
I’ll reach the stars and moon for you

This is a story of a young woman with a great interest in serving people and fighting for their rights and well to live. Isabella Han or Ella is a fresh graduate from Stanford University, Stanford Law School in California and returned to Beijing to practice law and served her country. Arriving at Beijing airport Ella who is used to be fetched by her parents or their driver is now taking a cab to where her friend's apartment. Upon seating in the backseat car, Ella who is just leaning her back to the seat and about to take her nap was disturbed by the sudden buzz of her phone. She opens her eyes and reached her bag to get her phone and see who message her. Message: Hi there, sending you this message to warn you to please notify me once you reached Beijing at least a message will do. You already knew my apartments' password and there is food in the fridge. Fill your tummy before you take your rest I’ll be coming late so feel at home. Welcome back home friend. Mwwwuuaahh. A smile appears in her face as she reads Usa's messages. Susana Wen or Usa was her classmate since elementary and her best friend when her father disown her Usa was there to support her from time to time. Until she passed the scholarship in California. It was Usa knew what was her struggles with, so when her friend message or call her she felt warm in her heart. She replied: Hahahaha okay. Nag, nag, nag why acting like a mom?! Is that what you learned working at the firm? By the way, thank you for your undying care hahaha I'm on my way to your place. And take care of yourself too. As she finished typing and clicks the send buttons her phone buzz again and on the notification bar she saw it was a message from her nanny. Message: Young miss I just want to inform you that your father knew you arrived and madam wishes you to be safe and sound. I miss you so much, young miss. sob sob She starred to the screen for a few seconds and decided to delete the messages without replying to her nanny. ’Does he hates me to the Core? Doesn't he love me anymore? I missed them so much. But what should I do?’ _____________________________________________ (scene from chapter 13) 12 midnight. Christian: "where were you? Book me a room at this hotel, now!" he hung the call leaving his assistant frightened by his sudden call and to think of it, it's still in the middle of the night. "And where might be him right now...?" assistant Tang thought to himself as he dials his boss number. "H--hello, Mr. L--Lee, If possible where would you want me to book you? At this moment I don't have the idea where were y--"when the sentences were cut by Christian. "Clubtango, Dongcheng," Christian said impatiently. 'Why does my body felt like burning all of sudden?' the question himself as he waited for his secretary. 1 am Reaching the 10th floor, the elevator ding as it reached its destination with the door open. The presidential suite of the hotel is located on the 10th floor of the building and is composed of 10 rooms unlike on the other floors the whole floor consists of 100 rooms. As the elevator door, open Ella walk out sluggishly and a bit tipsy. She scans the place and realizes the long and wide hallway with white walls. "I should just tell them to book me an ordinary room, sigh, it's a long way for me." She looks at her hotel card and saw her room number "9" She walks through and through until she reached the room."Oh, there you are"a smirk could be seen in her face as she manages to get through the card but to no avail. Yet as she almost lost her footing and she leans on the door to her surprise it was already open. "Oh, that's why I can't open it because of it already open. What kind of staff they have left the door open after cleaning. tsk, tsk." she mumbles till she reached the bedroom and jump on the bed and she falls from her dreamland.

anne_2 · Allgemein
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16 Chs


After they ate their meal Ella excuse herself to go to the bathroom, after she pee, got out from the cubicle and washes her hand getting a tissue to dry it and retouched her lipstick.

There are three teenage girls entering the comfort room as they banter to each other happily.

Teen 1 who is short brown hair, fair complexion with an almond shape face wearing a red velvet color blouse matching a lace mini skirt said

Teen 1: "did you see the man ahhhh my heart, my poor heart he stole it. "

Upon saying those words she made a gesture to her left hand that as if reaching for something while her other right-hand place in her left chest that she feels her heart beats at a race 'i'm in love'

Teen 2 who has long blonde curly hair with a round face and wearing eyeglasses said

Teen 2: "don't dare fall for him because he is mine. I saw him first."

She smirks.

Teen 3 with a long straight brown highlighted hair, fair complexion, rounded face with thick brows and cute eyes

Teen 3: "hahahaha don't be delusional girls he is mine."

while she slaps the two at their shoulder and ran to the cubicle.

Listening to their banters, Ella reminisces her teenage life... She got a crush or we say she fell in love with a guy.... but the guy ignores her and even rejected her frankly...

Way back eight years ago...

The first day of school during her senior high year at YEW CHUNG High school.

6:55 am she reached her classroom with panting and small sweat form in her forehead from her running the stairs afraid to be late because the first subject starts at 7:00 am.

Upon entering the room the chair was full, with only one chair is available and it is in the bottom left part, the second row near the window.

She frowned 'why would I wake up late' she scolded herself. She walks towards her seat and sat down settling her things and wipe her forehead. She notices that on her left side her seatmate woken up from his slumber and fix his wrinkle polo she unconsciously turn her head and her eyes widen and her jaw drop 'OMG he is so handsome' (lovestruck hahaha)

On the other hand, the man roused from his slumber and tidy his polo. He has jet-blacked hair that was cut neatly, medium type of complexion but flawless, with Heart shape face and long lashes and clean face. Jaws carved from granite covered in flesh, screams of masculinity. These are pretty yet strong faces. Strength is very sexy.

Ella now drools seeing his seat-mate so handsome.

"Ahmm" Ella clear her throat "hi, your new here? I'm Isabella Han, Ella for short" Ella introduced herself. But the young man stares at her wearing his cold persona and facing front to avoid her.

Ella (sad face)

The teacher enters the classroom 7 am sharp the students roused from their seat and greeted their new math teacher.

Math Teacher: "good morning students, you may take your seat. And since this is our first day of class I would like you to introduce yourself one by one here in front and we're gonna start from here( pointing at the front, the right side of the raws).

The introduction goes on until she introduced herself in front and when she was done walking towards her seat she bumps to him, he unconsciously holds her arm to support her and straighten her footing and walk past her.

Ella"....."Dumbstruck by his swift move

'strong ✔️


Gentleman ✔️

hahaha you'll definitely mine, not now but eventually hahahaha'

The young boy introduces himself "hello I am Christian Lee a transferee from St. Paul School Philippines. You may call me Tian for short, nice meeting you all'' Christian bowed a bit and walk towards his seat yet Ella was still standing like a fool.

Ella 'eh what I have done, to idiot'

Months pass Ella tried to capture his attention by bringing extra food and bubbling all the time yet its nothing...

Nothing at all... just like talking to a statue.

Ella " I'm not that ugly and dull for him not to notice me?" Thought Ella to herself without noticing the young boy heard her.

" eh?" Tian whisper to himself.

Thanks everyone for reading my novel please do comments and rate my work thank you.

anne_2creators' thoughts