

When Jasmine wrapped up shooting, it was already mid-winter, and this time she was shot dead, with the Japanese even instructing to report the news.


"Extra! Extra! Leading lady of the Rilou Nightclub, Miss Ding Man, tragically shot dead."


"Come see, come see, big news!"




A photo of her taken before she died was posted in the newspaper, black and white, like a memorial photo. Because of this, the producers and directors all gave Jasmine a big red envelope.


This was also an industry practice.


If a person dies in your film, you must give them some recognition, or the actor's heart will ache. Jasmine was fine. Mainly because she could still make phone calls to those below, and she wasn't very superstitious about it.


After the official wrap, Jasmine bid farewell to all the senior teachers who still had scenes to shoot and prepared to leave first. She missed the New Year's Eve party last year, but this year she couldn't avoid it and had to go back to prepare.


Before leaving, the director joked with her, "Mi, now that you're going back, who will you miss the most?"


Many people confidently raised their chests.


Jasmine's gaze swept past the director, then the male lead, male second lead, male third lead, male fourth lead... and stopped at the female actress. She smiled and said, "The one I'll miss the most is sister Ying, my mom used to love you a lot, I grew up watching your dramas with her."


This Hong Kong sister is named Li Qiong Ying, a TVB actress who used to be very popular, but nowadays, younger audiences are not very familiar with her.


Jasmine said that her mother really likes Sister Ying. It's a pity that she entered the industry a bit late. If it were five years ago, before she came of age and her mom hasn't been reincarnated yet, imagine how happy her mom would be to receive a call about it!


Her mom used to say, 'Jasmine, you've grown up and are doing well. Don't always worry about me, look forward.'


Little Jasmine is still in the habit of calling her every day. In order to help her daughter become independent, her mom expressed how boring it was to be down there and since she didn't have any desires and didn't want to wait for anyone, she went to get a number and queued up to be reborn.


Jasmine started many businesses during that time, wanting to do some good deeds to help her mom accumulate blessings and find a happy family. ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡


Whether she succeeded or not, she doesn't know.


Sometimes when she's bored, she'll count on her fingers and think about her mom who queued up five years ago and successfully reincarnated four years ago. At that time, if she had been born directly, her mom would be around four years old now, or maybe she would have to stay in someone's belly for ten months, which would make her around three years old.


Thinking about a mom who's around three years old is quite cute.


This gave her motivation to work hard again, thinking that maybe she could make her mom like herself as much as she likes Sister Ying. ~


Jasmine blew a kiss to Sister Ying and then bid farewell to the cast of "Waiting for Dawn," of course, only in reality; they would still chat in their WeChat group.


There are often people @ her.


Asking what Jasmine is busy with? - preparing to appear on variety shows or taking on a new role?


Jasmine said she's preparing program content for the upcoming event.


He Ming (Chi Yan): '[Singing in the show?]




-- I never expected to see Bro Chi Yan take the initiative to ask questions one day; I was shocked


-- It's not really a question, it's just a joke. He cue Jasmine into acting!


-- Shouldn't we play along with a laugh Haha?


-- Haha


-- Haha


-- Hahaha


-- Letting the Chi Yan's fans know about this would make them ecstatic! We are really obsessed with this CP!


It's the young actors in the group who are excited; the old hands are all puzzled.


Chi Yan's fans?




Obsessed with CP?


Last time you talked about a glamorous CP, right? Why are you obsessed now?


Are they just changing positions? ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱ ​​


Oh, then it's okay.


The group was so cheerful, but the people involved were quite puzzled. When filming, they were focused on making the scenes good. Now, reminded by everyone, Jasmine remembered that during the film promotion period, she and Chi Yan would have to give the public some sugar. They couldn't have no interaction between the male and female leads; that would be like pouring cold water on the audience before they even see the movie.


Ding Man (Jasmine): '[I have to go on variety shows and play games with Bor Chi Yan for the movie promotion, walk the red carpet, and give out sugar. I'm feeling pressured again!]


He Ming (Chi Yan): '[...Again?]


Ding Man (Jasmine): '[Every time I'm studying hard, and you're calmly flipping through books, I feel like smacking myself a couple of times. Why am I so stupid?]


He Ming (Chi Yan): '[Not stupid, just striving for excellence.]


Ding Man (Xu Mi): '[...]'


He Ming (Chi Yan): '[Then, I won't read next time.]


Even though there were dozens of people in the group, at that moment, it felt like only the male and female leads were present, and others voluntarily took on the background roles to watch.


Especially those who had worked with Chi Yan in other drama crews felt something was off.


Ding Man (Jasmine): '[The promotion hasn't started yet, Yan Ge, be normal like before.]


He Ming (Chi Yan): '[.]




