
I‘m camper in Demon Control Department

Throughout the ages, this land has been plagued by evil.Thousands of years ago, a great change occurred in the heavens and earth, and a city of Kyoto appeared in the Jiuzhou.In the southeast of the city, there is a courtyard called the Zhenyousi.Since then, it has been suppressing evil day after day and year after year.A nine-level demon-suppression guard accidentally obtained a black stone and was arranged by a group of old guys to become the ruler of this place.A white-haired man who constantly reincarnates, a grandmother who likes to raise big demons, and a red-robed man with narrow eyes and excellent beauty.Thousands of years have passed, the heavens and earth have returned to normal, but why is this land full of evil?Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

Sim_Huang · Fantasie
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10 Chs

2. The dead fat guy and his dad

As soon as the words fell, a group of hungry demon-fighting guards began to make noise.

This is meat. In this world, only the rich can eat meat.

Even ordinary small landlords can only eat it on holidays.

It's not that we can't afford to eat normally, but the official demon-controlling guards don't live so badly.

But today's meat is free, which is rare.

After dinner, Ma Baihu found the two fat and thin people, and on his big face that could scare children to death, he squeezed out a smile that he thought was amiable.

"You two did well this time. After the evaluation period, you will each receive two sets of demon-controlling clothes, two exorcism charms, and a peach wood sword. From now on, you will eat from the same bowl and work hard. You won't be let down."

Saying that, he turned around and walked away.

This was the most popular act he could do.

After all, most of the Huangzi Group are from the refugee background, and those who have a heritage have gone to the Xuanzi Group. Who will come to the Huangzi Group?

The Yellow Six Group has a batch of over 100 newcomers every three months, and 99% of them are refugees.

If you are lucky enough to find one or two with a heritage, you have to go home and offer incense to your ancestors.

The two survivors out of the 103 people in this group are really miserable.

I originally had high hopes for this hereditary fat kid, but after a while I realized that he was a goddamn disaster.

That is to say, the father of the little fat man who has retired has the method of the demon-controlling guard, otherwise he would have been killed and his family ruined.

Mabaihu is not afraid. The town's demon guard is short of everything, except for people with strong character.

The fat and thin duo licked the last drop of vegetable oil and left the table to collect their equipment.

They don't need to clean up these things. Some people rush to do the work of two mixed flour Mantou a day.

At present, the court is corrupt, and there are Mongolian cavalry in the north, the Great Liao in the west, the Buddhist kingdom of the plateau staring at it, and the Baiyue monsters in the south repeatedly violating its borders.

There are constant natural disasters and man-made disasters in the territory of Daliang, which is a great kindness for those who stutter to survive.

After receiving the equipment, they returned to their room and looked at the equipment in front of them, both of them laughing.

The demon-controlling clothes are made of bamboo woven from the spirit of the Baiyue area, with a cut-out design. Inside, there is a lining made of demon hair. Then, a Taoist priest with cultivation skills adds a protective talisman to the design, which has high defensive power and has a good deterrent effect on ghosts and monsters.

Both of them are nine-level demon-defeating guards, which is the level of copper one coin. The left cuff is embroidered with a circle of copper thread. They are also equipped with an additional copper coin, tied with a red rope, which can be hung on the waist. This is also a symbol of their level.

Generally, the internal hierarchy is based on clothing, with copper one coin being the lowest rank, followed by two and three coins, known as the town demon guard.

Further up are silver one, two, and three coins, known as demon-killing agents;

The highest is the Golden Three-money, who wears a red robe, embroidered with gold threads, and a jade button, known as the demon-riding officer.

Mabaihu is the demon-killing agent of Yinyi Qian. He has an official position, so you don't have to call him Yinyi Qian. Just call him Mabaihu.

The exorcism amulet is a black ghostly mark on rough yellow paper, which has a magical effect on mutated corpses, zombies, demons, and other evil things.

The peach wood sword is made from the core of a lightning struck tree in ten years. It is not considered a finished product until it is consecrated on the shrine of the demon guard for forty-nine days, and it has good lethality against most evil spirits.

Of the three items, the exorcism amulet is new, the demon-controlling clothes are also new, but the peach wood sword is an old item.

The department of exorcism is also poor, and everything has to be recycled.

The two didn't mind that these objects had gone through several owners, as they were all for survival.

The moon is rising above the willows, and dark clouds are slowly drifting in from the distance, gradually obscuring the moonlight.

The two of them put all their equipment and things at the door, so that they can wear their new demon-controlling clothes when they get up in the morning.

Chen Xuance lay on the bed, constantly summing up the gains and losses of this mission.

"It's really lucky to survive."

