

The highlight of the evening should have been who won and who outshone whom, but all the stars battled fiercely, and the Rubik wins.


Check out tonight's hot topics --


#Yu Yang and Chi Yan join hands in the century#


#At the awards scene, Chi Yan is obsessed with the Rubik's Cube#


#Jasmine, a beautiful disaster#


Jasmine: ...???


I, being honest at home, managed to trend because of you all? She glanced back at her unreliable Chi yan's fan sisters, blaming Yu Yang for this? Wasn't it him causing trouble?


Guess what happened next?


Before the Chi yan's fan sisters could arrange it for him, he posted a blog first.


Yu Yang V:


No, you made me wait for an hour, and you came back with stardust all over, what are you here for?


-- Here to receive an award.


-- Here to receive an award.


-- Here to receive an award.


-- Haha, I didn't expect that it wasn't an opponent who defeated Yu Yang but his own fans.


-- I found this live stream both funny and sad, bro, please stop causing trouble.




By March, probably mid-month, Ben excitedly approached Jasmine to inform her that the sample film was out, and the core team members found it extremely domineering after a trial viewing.


Even someone like him, who changes girlfriends every year without knowing how to have a normal relationship, felt the pure sweetness and bitterness in perfect proportions, that's youth!


Ben also wanted her to come and see.


Jasmine didn't go.


Firstly, because she was Tempting feat, and watching it would only disappoint her.


Secondly, editing is not something the lead actor can control; all they can do is their best during filming, the final outcome depends on the team's ability.


She and Ben's Grandma mentioned that the movie they collaborated on with Ben would be released this summer, but it's a pity Grandma won't be able to see it.


"...I don't like watching that."


"Grandma, are you doing well down there? If there's anything you need, let me know, and I'll pass the message."


"Don't bother them anymore, so they won't find me annoying."


Jasmine was about to say she was overthinking it, but Grandma spoke a harsh truth. She only remembered them after two years of no contact; once they were in touch, why would they keep thinking about each other? She felt relieved after finding out the old man had hooked up with the maid after she left, and now things below were fine. She just hoped the policies wouldn't change too quickly; otherwise, if the old man's life was prolonged a bit, she might not be around when he eventually passes.


"Don't tell them this, Jas, to prevent the old man from getting any strange ideas."


"I understand."


"Oh, how did that movie you shot before go? The one you consulted with Ghost Seductress to make, did it premiere?"


Ghost Seductress? You mean the Courtesan Sister?


"That was released last year, didn't I mention it?"


"Made a lot of money, right?"


"The box office was pretty high, around 2.7 billion, but I only received the contracted payment, no profit share."


"That's good, Ghost Seductress asked about it last time, I'll let her know."


Jasmine didn't expect Courtesan Sister to be cold-faced but warm-hearted; last time they hung up abruptly without resolving anything, yet she still cared afterward.


Just as she was touched, Grandma Lu poured cold water on her: "She probably has concerns and wants your help, that's why she told you everything when you asked."


"...Should I ask her to come over? Let's see what she needs help with."


Ben's Grandma truly went the extra mile to help.


Jasmine put her phone on speaker and leisurely sipped a glass of freshly squeezed juice, then heard the familiar and slightly frivolous voice.


She quickly greeted, "Courtesan Sister, we meet again~"


"What's up?"


"I predict you have something to ask for my help, right?"


She paused, "Did the old lady tell you?"


"So, is it true?"


She seemed reluctant to bring up sad matters, but had no choice. Because she passed away quite early and had been down there for twenty years, a long time to linger; people always advised her to reincarnate, and she feared she might not have much time left to wait, which is why she turned to Jasmine.


"I have a younger sister..."


"Separated since childhood?"


"Shut up, just listen to me."


Jasmine: ...


"Okay, go ahead, tell me."


The Courtesan Sister started again: "I have a younger sister, we worked together at the nightclub, supporting each other for several years. At that time, how should I put it? We didn't lack in material things compared to others, but we truly suffered. Even if you earn money, it's hard to cleanly leave this profession. My sister found this life disgusting, asking me why I had to work and send the money back to them? She lost hope, several times telling me she didn't want to live.


She didn't want to live, yet feared being alone if she died, what to do?


 I couldn't pull her out of the mud, only accompany her."


Upon hearing this, Jasmine felt uneasy, thinking, "Sister, you didn't fall into the trap of a swindler, right???"




She said that after she died, she didn't see her sisteri down there.


Twenty years and still nothing.


"I want to know what happened after I died, is she still alive? Why is she still alive?"


Jasmine disliked dealing with such matters, but since it was brought up, she asked for the identities of the Courtesan sister and her sister, their names, birthplaces, and such.


After clarifying, she searched using the name, but found nothing since it was an incident from twenty years ago.


She asked a trustworthy person to look into it.


After about a week, there was some information.


According to someone who used to work with them at the nightclub, after the Courtesan committed suicide, her sister had emotional breakdowns several times, unable to believe her sister took that path. After the suicide incident, the nightclub was investigated, the boss managed to save himself due to local influence, but the entertainment venue couldn't continue, and these people had to find other paths.


