
I’ll reach the stars and moon for you

This is a story of a young woman with a great interest in serving people and fighting for their rights and well to live. Isabella Han or Ella is a fresh graduate from Stanford University, Stanford Law School in California and returned to Beijing to practice law and served her country. Arriving at Beijing airport Ella who is used to be fetched by her parents or their driver is now taking a cab to where her friend's apartment. Upon seating in the backseat car, Ella who is just leaning her back to the seat and about to take her nap was disturbed by the sudden buzz of her phone. She opens her eyes and reached her bag to get her phone and see who message her. Message: Hi there, sending you this message to warn you to please notify me once you reached Beijing at least a message will do. You already knew my apartments' password and there is food in the fridge. Fill your tummy before you take your rest I’ll be coming late so feel at home. Welcome back home friend. Mwwwuuaahh. A smile appears in her face as she reads Usa's messages. Susana Wen or Usa was her classmate since elementary and her best friend when her father disown her Usa was there to support her from time to time. Until she passed the scholarship in California. It was Usa knew what was her struggles with, so when her friend message or call her she felt warm in her heart. She replied: Hahahaha okay. Nag, nag, nag why acting like a mom?! Is that what you learned working at the firm? By the way, thank you for your undying care hahaha I'm on my way to your place. And take care of yourself too. As she finished typing and clicks the send buttons her phone buzz again and on the notification bar she saw it was a message from her nanny. Message: Young miss I just want to inform you that your father knew you arrived and madam wishes you to be safe and sound. I miss you so much, young miss. sob sob She starred to the screen for a few seconds and decided to delete the messages without replying to her nanny. ’Does he hates me to the Core? Doesn't he love me anymore? I missed them so much. But what should I do?’ _____________________________________________ (scene from chapter 13) 12 midnight. Christian: "where were you? Book me a room at this hotel, now!" he hung the call leaving his assistant frightened by his sudden call and to think of it, it's still in the middle of the night. "And where might be him right now...?" assistant Tang thought to himself as he dials his boss number. "H--hello, Mr. L--Lee, If possible where would you want me to book you? At this moment I don't have the idea where were y--"when the sentences were cut by Christian. "Clubtango, Dongcheng," Christian said impatiently. 'Why does my body felt like burning all of sudden?' the question himself as he waited for his secretary. 1 am Reaching the 10th floor, the elevator ding as it reached its destination with the door open. The presidential suite of the hotel is located on the 10th floor of the building and is composed of 10 rooms unlike on the other floors the whole floor consists of 100 rooms. As the elevator door, open Ella walk out sluggishly and a bit tipsy. She scans the place and realizes the long and wide hallway with white walls. "I should just tell them to book me an ordinary room, sigh, it's a long way for me." She looks at her hotel card and saw her room number "9" She walks through and through until she reached the room."Oh, there you are"a smirk could be seen in her face as she manages to get through the card but to no avail. Yet as she almost lost her footing and she leans on the door to her surprise it was already open. "Oh, that's why I can't open it because of it already open. What kind of staff they have left the door open after cleaning. tsk, tsk." she mumbles till she reached the bedroom and jump on the bed and she falls from her dreamland.

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16 Chs


Back at their apartment Ella sluggishly walk to her room, throw herself at her queen sized bed. She felt tired not the activities they did the whole day but to the fact that she was annoyed by those girls and missed her chance to see his beloved.

*Ding Ding

Her phone rang, it was her WeChat a notification came from her high-school classmate's group chat.

It informs them that they're having their class reunion, in tribute to their honorable math teacher and adviser that will retire and migrate to the US. And their reunion will be on the 5th day of next month, weekend.

"So it would be on Saturday" she mumbled as she continues reading the comments. One of her classmates asks where could be their venue.

Dana He, An A-grade model that has feelings towards Christian too. Asked, "I will be going and where could it be?"

Their class president/ organizer Lian Tan replied ''@ Mrs. Lui Resident, Dongfeng Area, be there at 5 pm.''

As she scrolls more she noticed Christian who is not fond of joining the conversation check the 'attending sign',

'so he is coming right?' To her surprise, she slips her phone and landed to her forehead "aww" she yelp.


Saturday morning

Ella who woke up early from her excitement for the event that afternoon, preparing breakfast and calling Usa to join her at the table.

While they are eating Usa glance at her friends' unusual self. 'Eh what has she eaten and woke up early today, its weekend and we don't have work sigh'

Ella " Are you coming this afternoon at Mrs. Lui house?"

Usa "yeah but I'll be having my date this morning with Ethan Yun"

Ella " Ethan Yun? Of Yun Accounting Firm? (shocking expression )

Usa "right it's him!"

Ella " congrats girl you found one of the handsome bachelors in Beijing but aren't they say he is a playboy?"

Usa "are you thinking that my beauty can't coequal with him?" Glaring to her friend as she continues "well as I dated him, for a month already I knew he's a playboy because he is fond of sports but not girls."

Ella "...."

She Grips Usa's hand for a while and said

Ella "I just want you to be happy you know that but if ever that guy hurt you I swear I don't know what can I do to him. "

A seriousness found on Ella's face as she speaks to Usa. And the girl understands her friend's concern.

Usa "why so serious now? Hahaha I'm just dating and it's not like you gonna lose me I'm still here" she waved her hand in a cute gesture to assure her friend that it's really fine.

Ella: " I know, all I long is you to be happy and found someone to take your burden and walk with you hand in hand till your Silver years come."

Usa: "hahaha friend you're being so serious and you know I can't take serious staff" she stands up to pick her plate, walk towards the sink as she washes the dishes. She really can't tolerate their conversation so she decided to cut her friend's thoughts. Deep in her, she knew Ella was concerned towards her and it warms her heart of these. Without noticing a teardrop slid down her cheeks and she automatically wipes it before Ella could see.

Ella did not respond anymore she knew her friend well she may look strong and happy but she suffers from great pain...

After finishing washing "I'm going to change Ethan might be here anytime soon."

"Hmm" she looks at her friends retreating back and sigh ' you were always by my side and I will always be by your side and that's I can promise you' she also stand up and walk towards her room.


Usa who is a beauty of Spanish-Chinese blood with a height of 1.6 meter tall with a white complexion and a long wavy black hair and has honey hazel brown eye are really matched to Ethan who is 1.76 meter tall with a wonderful body due to sports engagement. While their status and feature are similar they still on it's getting to know each other stage. Due to their class reunion, she moved her date on the morning gladly Ethan is available too.

"Ella I'll be leaving, see you later. Mwwwwaaaah" Usa bid to her friend.

Ella" okay, take care and have fun" as she hugs Usa.

Usa "ok now" as she releases her arms around Ella as well. And walk past to the main door.

Ethan arrived at Usa's apartment by the time the girl got out from the door.

The young man got out of the car and walk to the other door to open it for the girl.

The girl approached him and give him a side peek to his cheeks, the sudden movement made by her cause him to light blush.

"You are just in time," Usa said

"Timing is everything babe," Ethan said with his sexy tone.

Usa"....." she can't help but blush lightly.

Ella who watched the whole intimate scene from the balcony sigh " my eyes got blurry having a high sugar level maybe, watching too much love intimacy is no good for me"

(A/N: poor Ella no loveteam hahaha)