

They say the CP is operating, but in reality, Chi Yan and Jasmine communicate very little, to what extent?


The director was pondering whether they should encourage the two to develop better rapport, very worried that these two won't be able to portray the feeling of love on screen.


Originally, even Jasmine was worried about this. She and Yu Yang complained that Chi Yan's gaze seemed as if looking at a glass of plain water, no feeling or flavor, and she didn't know how to handle this role.


Translation of the paragraph:


Who knows you better than your opponent?


Yu Yang comforted her, "Don't worry, Chi Yan has that kind of temperament. Otherwise, why do you think he rarely gets involved in scandals?


Two years ago, there were colleagues on a talk show criticizing him, saying it was too difficult to act with him. Every day you have to find the right state again. Why? Because the director said he could be passionate in a second, but as soon as the scene is over, he snaps out of it. Your preconceptions collapse instantly. Every expression of his tells you it's fake, he's never truly loved.


You should have talked to your brother before accepting the role. If you had known in advance, I would have advised you to think it over."


Jasmine felt a little more at ease after hearing this. It's important to get into character during filming, no matter what his usual expression is.


Chi Yan has a heavier role in this movie as the male lead, several initial scenes were with him and other supporting actors.


Initially, Jasmine underwent special training, and the director Wang Ping was also a talent. He found someone to train her to smile, look at people, and how to be charming yet dignified. He also mentioned being able to stand out in public appearances might be more important than being a lady... 


Jasmine thought her mother would faint if she knew her daughter was taking these classes.


She had put in a lot of effort for this role.


Fortunately, Jasmine's learning ability, though not as extreme as Chi Yan's, was still exceptional. When it was her turn to appear, the way she dressed and carried herself made everyone around her light up.


The first time they met, the female lead Ding Man didn't even notice the male lead He Ming, she was talking to a Japanese man who came to the nightclub to show support.


The Japanese man mentioned he hadn't been here for a few days and missed Miss Ding's singing.


The nightclub manager immediately stopped the ongoing performance, some customers complained, asking what was going on, questioning if they were doing business or not.


Someone excitedly said, "Next, please welcome Miss Ding Man to showcase her singing talent."


The atmosphere, previously tense, became excited. In this scenario, the female lead played by Jasmine began her first stage performance.


The director emphasized that this scene was crucial, it had to be played perfectly to show the charm of the city's top socialite. At the same time, the male lead was supposed to be drawn to her at this moment, deciding to approach her for both personal and public reasons. However, his personal motives were kept subtle, expressed only through meaningful glances, not overt actions.


Honestly, Director Wang Ping's decision to cast Jasmine as the female lead in his movie was largely due to this scene.


He saw Jasmine playing Aroma on TV, and felt she had that captivating feeling, the kind that mesmerizes the audience. So he asked Gao Teng for help in recommending her.


When they finally reached this point, Director Wang Ping was still a bit nervous.


In contrast, Jasmine was no longer nervous.


She gracefully walked onto the stage, glanced casually down below, as if looking at someone or no one, then the music started. Jasmine gently opened her red lips and sang the first line. The musicians beside her were caught off guard and chuckled.


The song was supposed to be similar to "Night Fragrance," but as soon as Jasmine started singing, it turned into a scene reminiscent of "Farewell My Concubine." (Famous Peking Opera) Her demeanor was spot on, the lyrics matched, her mouth movements synced perfectly, but the voice... it was so wrong that it threw everyone off.


The actors who laughed were sternly criticized.


The director asked for another take. Jasmine opened her mouth, and it was like Peking Opera. Many supporting actors were trying not to laugh, pretending to be intoxicated, but the male lead, his eyes conveyed a sense of reality.


When Yu Yang privately asked if everything was going smoothly? 


Jasmine praised Chi Yan's acting skills enthusiastically.


"If I didn't know what kind of singer I am, I would have thought he really appreciated me. You have no idea, every time I sing, someone can't help but laugh, even the director suspects he got the female lead's profession wrong. Actually, the workplace should be moved to the theater next door, but Chi Yan never laughed. His laughter is also written in the script, at this point, the male lead should look at the female lead and smile slightly."


To be honest, Jasmine didn't think much of Yu Yang before.


After watching Chi Yan, thinking about these two in the entertainment circle, Yu Yang can go head-to-head with him... Does he not have any outstanding qualities?


She sincerely praised Yu Yang.


However, Yu Yang was not moved and quickly stopped her.


"Jasmine, for the sake of my mental and physical health, let's not contact each other a few times before you finish filming this movie. So that you don't mention Chi Yan every time I close my mouth, and He Ming, sooner or later, I will make you mad. It just so happens that I will take on a few more jobs so that when your movie hits the theaters, I won't be stuck in the same old situation of being buried by the competition."


"...As for our TV series, I have some confidence, our viewership won't be bad."


Don't mention it, talking about TV series, Yu Yang remembered the last episode where he went to his sister's grave with the female lead...


He always feel that when this drama airs, the male lead he plays will also be criticized online. Don't be surprised if it trends every day.


