
I’m a Side Character in a RomCom?!

I’m your average high schooler. Average grades, average looks, average in sports, the whole package. If I had to say what differentiates me from the rest well… You could say I’m the protagonist of a RomCom. I have two beautiful women chasing after me. A childhood-friend character who is like my little sister, and an stunning classmate who is extremely popular. I’m truly living the life of a harem protagonist! …Eh? Wait a minute. You’re telling me they were actually in love with my best friend the entire time?! ———————————— So that’s pretty much the basic gist of things. Think Oresuki but it doesn’t actually become a harem. …May or may not be based on similar events I’ve experienced in real life.

SomeDekuScrub · realistisch
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3 Chs

A Prologue… Sorta

"Evan! Evan! Hey!"

It's a memory that'll I'll never forget. After all, it holds great meaning to me.

Two children sit in a sandlot in the park, the sun is beginning to set. It's a local park, and since these two live close to each other they tend to meet up here since it's close to their respective homes. Not many people are there, most people have gone home already.

"What is it?" The boy's tone—my tone—is sharp towards the girl. I was a little brat at the time, so I'm not sure what made her stay to hang out with me. Who wants to stay with someone who is always bitter towards you?

Whatever the reason—perhaps she was a bit messed up in the head—this girl remains undeterred.

"Listen to me! Y'know how we're really close yeah? Well then! I've decided! We should get married in the future! Let's stay close forever!"

Her logic was definitely something questionable. It honestly still doesn't make sense when I try and think about it today. But even so I responded:

"Idiot. Who would want to get married to a ditz like you?!" …As sarcastic as ever. Guess I was a bit of what you may call a tsundere at the time. Whatever, I got over it… kinda.

"I am not a ditz! You need to promise me Evan! We'll get married when we grow up!"

I guess I was already tired from her shenanigans from throughout the day, so I relented.

"Fine, I promise. Happy?"

"No no! You need to pinky promise! Like this!"

She held out her pinkie finger. I, being the little scamp that I was, still reluctantly took it and we shook.

"There. It's a promise. Will that please you then?"

"Yes! It will!" She smiled. It was childish smile, we were obviously very young, but even so…

Something about her captured my heart.

So maybe that's why I stayed around. Begged my parents to not move so we could stay together. Deliberately scuffed my scores to get into her school. You get the point.

We weren't "inseparable" per say, but we we're definitely very close. Everyone in our grade thought we'd end up together.

…So why?

Why didn't that happen?

That's a question I still ask myself to this day.

Of course, this story isn't over yet. It's certainly not like I'm way past my prime and reflecting on my life oh no no no.

The ball is still rolling.

And roll it will.

This is a story.

A ridiculous story if you will.

It's a story of my life—our life.

…And how I learned I was just a side character in someone else's life.

I have a lot of time due to it being summer break. I'm trying something new. Feel free to let me know what you think!

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