The task is to deal with the mutant corpses in a cemetery 40 miles east of Kyoto. The local county government reported that there were two roaming corpses.

Ma Baihu brought more than 30 people, and they still went with the principle of being prepared for any situation.

Normally, a town guard of the eighth rank can solve the problem. It's idle to be idle. Besides, there are allowances for taking official business. It's like giving everyone a benefit.

When they arrived, they realized that there were not two, but a hundred mutated bodies standing in the cemetery.

Fortunately, it was the noon of the day when the yang energy was at its peak when we arrived, and the zombies were not conscious, only driven by their bloodthirsty instincts.

Only then, after sacrificing six newcomers during the investigation period and two Ninth-level demon-fighting guards, were they able to eliminate a group of wandering corpses.

Chen Xuance was almost bitten by a roaming corpse that had stepped on a round, hollow stone the size of a fist. It fell to the ground with a 'snap' sound, and its head landed right in front of his feet.

At that time, Chen Xuance was following the command to maintain the formation and heard the sound. He turned back and saw with a cold sweat, and immediately stamped his big feet with a 'clank clank' sound.

How can you not be afraid? If he gets hurt, he will turn into a zombie. And before he turns into a zombie, Ma Baihu will scatter his ashes.

The round, black stone is now under Chen Xuance's bed.

Chen Xuance, who was lying in bed slowly falling asleep, didn't notice that the sky outside was getting darker and darker, with thick dark clouds covering the entire capital.

A thunderous sound of 'crack' rang out over the town's demonic department, and a raging fire broke out in the room where Chen Xuance and the little fat man were staying.

Awakened, he picked up the equipment placed on the head of the kang, and then looked at the fat man sleeping on the other side.

Boy, the meat smells so good. It must be cooked.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and Chen Xuance rushed out of the house with a pile of things.

The fat man's equipment was also taken out.

Apart from that, the flying fish suit can be handed down to his father as a legacy to build a tomb.

The fire was quickly extinguished by the late rain, and the Ma Baihu who came in a hurry looked ugly.

"Where's Fatty?"

"He died in a thunderbolt."

Ma Baihu shook his head and instructed Chen Xuance to find a vacant room to deal with it. He put away the fat man's peachwood sword and exorcism amulet and turned to leave.

Dead? He's used to it. Let's see if we can find Fatty's body tomorrow morning, and give his father an explanation.

Chen Xuance was also used to it. After being selected for the 500-person team, 103 people left after three days of training, and three months later, only he and the fat guy were left.

One was killed by lightning, well, only he left.

I found an empty room, wiped my body dry, and put my demon-fighting clothes together with the one of the fat man's that the head of the family had not taken away, next to my own on the bed.

Then he lay down on the bed and soon began to snore.

In his sleep, Chen Xuance dreamed of receiving a supreme sacred object called the Book of Suppression of Demons, which would enable him to kill all the demons in the world and restore peace to the world.

He felt that he had avenged the dead. His honest face in his sleep was smiling happily because at the end of the dream, he had married a beautiful young lady and was about to get married.

Wake up, wake up!

Seeing Chen Xuance asleep, Ma Baihu took a large scoop of water from the water tank in the house and poured it onto his face, which was smiling stupidly and drooling.

Chen Xuance suddenly woke up with a furious look!

Seeing the large, swollen face in front of him, Chen Xuance came to his senses.

What time is it, still sleeping! Get up quickly, the corpse of the fat man is still half-eaten. The concierge said his father has arrived. Take the demon-killing clothes of the fat man with you and come with me.

After saying that, Ma Baihu left. He knew that Chen Xuance was on good terms with the fat boy, so he deliberately invited Chen Xuance to meet the fat boy's father.

Chen Xuance washed his face, put on the demon-killing clothes, tucked the exorcism amulet, hung the peach wood sword, and went out with the demon-killing clothes of the fat man.

Not far north of the entrance to the demon-controlling department is a large hall, which is specifically used to receive guests.

There are no customers here, and it's basically a place for receiving the families of the dead.

Chen Xuance walked into the lobby with a flying fish suit in his hands, and saw an old fat man in his fifties sitting beside the eight-immortal table.

I can vaguely see that he looks like the fat guy who was killed by lightning last night.

"Yes, he's the fat man's real father."

Walking forward, Chen Xuance handed the demon-killing clothes to the fat man's father, his voice low and his large, honest face sad. He bowed his head and spoke in a tearful voice of comfort:

Uncle, I wish you a speedy recovery.

He looked up at the old fat man in front of him.

Yo-ho? You don't seem sad at all. Why are you so uncontrollably happy?

Are they not biological?

At this time, he didn't notice that Ma Baihu, who was sitting on the other side, was looking gloomy.