
I‘m camper in Demon Control Department

Throughout the ages, this land has been plagued by evil.Thousands of years ago, a great change occurred in the heavens and earth, and a city of Kyoto appeared in the Jiuzhou.In the southeast of the city, there is a courtyard called the Zhenyousi.Since then, it has been suppressing evil day after day and year after year.A nine-level demon-suppression guard accidentally obtained a black stone and was arranged by a group of old guys to become the ruler of this place.A white-haired man who constantly reincarnates, a grandmother who likes to raise big demons, and a red-robed man with narrow eyes and excellent beauty.Thousands of years have passed, the heavens and earth have returned to normal, but why is this land full of evil?Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

Sim_Huang · Fantasie
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10 Chs

9.Fewer people, less work

Chen Xuance sat there, closed his eyes and performed his magic power, opening his eyes to the heavens.

There is no trace of awkwardness, as if it has been performed thousands of times, and the eye of heaven is opened.

Looking around, everything under the night sky is clearly visible.

In the direction of the distant temple, there was a pervasive yin spirit slowly dissipating. It was only then that I realized that what had covered the starry sky was not a dark cloud.

Not long after, Ma Baihu came back and called everyone to get up and start.

Huang Si Group left behind four internship town demon guards to deal with the six dead brothers.

The department of exorcism has its own way of disposing of corpses, which is to burn them.

This is to prevent the occurrence of corpse transformation. Ghosts are much more difficult to kill than demons, as corpses can easily sit up and crawl out, causing a lot of trouble.

Packing up their belongings, Chen Xuance followed the rear of the general flag bearer Li Gou. The sun had not yet risen, and the sky was still dark, making it the coolest time of day.

It is the custom of the Demon Elimination Division to keep silent when traveling.

I don't know when it was passed down, there is no explicit requirement, and it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Chen Xuance inquired about it, and it was said that this could avoid the loss of vitality and spirit, avoid provoking things that should not be provoked, and increase the chance of surviving the mission.

The demon-controlling department doesn't care about day and night. They are always ready for action, day and night.

It's fine during the day, but it's easy to scare people at night.

Dozens of people wearing uniforms and carrying bundles walked silently in the dark, which would make anyone feel uneasy.

When the sun was just rising, a group of more than 200 people walked near the village of Da Huai Shu and stopped on a hill about 100 meters north of the village.

The village is located in a valley, along a river that runs from west to east across the valley, with hundreds of households stretching north of the river.

The crops planted in the valley outside the village were green and lush despite the one-month drought in Kyoto, thanks to the abundant water from the river called the Big Willow River.

At the entrance to the village on the east side is a large locust tree that can be held by three people, which is also the origin of the name of the village.

The name of the Daliushuhe River is because there is a large forest of willows along the river not far from the west of the village.

The people of the Demon-Elimination Division stood on a hill overlooking the village built along the river like a long snake, studying the terrain.

Hey, the feng shui of this place is good. Ma Baihu sighed after looking at it for a while.

Li Gou, the supporting actor, approached and said, "Sir, please tell me how to say it?"

Ma Baihu didn't hide anything and stretched out his right hand, pointing vaguely toward the mountains in the west, saying with emotion, "Today I'll teach you something. See, the mountains in the west block the cold and harsh air coming from the west.

At this point, the finger pointed to the willows and the Big Willow River in the west: "The willows gather the blessing of the entire valley, and this river carries the blessing into the village. The blessing is also called 'wealth'.

After a pause, he pointed to the locust tree under the hill: "The locust tree collects yin and blocks wealth, keeping the prosperity of the river in the village. This is the feng shui of the Long River for receiving blessings."

Speaking of which, he sighed twice and said, "Good, good. If any of you decide to quit your jobs and move here, you can buy ten acres of land and be rich and powerful, not to mention being guaranteed against starvation.

With a look of emotion, he waited for his subordinates to compliment him, but only heard a few scattered voices.

The interested crowd, after listening to Ma Baihu's boast for a long time, lost interest after he promised that they would not starve to death.

This will make Liu Baihu, a man from Huangsi Group near them, speak to the people below with a very loud voice: "This village, this feng shui, has too much yin energy, which will damage yang life. Let me tell you, if any of you decide to quit later, don't move here. Don't die in the town demon department, but instead die here."

This is meant for Ma Baihu, who is a real Taoist priest.

Ma Baihu's blush, but he didn't contradict.

Last time, I fought with Liu Baihu for Xiao Cui of Xingchunlou, but I didn't win.

It's even harder to scold them. Taoist priests who often perform rituals are very eloquent.

Fortunately, at this moment, the thousand households called everyone over to discuss things. Ma Baihu muttered, "I don't have to meet the general understanding of the bull's nose who pretends to be a god and plays tricks."

Then he walked towards the thousand households with a crab-like gait.

Chen Xuance has already found a place to lean against the tree, spread his bedding on the west side of the tree, and lies down to sleep. This location is good, and the sun won't come up to bake him.

Others are also the same. For tasks like this that only need to be done at night, they are idle in the morning.

I was tossed up in the middle of the night, and now I'm very sleepy.

When he was lying down and not yet asleep, he saw Ma Baihu walking back with a beaming expression, and his eyes kept looking at Liu Baihu, who was not far away from him. The words "gloating over others' misfortune" could be written on his face with only four big pockmarks.

Our group's work tonight will be easy. Li Gou, your team should stay here and be responsible for observation tonight. If there is any situation, please report to me at any time. The rest of you should follow me down the mountain.

After arranging everything, he found a place not far from Chen Xuance and his team and sat down cross-legged.

Li Gou, as a professional comic, had already come over to them by now: "Boss, what's so happy about?"

Ma Baihu laughed and said, "Hey, Lao Liu and his men are guarding the big locust tree at the entrance to the village tonight.

After he said that, Chen Xuance, who was not far away, understood.

The locust tree is a place of gathering gloom and great evil.

Ma Baihu did not control his voice, and Liu Baihu gritted his teeth in the distance.

Brothers, tonight we will show those who are not capable of killing people every day what we are capable of. If anyone fails, I will let you know what is more terrifying than a ghost.

The sound came, and Ma Baihu's smile didn't change.

What's wrong with the dead? Could they arrange such an easy job this time? Except for Li Gou's team, the Yellow Team's members were arranged on both sides of the village to maintain the formation.

Not long after, only Chen Xuance and seven others remained on the hill, while the others had rested enough and entered the village.

Qianhu Xiao Zhuo first led the Xuan Group to inspect the eight corpses. The two newly dead were also elderly villagers, who were found by their families when they called them for breakfast.

The two families, one in the east of the village near the big locust tree, and the other in the middle of the village near the river.

Then, holding his black compass, he walked along the river from east to west to the west of the village, and then back through the middle of the village.

Mabaihu and his companions, who were waiting at the east end of the village, saw Xiao Zhuo's face full of confusion.

He was a little confused. According to the theory, the dead in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons would spread out in a circular pattern, starting with the first victim and moving from old to young.

The dead in the Village of the Big locust tree did follow the rule of decreasing age from old to young, but they did not follow the rule of spreading from one point to another, but rather from west to east.