
I love you

I used to trust. I used to think "this is such a good day." But I'd never thought I'd say that again. Hi my name is Christopher , but you can call me Chris. Here's how my life went to hell. I was seven years old, me and my parents were at the park. I met this boy, Danny. He was super cute. Me and him went to go cross the street. And well my parents went after me and well.... My mom threw me out of the Red Toyota Yaris's way. She... she didn't make it, she died at the scene. Her last words were "Stay strong Chris, don't let people change you, I love you son, I'm proud." I love you, I'm proud. The last words I ever heard my mother say. After that, I broke. My dad went to be an alcoholic, and he's never been the same. My dad blames me. My friends say it's not my fault. They say that depression is a shapeshifter, and to never let the demon in. But I'm weak. I visit my mothers grave every day. And I think the demon has been inside of me, I think I let it in when my dad. I'm sorry that's as much as I can say, it's still kinda raw.