
I’ve reincarnated as Zeus!?!?(rewriting)

A guy dies and finds himself reincarnated as baby Zeus. What will he do as a new race of gods? Will he mess the same mistakes as the old one? Stay tuned to discover these things with Zeus, the king of the gods!!

Boots_ups_your_ass · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs

Pluck into it.

I opened my mouth, and before I knew it, I was crying.

I didn't know why I was crying, only that I couldn't stop. Tears blurred my vision, and all I could hear were muffled sounds

I felt myself being rocked back and forth as something wrapped around my body, holding me in its embrace.

Feeling a presence behind me, I turn my head to see when my vision suddenly clears up upon her face.

She had black, curvy hair that hung gracefully on her shoulders. Her eyes were bright green like an open field. The only thing that took away from it was the worry in her eyes. Her eyes weren't even focused on me as she look outward in concern. This, for some reason, pained me, as the vibrations in my throat increased along with tears.

Suddenly, a loud banging sound shook in my ears as they popped open. It was like a tribal song, mashing their sticks and drums. I don't know what the noise was about, but it seems to have smoothened my cries as my mouth close.

Out of curiosity, I turn my head to see what was making all this ruckus. And my jaw dropped.

Three towering figures stood to the side. They were clad in fur, bodies covered in hair, and were banging on shields with spears, twirling and hopping on their feet as they perform. Their dance was awe-inspiring to look at, yet, I keep being distracted by the sheer size of them.

"Well, he stopped crying." A voice said in appreciation from behind me, which I assume was the woman holding me from before. The giant men stopped their playing, carrying out a bow. "I guess you guys would be good nursemaids."

'Nursemaids?! These guys? They look more like barbarians than nursemaids.' I thought, unconvinced by her claim.

I was abruptly taken out of my disbelief as I start to rise in height. At first, I was confused about why my height was increasing. Then struck me just how tall the woman holding me truly was as we were now towering over the three men.

I lay in her arms baffled at this sudden discovery. I turn to look at her, seeing her rubbing her ears. I guess she didn't like the banging like me. She caught me staring at her and flash me a heartwarming smile, which made me feel giggly. She pokes my cheek before bringing her eyes back up and spoke. "It looks like you guys have it covered here."

She bent down, and kissed my head, before extending her arms out. She handed me to a new person, with wavy, black hair that seemed to flow and a stunning face.

But I was unable to admire such beauty as I was feeling distressed about being given away. I look at the woman in a pleading way as she let me go.

"I'm sorry, Zeus. Mommy has something to take care of. Your siblings are counting on this." She spoke in a serious tone and backed away with sadness evident on her face.

She walks over to a rock wrapped in something before picking it up. "Well... wish me luck." She said with hints of nervousness oozing out. She begins walking down a hallway before turning a corner.

And she was gone. I thought about what she said, something about siblings depending on her and the nervous and worried tone she carries.

But then I remember what she called me.


'I can't be that Zeus, Right?' I thought, feeling disturbed. I thought back about what I just experienced. Beautiful women, huge people, siblings in danger, and a rock wrapped in a blanket.

Fuck. I am Zeus.

"Zeus." Someone said behind me. I turned my head, looking at the wavy hair woman, causing her to giggle.

"Already responding to your name after only hearing it twice. As expected of a god."

I stared at her not knowing what to say. She is much small than the lady before which was probably Rhea, my mother. Thinking about it, since she is the one taking care of me, she must be one of Zeus' handmaidens.

My only knowledge of Greek mythology came from Percy Jackson and random books about Greek mythology. So I can't really pin down who she is. Judging by her size she is probably not a titan or a god. Perhaps a nymph?

But I shouldn't be worrying about that right now. What I should be thinking about is how I got here and the future.

The former wasn't hard, per se. I died in a car accident. The memory was foggy and I can't recall much from before. Just some relatives and friends, and hobbies of mine.

I don't know why I was reincarnated as Zeus, perhaps it was because of my love and interest in mythology. It's hard to know for sure. What I do know is that I am now him. Meaning I would probably have to fight my father, Kronos.

"Zeus." the nymph(maybe) said. I brought my attention back to her. "What are you thinking so hard about?" She asked, amused by whatever expression is on my face.

"Are you hungry?" She asked. Come to think of it I am a little hungry but I don't know how to tell her.

Suddenly, I remembered I was basically a god. So I try to talk.

"Ah, yue, ya," I said, not quite saying yes.

"Ho, ho? Trying to talk already? Aren't you smart?" She praised me. "Hey, um, the Coffees?" She said hesitantly, turning to the side, most likely looking at the three men.

"THE KOURETES!" They shouted very, VERY loudly.

"Yeah, yeah, hush please." She said, shielding her left ear.

"YES! SORRY!" They shouted still.

She sighed and I felt her pain. "Can you guys bring over Amaltheia?"

"YES!" Thudding then could be heard before growing softer and farther away.

These guys...

The nymph did some small talk with me as I wonder who Amaltheia was. 'Is she another handmaiden?' I thought, but a more concerning thought came to mind. 'Am I going to drink milk from a bossom?'

'I am a baby after all. It's not weird or wrong, yeah, it's just natural.' I thought, psyching myself up.

Suddenly, I hear thuddings in the distance. I turn my head eagerly and look down the hall."Look like they found Amaltheia!" The nymph said cheerfully.

This peak my interest more as I think about who Amaltheia is, as she seems to be able to keep up with the men. Maybe she was just as strong and big as them, but I don't think that is common in Greek mythology. Maybe they pick her up and kidnap her. That would make sense.

The thuds got louder and louder. Coming down the hall, the Kouretes, who are probably brothers, came in a line formation. I think the brothers really like dancing as all they do is dance. They got close and I could see the second one in line carrying something. The first one in line stepped back and the last stepped forward. Suddenly, the two of them knees slid across the floor doing jazz hands as the one in the middle raised what they were holding.

"BAAAAA!" A cry echoed out as the second brother lowered his hand, presenting a goat.

"Hey, Amaltheia," The woman said, shocking me as I was expecting a maiden. But honestly, I should have guessed that with how wacky Greek mythology was.

"BAAAAAAA!" The goat cried as it hurriedly ran out of the man's hands, cuddling with the nymph.

"You thought they were going to eat you?" She asked, seemingly knowing what she said.

"BAA!" It cried out again, probably aggressively agreeing with her statement.

"I'm sorry, I should have gone myself." She apologizes, caressing the goat's face.

"SORRY AMALTHEIA!" I jump at the Kouretes' announcement. And I wasn't the only one as Amaltheia loudly baaed at the brothers, probably telling them to shut up.

After a while of interacting with Amaltheia and the Kouretes, the nymph kindly told them to go away, on Amaltheia's demand. I was glad. I liked the brothers, but they were just too much. It was nice to have some time to think to myself. I feel like my brain is going to overload.

I watch the nymph smile as she brings Amaltheia towards her, lying the goat down on her side. "Ok Zeus, are you ready?" She asked, shifting her grip on me as she brought me towards the goat.

'Wait...' I just thought of something.

She said Amaltheia was going to feed me. I stare down at Amaltheia, seeing her udder lying on the floor. Her udder, to say the least, was very unappetizing.

'Oh, gods.'

I want a maiden's milk. I move my body aggressively to get away, unable to overthrow my capturer.

"Ha, ha. Looks like someone's excited." The nymph said, laughing. But to me, it was dreading as my attempt to escape from my fate only quicken it. She brought me closer and pluck the udder in my mouth.



Word count:1522

Date: 05/24/23