If Yu Yang were in the group, seeing this scene would definitely make them burst out laughing.


Jasmine really didn't understand Chi Yan and didn't see that he was trying to impress her. She just thought Yan Ge was quite dedicated. The scenes were shot exceptionally well. After filming, she would tell him that during promotion, they had to hype up the CP a bit, even if he seemed indifferent, he was still trying his best to cooperate.


This reserved way of giving out sugar seemed to be in line with his usual style.




Before the sweet moments with Chi Yan unfolded, "Seeking Immortality" with top-notch production and a powerful cast, it has successfully won over both the Mango and Tomato TV stations.


It's really the blockbuster of the New Year, premiering on January 5th.


Following the immediate participation in variety show promotions, even the New Year's Eve Gala will be utilized. Yu Yang and the female lead, Chen Xi, went to Tomato TV to promote, Jasmine collaborated with the singer who sang the theme song for them, performed on Mango TV, showcasing her singing skills.


Once the program schedule was posted, viewers who were interested in both sides quickly made plans. When they discovered that Yu Yang and Chen Xi would be on stage a bit earlier than Jasmine, they decided to first check out the top stars before switching over to Jasmine's performance.


There are many fans cheering Jasmine on under her Facebook posts.


-- "Sister, go for it! Show them how beautiful your singing skills are!"


-- "After more than a hundred days, I finally get to hear Sister Jasmine sing again. I've replayed the scene with Aroma many times, I can even recite it now."


-- "Sister Jasmine's singing is beautiful, but I still prefer the suona electronic music. Why not perform with suona electronic music?"


-- "There are many videos of that now, go check them out."


- "But that's not what Sister Jasmine plays!"




Jasmine takes on projects based on quality rather than quantity, which has led to her fans never getting enough of her. Currently, there are only two TV dramas that they can watch repeatedly, and the same goes for variety shows, with not many scenes combined.


Fans are torn between envy for other idols appearing on TV every day and the fear of their own idol taking on too many variety shows in a year.


Some in the industry have gained popularity by frequently appearing on variety shows in a short time, but the downside is that excessive exposure may make it difficult for audiences to immerse themselves in the movies or TV series they act in, always feeling something is off.


In any case, there are pros and cons to any choice. Sister Chen has discussed this with Jasmine before, and in retrospect, things seem fine now. She films two to three dramas each year, which is not too few. Even when there are no movies or TV shows airing, there are still gossip news because the paparazzi love capturing Jasmine's moments with the likes of Ben.


Jasmine begins promoting the TV drama "Seeking Immortality" with the cast on variety shows, and to the anticipation of many, she shines brightly on the Mango TV Gala, singing beautifully.


In early January, she, Yu Yang, and the TV drama's female lead, Chen Xi, dominated entertainment news headlines, coordinating with the TV station's release of the new drama trailer. Fans helped promote "Seeking Immortality" on platforms like Facebook forums, leading to high attention.


On the evening of January 5th, both stations premiered simultaneously, and the duo of Yu Yang and Jasmine became overnight sensations, trending on Facebook that very night.


#The TV drama "Seeking Immortality" premiered with a 1.5 rating!


#Starring Yu Yang and Jasmine, the adorable dog siblings!


#Don't miss out on watching Dog Sister protect her brother online as time is running out!#


Jasmine is now an actress with exceptionally high expectations from the audience, possibly due to her special skill: extraordinary charm.


Even if one is not her fan, knowing this characteristic makes people curious about what she will transform into next.


Her previous two roles were a cat and a peach, appearing on variety shows as a sunset, a small rose, and a delicate flower in a storm, giving people online a sense of familiarity before the premiere of "Seeking Immortality."



They summarized their experiences and proposed many possibilities with good reasons, but none of the top choices included a dog.


Upon the premiere, oh? It's dog siblings?


Yu Yang, think about it, isn't his silly, enthusiastic and energetic character akin to a silly dog?


Fans on Facebook were ecstatic, commenting that this dog siblings is too good to be true.


Yu Yang V: ???


Yu Yang V: How do you guys see it?


Dog sister part is good, how do I look like a dog?


How can I be a dog when I'm this handsome?


At this point, fans hadn't realized that the key point was the dog, still earnestly analyzing him and posting many pictures of their own dogs.


Yu Yang has been in the industry for many years, but never felt as suffocated as he did today.


He opened his Facebook comments, where it was all about dogs and silly photos. Yu Yang almost choked and had to take a moment to resist publicly mocking his fans.


Although he didn't publicly complain, she criticized the main culprit, Jasmine, through WeChat.



"Come out, come out! Compensate me for my mental anguish!"




--"What's wrong now?"


