
Hydrangea of Crescent

I was sitting in my new home. A dark, creaky cage which was swaying with the movement of the ship. I was shivering from the cold and felt ill from the constant rocking of the waves. I looked in the cells surrounding me and saw girls the same age as me in them. Some of them were huddled, holding their knees close to their bodies, shivering just as I was. Others were sitting with their back straight and a smile on their faces, looking forward to where they were heading. And the rest were like me. Sitting with their head rested against the bars of their cage, their face emotionless as though they still couldn't quite comprehend that they were here, in the bottom of a ship, destined for the Sovereign. ~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: The Sovereign. He had a name. I did not want to imagine him having a name, it made him seem more human. And he was not a human, he was a monster. A monster with whom I was now sharing a bed with. ~~~~~~~~~ Hydrangea’s life changed in an instant when she was sent off to become one of the Sovereign’s Chosen. The Sovereign was rumoured to be an incredibly handsome man, but Hydrangea wouldn’t believe it till she saw the all-powerful leader herself. ~~~~~~~~~ “…The thought of losing you is more painful than death.” ~~~~~~~~~ WARNING R18: Violence and Mature Content. Author’s warning: The main characters may be a little jaded in the beginning but they will grow and change. This is an original work not translated. If you’re interested in concept images for this novel you can look me up on Pinterest ;)

QueenHalloween16 · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 145

Bastian groaned. His head throbbed terribly. Opening his eyes he squinted them and looked up to see that it was raining and his back was drenched. He rolled his shoulders then stopped.

The Jungle Followers.

He spun on the spot and jumped back when he saw a… a… a beast for sure. He couldn't quite remember what kind. Looking around he saw the body of one of the warriors that had kidnapped them, his face was pulled back into a terror filled expression.

Fear began to pound in his chest, "Hydrangea!" He began searching the area, and grimaced at the grotesque scene of piles of bodies filling a clearing free of trees. They were all suffering the effects of the beast's poison, he remembered reading somewhere that this certain beast could inject or administer a poison that dulled the mind to the point of euphoria.

He walked further into the clearing but stopped upon hearing an appalling laughter. Looking just a few feet from him was a man who was trembling, his face was construed with laughter.

He looked to the right of the man and saw a bowed head; Hydrangea. He ran to her and smiled, "Hydrangea. You've got to stop doing this," He thought back to the snow jaguar, "fighting beasts never really ends well… does it?" He questioned but something was wrong. Her eyes were confused and slow. "Hydrangea?"

She blinked at him, her face still confused. Was she in shock? The rain dripped on both their heads but she hardly seemed to notice.

"Hydrangea?" He asked, his hand resting on her knee.

"Why are they smiling?"

His eyes widened and he inhaled a slow breath. "It's the beast's poison, they use it to paralyze their prey and then…" He trailed off when he saw that her eyes were looking elsewhere, blinking as lostness came over her features.

"Hydrangea, it's alright." He tried to console her but she seemed absent, as though in another world. He turned over her two hands and he understood why she was acting this way. Her hand had stuck to it some of the beast's hairs that carried the poison.

He pulled out a rag from his belt and began trying to brush it off if her hand. It has blistered severely.

"Why are they smiling?" He looked back up at her and sighed.

"Because of the poison from the beast-"

He was cut short by a loud shout. He grabbed his sword from its sheath and turned to face whoever was out there.

"Lower your weapon and we will do you no harm." A booming voice spoke through the trees.

He looked to Hydrangea who was still catatonic as she watched the smiling warriors.

He sheathed his sword and three Jungle Followers emerged from the shrubbery. One rushed forward and placed a flask to Hydrangea's lips. She immediately began to struggle.

"What are you doing to her?" He asked furiously and tried to separate the man from his wife.

"It will draw out the gravel spider's toxin." The same voice said and Bastian looked up to the two other men who were standing at the edge of the trees.

Making up his mind he returned his focus to Hydrangea. The man was still trying to get her to drink whatever was in the flask. He shoved the man aside and rolled his eyes when he began yelling at him in his native language.

He ignored him and concentrated on his wife. She was grimacing and fighting the liquid.

"You have to swallow it, Hydrangea." He ordered, his hand on the back of her head. She seemed to recognize his voice and he saw her throat move as she swallowed the liquid. Removing the flask he sniffed it and wrinkled his nose at the horrible smell.

She fell on her hands and knees and began heaving the contents of her stomach. He stroked her back, not sure how else to help her.

When she'd finished she sat back on her heels, her face still green and with some remnants of her bile. She met his eyes and he could see she was more conscientious of what was happening around her.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he spun his head to look in their direction. One of the three men had gotten water for her. He thanked him in the Selvan tongue—one of the few phrases he knew—and lowered the bowl to Hydrangea's lips, "Here, drink this."

She hesitated a moment but complied and downed the refreshing drink. When she finished it he gently wiped away the drips on her chin and lips.

"You feel better?" He asked, his eyes trained on her as she nodded slowly. Her eyes moved to the corpses behind him. She shivered and he could see something broken in her eyes.

He pulled her close, hiding the gruesome sight from her eyes, "Don't look at them. You're fine." He whispered.

He could feel her relax but he knew she wouldn't reveal her thoughts. He would have to talk with her about it, about the whole ordeal. But right now, he needed to deal with the three strangers who had helped them.

He stood, Hydrangea still in his arms her face buried in his chest. He was beginning to worry that she was truly mentally scarred from this. This was what he had been afraid of, but there was no going back.

"Who are you?" Bastian asked, his hands holding Hydrangea protectively.

"We are the personal guards of Chief Khuno." The middle man said, his arms crossed against his chest, his poncho protecting his arms from the rain, "We heard sounds of battle and came to see what all the ruckus was about."

"You speak flawless Cadaraman."

"Our Chief is well learned, and has taught us to be so as well." He explained further. His eyes moved to Hydrangea, "The woman is lucky that the toxin was not in her longer." He crouched down to the ground to observe one of the smiling dead men, "These ones are lost to us." He placed his palm flat on the ground then to his chest, his companions doing the same, "Tornarse um coma terrad.(Become one with the earth.)"

Standing the three men regarded him a few moments, "And who are you to be travelling in such terrain as the Aladera? I heard that your native country is in ruins, your leader dethroned and a rather reckless one was appointed in his stead."

"And where did you hear knowledge such as that?" Hydrangea turned around in his arms to face the three men. He carefully moved so that he stood in front of her, although he was sure they were surrounded.

"I travelled to Kuratuma Lake not two weeks ago. A merchant was kind enough to relay the information."

Bastian nodded, "I would ask then if you would allow me and my wife a day in your protection? Then we shall move on."

"You have not answered my question as to why you're here, in the Aladera." He said, his hand reaching out to hold a spear being held by one of his companions.

Bastian tilted his head, his eyes narrowing, "I…" He began, "Am a simple farmer from Waxingville who travelled to Crescent only to find that my country was not safe anywhere. We've crossed over mountains and rivers to get here." He lied.

He heard Hydrangea sigh in exasperation. And hid a smile from his face.

The man was silent for a few moments then nodded. Looking to his men he said, "Nos vamos trazelos parao acampamento conosco.(We'll bring them to camp with us.)"

Redirecting his gaze to the two Cadramans he waved his hand for them to follow.

Bastian grabbed Hydrangea's hand and he watched her for any signs of her previous fear, but she'd hidden it deep inside herself. That or she'd gotten over her fear, but Bastian doubted that.

Yay! I got this one on time.

What do you think of the Jungle Followers? Friend or foe?

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