After this conversation, Yu Yang really got busy with his work.


Occasionally contacting each other is just a routine greeting.


Besides filming this movie, Jasmine attended the Golden Eagle Awards ceremony in mid-October. She won the Most Popular Actress award due to a significant victory in the audience voting segment.


On the male actor's side, Chi Yan won the award. After receiving the trophy, they were asked to stand side by side for a photo. After this was posted on the forum, it became the first public display of affection for the popular CP.


Because they both won awards, the public started paying attention to the movie "Waiting for Dawn." Whether the director paid for positive publicity or it was spontaneous reporting, Jasmine was not sure. However, these days she heard many hopeful voices, both sets of fans believed that this collaboration would be a huge success. Not to mention the star power, Jasmine's popularity is extremely rare in the industry.


The whole Ben family watched the awards ceremony live on TV. Afterwards, Ben's mother, Yuan Hong, whispered, "Jas seems to have not visited our house for a while?"


"She's filming a movie, a spy war film, and she's working with Chi Yan."


"A spy war film? Fighting the Japanese? Are they shooting in Hengdian?"




"With such a short distance, why don't you and Mengmeng go visit her, bring her some snacks."


Ben's Grandpa heard that his grandchildren were going to Hengdian to visit Jasmine, and he advised Ben to say some nice words when he had the chance to call his grandmother. "Remember, make sure your grandma knows that we didn't neglect her, it's just that the little girl is too busy to talk to us every day, so let her not overthink!" ( ´◔︎ ‸◔︎`)




The Ben siblings bought a bunch of things to visit the crew. Ben felt like he was at home in Hengdian, while his sister was a bit more reserved. When they arrived, they coincidentally saw the lead actors dancing together.


Ben watched and clicked his tongue in his mind.


After clicking his tongue, he turned to talk to his younger sister but found mengmeng staring in awe. Ben nudged her with his elbow and asked softly, "What's up?"




"What's with the 'umm'?"


"I was worried that Jasmine and Chi Yan wouldn't get along due to their cool demeanor, but look at them, they're so sweet!"


Ben: ???


"You said yesterday that jealousy in Yu Yang's friend circle is a sign of love."


"That was yesterday, today I've changed my mind."


"If you can switch to Chi Yan today, tomorrow you can switch again. You might as well ship her with your brother and me. Think about it, aren't we the ironclad CP you've been shipping? I'm the man closest to Jasmine!"


MengMeng originally had pink bubbles popping all over her body. When she heard this, she felt constipated.


After shooting this segment, Jasmine headed straight towards the direction of the Ben siblings. Chi Yan accepted the mineral water handed to him by the assistant, took a sip, glanced at the newcomer, and then sat back down on the chair.




Ben siblings distributed the small gifts they bought to the entire crew, chatted casually with Jasmine, and then remembered the old man's request.


"Sis, after finishing this film, come to my house for two days, Grandpa and the others really miss you."


"They miss me? Not missing someone else?"


MengMeng chuckled with her eyes bent.


"That scene we just shot was so beautiful. I originally had no interest in spy films, but now I'm really looking forward to the movie's release. Sister, this film will definitely be a hit!"


Jasmine was under a lot of pressure at the beginning, but now he has found his rhythm. Chi Yan is actually great to work with, as long as you accept his quiet personality and don't overthink things, you'll find that he's quite nice, at least he's very dedicated to acting.


Anyway, this film hasn't given him much trouble.


His emotional progression was so profound that during filming, it really felt like they were on the same wavelength, sometimes Jasmine even felt uncomfortable.


She later realized that maybe it was because in the first three films, there was either no romantic plot or they were only focused on flirting and tragedy. Gu Pan was indifferent, taking care of fish every day, while Sweet always encountered scumbags, either being deceived or on the way to being deceived. This was the first time she seriously engaged in a romantic storyline.


Fortunately, romance was just a side dish for this movie. Until Ding Man was exposed and shot, there were no intense scenes between her and He Ming, except for dancing together and one kiss.


That was He Ming's last visit to her in Ding Man's private lounge backstage at the nightclub. At that time, He Ming knew Ding Man had figured out his identity and was willing to support him. He wanted to send urgent information before finding her and made a promise before leaving.


The director said Ding Man should tearfully kiss him.


Jasmine did kiss him.


At that moment she thought—


Huh? Chi Yan seems nervous? Even someone with a cool demeanor would be stirred up filming such scenes.


Then another thought—


No, it should be that the actor's skills are good, the male lead in the movie is nervous.


It's the first time a seasoned revolutionary like him is in a romantic relationship, so it's natural to feel nervous.


After the shoot, Chi Yan was drinking water on the side.


While drinking, he listened to Jasmine and the screenwriter teacher vent, "Our Ding Man is too naive. Just watching a few more TV dramas, anyone would know she's being set up, and yet she still kissed him. If it were me to write this show, I'd just slap his face!" U ´꓃ ` U


Okay, Chi Yan can't drink this water anymore.


Chi Yan felt a bit hurt on his face.




Jasmine: Bro Yan, your acting is great!


Chi Yan: ......