-- "Dare you ask, if it weren't for you acting that way, could the audience have come up with the idea of a dog sibling duo? Look at the comments under my Facebook, I have been greatly harmed."


Jasmine went to look.


After reading, she remembered that Yu Yang had said he didn't like dogs.



--"But if you didn't act like that, the audience wouldn't be able to let us both be mentioned in the same breath, right?"




"You've changed, you're no longer the good sister who always listened to her big brother and never went against his wishes. Is this the influence of acting with Chi? It makes me so heartbroken, so I'm not compatible with Chi!"


--"It's Brother Chi Yan, remember to call people by their names properly."


"Chi, Chi, Chi, just Chi."






Thinking about Chi Yan's usual style, Jasmine felt that maybe for the past few years, it had been the hot-headed older brother who had been unilaterally challenging the other side.


Oh well, this wasn't her concern, Jasmine closed the WeChat chat window and continued watching the drama.


Yu Yang waited for a long time but the dog sister didn't reflect on her mistakes, making him even more depressed.




Although this drama dealt Yu Yang a huge blow both during filming and after it aired, there were also good things. Because of the huge investment, the filming was done well and the post-production was heartfelt. The quality of the drama "Seeking Immortality" was remarkably high, receiving praise from various sources after it aired. As the story unfolded, there was an increasing amount of discussion online, and the viewership kept rising.


The audience was moved by the dog sister's unwavering courage to help her brother overcome obstacles.


When she heard that her brother was being punished and out of concern, she ran to find the elixir for him. Despite the medicine owner refusing to give it easily and insisting she break through the difficult situation, everyone knew the other party was setting her up, but she still went without hesitation.


Later, they found themselves in a desperate situation where someone had to shed blood, and seeing her brother about to draw his sword, the dog sister cut herself instead.


After all these ups and downs, even those who used to mock her for being naive couldn't laugh anymore. After all, who wouldn't want someone to protect them so devotedly?


Fans and viewers were deeply moved by the beautiful relationship between the siblings.


But then they realized something was amiss.


The older brother fell in love with the female sect leader, and he was getting closer to her.


Despite being inseparable before, the siblings were forced to part ways. As the romantic storyline with the older brother heated up, viewers saw the younger sister still sacrificing for him, but with less and less time together, wasn't it heartbreaking?


The most distressed was Yu Yang's fans, who would cry every time she watched the drama. Seeing the main couple in love scenes while the younger sister trained alone or sat on the roof hugging her knees and looking at the stars, reminiscing about the past... it broke the hearts of Yu Yang's fans.


No character is as convenient for them to bring in as Dog Sister.


When casual viewers were confused, Chi Yan's fans helped explain.


--"Do you see how the sister who fights for the male lead, searches for treasures, and endures injuries without a word of pain is just like the Yu Yang's fans who fights on the frontlines against online attacks every day? Now the situation is that the Yu Yang's fans sees the malelead's pursuit of his girlfriend as the most important thing in the world, but he takes their money and goes off to date. Just think about this blow."


--"Your brother just started dating!!!"


--"┭┮﹏┭┮.. Chi Yan fans, I advise you to be kind, if you gloat over others' misfortunes, your home will suffer backlash."


--"Can you please have some decency as star-chasing girls? Aren't you heartbroken watching the drama like this? Don't you understand the feelings of this group who are crying their hearts out?"


-"I hate this female lead."


-"Me too!"


-"Me too!"


Even Chen Xi's fan was really at a loss, posting to ask what the female lead had done wrong again? Were those criticisms just out of boredom? Originally, this drama was Chen Xi's female lead, Xu Mi was the second female lead and the male lead's biological sister, so why are they trying to stop her from letting her own brother date?




--"The female lead's fans should target the Yu Yang fan precisely! Take Jasmine, we don't agree!"


-- Our Jasmine didn't recruit you, is it because Yu Yang fan brought their soul into the role and made them feel like your Idol stole their brothers? If you're unhappy, go talk to them!




On Facebook, forums, everywhere, it's a big melee.


No one expected the most intense battle after the drama exploded to be between the fans of the male and female leads. The root cause was that the male lead's fans collectively supported the wrong side and all went over to the female second lead.


As bystanders watched them tear into each other, they didn't care much about the female lead, but they did feel that the male lead really wasn't deserving. In a dog's heart, you're the most important, but in your heart, the dog isn't -- so, isn't the dog pitiful?


A year ago, cat lovers nearly tore apart the female lead of "My All-Round Girlfriend," and Wen Jia was cyberbullied and trended.


Now the cat lovers have withdrawn from the battle, and the dog lovers are charging towards the male lead played by Yu Yang. They've also sent him trending.


In summary, it's like


-- In conclusion, you don't deserve it. ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha