
I’m In Comprehensive Comics: The Kuoh Town Kitten At Start

Traveling to the world of Demon High School, Xiye didn’t know it, and became a game house. The cat sauce in the game was suddenly in a bad mood and wanted to meet him. Only then did Xiye know that he had traveled to the world of high school. Now the system is on! “Mianji Kitten Sauce, congratulations to the host for obtaining “Astiel’s Manuscript”, opening the seven deadly sins of the Wangli Library: gluttony, greed…” “I just think something is wrong, Kitten Sauce is actually dating online!?” Himejima Akeno looked at Kitten-chan, who met Xiye on the overpass, with a frown. “Where is the kitten sauce that protects the food? She even gave Xiye Song fish-shaped biscuits (I do not own Highschool dxd , this is not my novel)

Deep_The_One · Anime und Comics
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117 Chs

Chapter 87 Black Song's Revenge Begins

"The opening degree of the Magic Book of "Astiel's Manuscript" +5%!"

"..I have become a psychiatrist myself."

Rias also noticed tonight's gaze, and along his line of sight saw Himejima Akeno with a heavy face.


Rias was stunned for a moment, then her complexion became complicated, and she probably understood why Himejima Akeno was like this.

"Tonight-kun, you probably don't know about Himejima Akeno's past.

"have no idea

Tonight nodded, in fact, he knew.

But seeing Rias seems to want to talk, so it doesn't matter if you listen to her.

Akeno Himejima was also pulled out of the sadness by the gazes of tonight and Rias.


"Let's do it and talk...

Then Kitten-chan was with me tonight, Himejima Akeno and Rias were sitting together.

It was Rias who spoke first.

"You must have seen Himejima Akeno's demon state."

"What you said is that the difference between her and you is that she only has half of the devil's wings... She said lightly tonight.

"Well, yes, in fact, she is not only half of the devil's wings, the other half is actually the fallen angel's wings.

"How should I put it, Himejima Zhu is a descendant of humans and fallen angels, and when she met me and became my reincarnation as a demon, she became the state she is now."

Speaking of this, Himejima Akina's face became more complicated, and a past incident was brought up. In fact, her own life experience was not very good.

But always face life with optimism.

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno grabbed Rias's hand.

"Minister, let me speak for myself,

"Actually, the fallen angel governor you saw, his chief cadre, Baiqiu, is my father, he doesn't deserve to be my father, my mother is just a witch of the Himejima family of the five great human sects.

"He was seriously injured and was rescued by my mother. Later, there was me. However, when my mother and I were considered filthy by the sect family, he left, causing my mother to be destroyed by the sect family.

"I have also been living abroad since then, until I met the Minister

Speaking of this, Himejima Akeno didn't seem to be sad, but hated the man who worshipped him more.

"Hey, that's it." Sitting across from Himejima Akeno tonight, he said softly.

Seeing "Azazel reminds you of the past, or at the meeting of your three major forces, that man is coming,

As if being stabbed to the point, Himejima Akeno looked stunned.

"I want me to arrest that man for you and confess my guilt to you, I said calmly tonight.

As soon as these words came out, both Rias and Kitten-chan looked horrified.

Baiqiu is the leader of the fallen angels, and is also a fallen angel with the same strength as Azazel with the strength of a demon king.

Although Rias had no doubts about her strength tonight, what kind of situation would she put herself into with such a move tonight.

"Tonight-kun... thank you... Himejima Akeno did not respond directly to her words.

But suddenly his eyes closed tightly to put away his emotions.

Then there is a smile on his face.

"Ala~ I said that the whole person is much better, didn't you mean that you will go to the beach for a vacation after seeing Lord Sazex tonight...

"That's fine, but when is the tripartite meeting," asked tonight.

This is Rias's face also put away the emotion just now and said: "It should be in five days."

"Don't. I'm most afraid of water." Kitten Sauce resisted when she heard that she was going to the beach.

"Huh. The kitten is afraid of water!?"

Tonight said with a smile, pinching on her cheek.

Thinking about the cat's hatred of water in the previous life, even this kind of cat who has become refined is also afraid of water.

From this, it can be concluded that it is natural for cats to be afraid of water!

"Ala~ I'm going to inform President Canna!

Himejima Akeno took this opportunity to leave here.


After Himejima Akeno left, Asia stuck out her little head at the door.

"Hey, where did Sister Zhu Nai go?

"Aisia, why are you here? She went to inform Dad that she would all take leave to go to the beach tomorrow."

Tonight, seeing the sudden arrival of the girl, she said lightly.

And Rias put away her smile and touched her temple.

Akeno Himejima's problem has always been a headache for her.

"Tonight-kun~ You shouldn't really do what you said before.."

"Since Akeno doesn't want to, then why bring that Baiqiu in front of her and make her troublesome. Transferred from Asia to Rias, and responded with a smile tonight.

"Hoo~ Fortunately, you weren't prepared to do this." Rias breathed a sigh of relief.

If tonight is so dangerous, having beaten Azazel doesn't mean that he can bring back this Baiqiu, who is as powerful as Azazel, from the headquarters of the Fallen Angels.

"However, if I can, I'm going to go to Hades!"

I pondered for a while tonight and said.

"Netherworld!?" Rias' eyes widened, Hades, the place that made people feel fearful.

"Where are you doing... don't you want to."

Rias didn't say anything after that.

The underworld and the headquarters of the fallen angels are not the same dangerous places, not to mention that the underworld has always been mysterious, and no one knows how many strong people there are in the underworld.

But she was also curious why she knew about this place tonight..

"That's right.. nodded tonight.

At this time, Asia looked at Tonight and Rias suspiciously and asked, "Half, what are you doing?"

And Kitten Sauce, like Asia, doesn't know much about Hades.

Suddenly thinking of something, Rias asked with a sad face: "However, even if you go to the underworld, you still can't bring Himejima Juli back to life."

"As long as the soul is there, there is nothing that cannot be done."

Said lightly tonight.

His "Bible" magic book can have five Seraphs.

In addition to the two preliminary lists of Xenovia and Wisteria Irina, there are still two places.

As long as Himejima Juli agrees, she will naturally be resurrected.

"Okay," Rias didn't ask, she knew that the decision made tonight had his own reasons.

Everything that is impossible has become achievable in front of tonight.

Then, I said goodbye to Rias tonight.

Left school with two girls, Kitten-chan and Asia.

And also bought some tomorrow's beach supplies on the way.

As for the matter of asking for leave, of course, I leave it to Rias to solve it.

However, when I came to the house tonight, I encountered a problem.

That's what Kitten-chan doesn't seem to mean to leave.

Like a puppy, Lai stayed behind tonight and came to the residence with tonight.

And Xenovia and Wisteria Irina watched Kitten-chan arrive.

Some doubts: "Is Kitten Sauce going to settle in, or continue to talk about her past with tonight,

Then, the two maids were very competent and did not talk much.

Dinner was ready, and the kitten sauce was perfect.

Tonight is also considered to be very natural.

Asia is a little puzzled, Kitten sauce has been weird since the beginning of the day.

I took the cake in my hand and went to my house to feed the cat (Black Song).

Then, while everyone was not paying attention, Kitten Sauce sneaked closer to the room tonight.

But it made me laugh tonight.

This little girl actually started to steal chickens and dogs.

However, it was not broken, in order not to make Kitten-chan wait for a long time.

Tonight, I simply came to my room 893.

Entering his room tonight, Kitten-chan's face was a little rosy.

The voice was like insects and said: "Set up an enchantment,

Tonight was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and set up a barrier.


"That's alright, but I'd better go take a shower first,

Approaching, tonight I want to hug Kitten-chan.

But her twisting body kept resisting, and finally she resigned herself to being taken to the bathroom by Xi Ye,

And in Asia's room.

The cat with black eyes and golden pupils is eating the cake in front of him.

Hunger drove her to eat.

Meow Meow~(The abuse of Chi Luoluo..)

However, Heige was extremely excited at the moment, because as long as 12 o'clock passed, the restrictions on him would be lifted.

She has to go and say hello tonight..

As for Asia, I have been taking good care of her", and telling her stories by her side.

Although for Black Song, this is a little kid's coaxing thing, but it is enough to show that Asia is a good girl.

So her hatred was put on tonight.

"Meow meow~ (You wait for me tonight.)

Time is fast.

The night gradually deepened.

And in the cat in the iron cage, a flash of fluorescence suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Time is up!

Asia fell asleep on the bed.

He didn't pay attention to the situation of the iron cage in front of her at the moment.


There was no sound, and the door of the iron cage opened.

The black cat came out of it.

She is not showing the prototype now.

The smaller black figure gradually disappeared from Asia's room.