travelled to India yesterday morning for something urgent".he spoke tiredly

I nod my head but did not say a word 

"I have to go now, please call me if you need anything"

I nod my head and smiled at him

"Thank you ". I murmured

He smiled at me before walking away.

I hissed in relief and kept on welcoming the guest until they all left.

I hissed in relief and sat on the chair.

"Do you want to go home with me?". Lizzy asked 

"No, I will stay here, I need to get used to it ". I murmured.

She hissed softly and hugged me before leaving.

I stared at aunt's picture on the table before staring at the empty apartment.

I stood up from the couch and walked into aunt's room and lay on the bed with my eyes closed.

Aunt is gone, and I have to make some certain changes in my life.

Firstly, school is going on a month break, so I have to look for a full-time job to support myself before school reopens.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, forcing myself to sleep.

I was awoken up by my aunt's alarm.

I checked the time and saw that it was pass 6am.

I stood up from bed, walk into my room and took my bath before going to the kitchen.

I pick up the frying pan and made a light breakfast.

I sat on the dinning table and slowly eat.

After eating, I pick up my bag and left the house to school.

I left my apartment and walk up to school when I noticed a familiar car following me from behind.

I ignored the car and kept on walking when I noticed someone coming from the car, I turn around and noticed it was Rona.

He was casually dressed in a black tight jean and jacket 

He was dressed just the way I saw him the first day he walked into the coffee shop, I noticed I was staring at him, so I quickly look away.

He walks before me and stood before me with no expression on his face.

"What do you want?". I asked with folded arms, 

"Get into the car, I'm taking you to school".the word came as an order, 

I stared at him in shock and wild eyes.

"Who are you to order me around ?" I asked in anger, 

He chuckled softly and ran his fingers through his hair, 

"You are my little bird, and you will always be my little bird ".he muttered out those words like he meant it.

I stared at him but did not say a word.

"Get in, or you want me to carry you to the car, you know I would gladly do it ".he spoke with a mischievous smile on his face.

I stared at him and wondered what have changed within a day, just yesterday he was in my house a different person, and today he is back to his old self.

"Are you still thinking?" He asked with a devilish smile on his face.

" I'm not going with you ". I murmured stubbornly and started walking away but to my surprise he pulled me to himself and carried me bridal style, not minding people were walking and staring.

"Keep me down ". I hit him on the chest 

Stay still ".he ordered while staring directly into my eyes, and then I felt all the bones in me weaken.