As for that sister, she had good luck, there was a man who was devoted to the Courtesan, knowing how much she cared for her sister, he helped take care of her.


These two people comforted each other, and eventually developed feelings, getting together a few years later.


Now the man is doing well, living in a villa as a boss.


Jasmine: ...


Should I scold the man for being foolish, or the Courtesan sister for being foolish, or are they both foolish?


Why does this situation feel so suffocating?


Jasmine felt like she was tricked into a dead end, why should she? The Courtesan sincerely treated you, and you said you were afraid of being lonely on the road to the afterlife, and Courtesan was willing to accompany you, but you tricked her?


The Courtesan is the only one heading on the road alone, while you inherit your sister's legacy and live a happy life, how arrogant!


Jasmine didn't even know how to respond to this.


This is too cruel.


She felt a surge of anger, but couldn't express it, wanting the wicked to face consequences but not knowing how to make it happen, until a sudden idea struck her.


Right, there's also Bro Yan.


[Do you want to meet, brother? I have some information to provide you.]


Because of this message, Andrew Yan returned to the country, calling Jasmine on the third day at noon, saying he was at the airport, asking where to meet?


Jasmine went to the airport to pick him up.


After such a long flight, it was tiring, but Andrew Yan seemed interested, asking her what happened.


"Don't say it yet, let me guess. Did you call someone again, heard about an injustice, couldn't handle it, and wanted to give me some information?"


"Do you want to hear it?"


"If you flew over after guessing, what do you think?"


Jasmine then told Yan the famous writer about the request from the Courtesan sister and the information she had gathered.


Andrew Yan burst out laughing after hearing it.




"You should respect the deceased, how can you still laugh after hearing how tragic it was? Are you really heartless?"


Upon hearing this, Andrew Yan laughed even louder.


"I remember the first time you met me, you were just as indignant. Have you figured it out this time?"


"Of course, I asked around, it should be correct."


"Are you in a dilemma now? Wanting to punish the wrongdoer, but unable to act as a justice bringer, after all, you don't have the authority to judge others."


Jasmine leaned towards Andrew Yan like a salted fish and said, "I actually really don't want to hear about this, but since I've already heard it and I can't take revenge on her, I can only beg you. Is this material good enough? Can it be turned into a book?"


"By making some adaptations, it can be written, but even if my book sells well, most people wouldn't buy it to read. It's better to turn it into a movie to remind her sister of the past and keep her on edge."


"I can play the role of the courtesan sister!"


Andrew Yan looked at her with a smile that wasn't really a smile, "Let me write this script, I can make two adaptations:


The first one keeps her motivation, changing the deception leading to her sister's suicide into murder. This would be a typical suspense movie, starting with the sister's death and ending with the younger sister getting caught.


The second one would be a revenge story. Let this sister have helped a child in the past, meeting him the day before her suicide, leaving him money and saying some words. After her death, this child sees the news in the newspaper, realizing the reported information doesn't match what he knows. He wants to provide clues, but as he's just a kid, no one takes him seriously.


After this child grows up, he stages a revenge plot, revealing the truth of that day in the most brutal way. Choosing this, the story would begin directly twenty years later."


Jasmine's first reaction was that she preferred the latter, then her second reaction was like, "Are you kidding me??"


"Regardless of which one, the role with the most scenes is her sister. Do you want me to play this despicable sister?"


Jasmine's eyes widened, "Let me tell you, if this were a fictional story, it would be fine. But it's real. Making me play such a disgusting character, I might vomit."


"Isn't there another option? Make that child a girl, then you would be the avenger."


"That's doable," Jasmine clasped her hands together, "Then I'll rely on Teacher Yan."


Andrew Yan tsked inwardly.


Thinking back to when they first met, Jasmine used to mock big writers, and now she needed Teacher Yan.


That's how society, huh?



With a vent for her feelings, Jasmine felt relieved and finally gathered the courage to tell her courtesan sister about this. She also mentioned her movie plan, trying to console her, "The movies I act in always generate a lot of buzz. Even if she doesn't watch, she'll know the plot. When she knows, she'll remember the wrongs she did, taking a life. She won't have it easy!"


If only she had known years ago, she would have been furious.


Now, to hear that there is actually a feeling that is so true.


After hearing Jasmine vent on her behalf and trying this naive method to seek a bit of justice, she felt touched.


"If my beloved sister were you, how great would that be?"


Normally, one would call out "sister" at such times.


Jasmine: ???


"Then won't I grow twenty years older overnight? You reap what you sow."


Once again, the courtesan sister couldn't help but hang up on her.


But some people, despite their reluctance, are truly sincere. Just as the call ended, a text message came from the netherworld, probably expressing how moved the courtesan sister was, offering her a magic gift*1.


Such a sincere red envelope couldn't be left unopened.


Jasmine washed her hands three times before opening it.


[Congratulations on acquiring the skill of feigned sincerity. Skill description: During business hours, make the whole world believe your love is genuine.]




Receiving this skill, Jasmine was silent for at least half a minute.


Suddenly remembering the time the courtesan sister wanted to teach her how to play multiple sides without getting caught, and now looking at this skill she received, she really was the queen of the night club when she was alive.




Bro Yan: Am I just a tool for you? You use me quite well.