
I‘m camper in Demon Control Department

Throughout the ages, this land has been plagued by evil.Thousands of years ago, a great change occurred in the heavens and earth, and a city of Kyoto appeared in the Jiuzhou.In the southeast of the city, there is a courtyard called the Zhenyousi.Since then, it has been suppressing evil day after day and year after year.A nine-level demon-suppression guard accidentally obtained a black stone and was arranged by a group of old guys to become the ruler of this place.A white-haired man who constantly reincarnates, a grandmother who likes to raise big demons, and a red-robed man with narrow eyes and excellent beauty.Thousands of years have passed, the heavens and earth have returned to normal, but why is this land full of evil?Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

Sim_Huang · Fantasie
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10 Chs

3. Rouge River and Rouge Street

The old fat man took the demon-controlling clothes from Chen Xuance, greeted Ma Baihu, and limped away in a hurry.

"Adult, how can I understand? My son is dead, but I feel he is still happy?"

Chen Xuance, who followed Ma Baihu out, couldn't help asking.

Ma Baihu looked very ugly, but he still explained to Chen Xuance.

The dead fat man was not the old fat man's biological son. Over the years, the lame old fat man had been adopting orphans from the hands of refugees and raising them to be sent to the town demon department.

The purpose of doing this is to take advantage of the compensation provided by the demon-controlling guard: ranging from 100 to 300 taels depending on the rank.

"Do you think he won't be unhappy? Ten liang of silver is enough to raise him so big. If he is sent in, he will die sooner or later, and at least a hundred liang will be lost."

"This bastard has sent at least 80 to the demon guard over the years, and 60 of them have been trained! I thought that Fatty was really inherited. I didn't expect that this bastard sent him. He deserved to have his leg broken."

"Is there a reason for this limp?" Chen Xuance asked.

Ma Baihu's face flashed with anger, and he touched a few hairs on his chin, sighed and said:

We have worked with such people before, but this son of a bitch is not up to snuff. A few years ago, he adopted a friend's child and raised it for a few years before sending it in. Later, the child's biological parents found out and he became lame.

Chen Xuance understood the situation and said nothing.

This is normal. The department of exorcism is always short of people. Those who have the heritage are not willing to come, and those who are trained are few. So it's really necessary to have people who do this business.

But it's rare to see such a tough guy who raised the child personally and then sent him in to die.

More often than not, they help the town's demon guard bring in refugees, and once they have been selected and passed the evaluation period, they are given half a liang of silver. Chen Xuance came in this way.

It's hard to say whose method is more profitable, but the old fat man's method is more wicked.

When the world is good, the size of the demon-controlling department is smaller, and when the world is bad, the size of the demon-controlling department is larger.

Chen Xuance joined at a time when the number of people in the demon-controlling department was expanding.

Chen Xuance, who has officially become a demon-fighting guard, will receive half a tael of silver every seven days, with additional rewards based on the difficulty of the task.

When you are lucky, if the task involves wealthy families, there will be a lot of money to be made.

The exorcist guards suffer, especially from the newcomers in the Yellow Group. The formal exorcist guards have some financial resources, but the upper Xuan Group is extremely wealthy.

Other than that, Ma Baihu is not a person who is short of money.

Not to mention the word group.

The corpse of the fat man has been taken away, and Chen Xuance doesn't know what to do with the old fat man.

If possible, he would like to bury the fat man.

Having been in this world for three months, although he is used to death, Fatty is the only friend he has.

It's just gone, and it's inevitable to feel uncomfortable.

Chen Xuance ran to the dining hall and mixed two grains, Mantou, and a bowl of mung bean soup. He had the cheek to ask for a chopsticks of pickled vegetables, which could be regarded as a way to deal with breakfast.

Pickles are the precious thing of the newcomers in the Yellow Division of the Town Evil Division. Without salt, they can't work hard.

After eating, Chen Xuance, who was free, ran to the room that was struck by lightning last night.

He wanted to see if he had any fishing rods left, as well as the round stone.

The ruins were already being cleaned up by refugees who worked as handymen. When they saw a man in demon-fighting clothes coming, the thin refugees stopped their work.

Don't stop, just keep on doing your job. Help me keep an eye out for a fishing rod and a particularly round stone about the size of a fist.

The handyman nodded and then began to clear up the ruins.

After a while, the ruins were cleared, but the stone was not found. The fishing rod survived, but it was broken into two sections.

Chen Xuance was not entangled. The stone was gone, and the thing he picked up was just to keep a memory, after all, it saved his life.

The most important thing about a fishing rod is not the pole, which can easily be replaced with a wooden stick. The most important thing is the fishing line and hook, which are his treasures.

This was his first mission, and he was picked up on a cruise ship near Tianshui.

That's a big family's boat, and Shun feels comfortable and justified.

It's mainly because when passing by, the handsome young men on the boat would insult them as the government's lackeys.

Ma Baihu didn't even bother to be patient, and just went up and slapped Chen Xuance around the face. Chen Xuance took advantage of everyone's attention being diverted, and brought back this thing.

At that time, the little fat guy also said that he had no vision, and Chen Xuance didn't explain.

You can't explain to a little fat kid who can't read what 'teaching someone how to fish is better than giving them fish' means.

I can't think about it, because it's easy to think of the round face of the fat guy.

After replacing the pole with a new one, Chen Xuance walked out of the north gate of the demon-controlling department and headed for the nearby Rouge River at sunrise.

This Rouge River is a tributary of the moat, flowing westward through the western city wall and exiting the inner city after winding its way through the eastern city wall.

Formerly known as the Kyoto River.

Later, because of its proximity to the southeastern wall and the nearby Town of Demons, it became a refined business. Every day, as the sun rises, there are swallows and swallows washing red and green clothes beside the river.

What are the bra, veil, and underpants?

Every morning, the scent of rouge fills the river from the Department of Suppressing Demons to the East Gate, which is known as the Rouge River by Kyoto people.

Chen Xuance didn't worry about the fish in the Rouge River being unclean. In this world, it was good to be able to eat some meat.

When you come to the river, two or three dozen meters away are two rows of small buildings stretching for hundreds of meters. Those are the good places for Kyoto's high-ranking officials, wealthy merchants and businessmen to relax at night.

Rouge Street.

This is not a street selling rouge, and it wasn't originally called that. It's on the same road as the Rouge River.

Don't try to enter the door if your pocket is not heavy.

As the old saying goes, between the eyebrows there are a thousand feelings, and between the legs there is an unfathomable depth.

Superior bait. This bait is made of mung bean soup mixed with Mantou and a little pickled vegetables.

Just swing the rod and wait quietly.

After a while, he lifted up a carp as long as chopsticks.

I'm lucky today, I don't have to go back for lunch.

The fish in the Rouge River are plentiful, thanks to the fact that the high-ranking officials and nobles in the inner city take fishing as a pastime and prohibit ordinary people from fishing in the Rouge River. Over time, the fish here have become extremely fat.

Chen Xuance leisurely leaned against the reeds by the river, waiting for the next winner.

At noon, Chen Xuance looked at the two crucian carp on the fire and his mouth watered.

He cleaned the fish, stuffed it with some unknown wild vegetables from the riverbank, and added some salted vegetables left over from the morning.

The little flavor comes up when you scratch it.

No one in Daliang knows that this wild vegetable can be eaten. Only he, who is not a soul of this place, knows that this stuff is a little sour, but when it is put together with fish, the taste is excellent.

"Hey, little brother, are you here to ruin the fish in the water again?"

At the railing of the second-floor building nearby, a seductive woman wearing a red gauze dress with a hint of intimacy was greeting Chen Xuance softly and tenderly.