
HxH: another kind of Zoldyck

Synopsis: A fan of manga and anime was extremely unlucky in his life and ended up dying by suicide. Fortunately, Death itself came to repair the injustice he had suffered and reincarnated him in another world with a wish limited to that specific world. Author's Note: I do not own HxH, and the cover of this story is not mine. The protagonist will not be a psychopathic madman who kills indiscriminately, but a rational and sometimes selfish individual in his decisions.

Soul_Eater_0252 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Journey to Heaven Arena

Kira's POV

After listening to Gotoh's words, I asked him to prepare Neon's belongings and left with her for the main residence. 

I had left Leorio with him so he could send him to the gate keeper and explain his task for the next few months.

"Heiiiii"it is the sound of Neon's voice screaming on my back.

We are currently crossing the Zoldyck residence, so I'm jumping from tree to tree with her on my back.

I don't know if she's screaming in fear or joy on my back since I can't see her facial expression, but we've already arrived anyway.

"Young Master, your belongings are already prepared," a maid declares upon my arrival. 

"Excellent, and where are Killua and the others?" I asked, looking around.

"Young Master Killua is currently with Mistress Kikyo and Master Silva," she calmly explained.

"I see," I simply said before taking Neon's hand and going to see my father.

It didn't take long, I eventually caught sight of them coming out of my father's office.

" Hey," I said, walking towards them.

"Kira, I see one of your famous subordinates has arrived," Killua declared, looking towards Neon.

"Um hello, I'm Neon... Neon Nostrade," Neon introduced herself to Killua and my parents in a clearly timid tone.

"Oh!! My son isn't even an adult yet but he's already bringing a girl home, sniff sniff," Kikyo declared, crying fake tears of joy as she headed towards me.

"You did say your name is Neon, right?" Kikyo asked, lowering her head to Neon's level.

"Yes..." Neon replied and nodded shyly. 

"You're so cute," she said, tenderly stroking Neon's hair.

At first, she seemed kind, but she quickly took on a slightly terrifying expression before looking at me.

"Tell me, Kira," Kikyo said abruptly.

"I hope your relationship won't be more than a master and her servant," Kikyo asked in a serious tone.

When I heard my mother's question, I understood that she wanted to draw a clear line in my relationship with Neon.

Seeing how Killua had a hard time making friends in the manga, I can understand my current situation.

"Yes mother, there will be nothing more," I said, wearing the childish smile I often put on around her.

"I see but..." Kikyo clearly wanted to say more, but luckily for me, Killua intervened.

"Mother, we should leave, right?" Killua declared, urging Kikyo to follow him.  

There was a short silence, Killua looked at me and Neon before walking towards the exit.

"Killua is right, we're going to be late for our flight and I still need to take a shower," I said to end the discussion.

"Oh yes, where was my head," she said, getting up to follow Killua.

"You've found a strange girl, Kira," Silva said behind me.

"Father, I..." I wanted to express myself but Silva hadn't finished.

"You can tell me about your subordinates later, for now, listen to your mother," he said, walking in the same direction as Kikyo and Killua.

I don't know why, but I had the feeling my parents had noticed something about Neon.


After quickly taking a shower and changing, I hurried to catch up with the others at the airship boarding area.

Of course, Neon was with me, I couldn't leave her with this family and it already seems she has drawn my parents' attention to her.

"What do you think of Heaven Arena?" Killua asked, looking at the landscapes through the window.

"Hard to say, I've never been there," I said with a shrug.

"I thought you had information, since you usually know everything," he said, referring to my habit of reading about the Hunter x Hunter world.

"Yes, I have information, but reality could be different from the content of books and media," I explained my point of view.

"You can still tell me about it, we currently have plenty of time, bro," he declared, settling in comfortably.

I could only give in to his request, otherwise he might become a pest.

"Alright, I'll tell you all my information, but it could be slightly different on site," I said, sitting next to him.

" Heaven Arena is a combat arena tower, it's currently the most popular fighting site in the world..."

In summary, I explained to Killua how Heaven Arena works, and it seemed to ignite his competitive spirit judging by his gaze.

"What if we made a bet, Kira?" he said with his sly smile that he wears when he has a plan, but I always wonder why he looks like a cat when he makes that face.

"What did you want to bet on?" I said, confused by the direction of the conversation.

"I also want subordinates, but unfortunately Father refused to grant me that request," Killua explained, gritting his teeth when mentioning Silva's refusal. 

It seems he wants friends and not subordinates, I think Father figured that out too.

"So I want one of your subordinates if I reach the 200th floor of the Heaven Arena before you," he finally said.

"And what do I gain in this competition between us?" I replied, clearly not convinced.

I didn't want to be offensive, but Killua had nothing interesting to give me at the moment, so I thought the deal wasn't fair.

"I'll give you my skateboard," he said confidently.

I just looked at him like he was an idiot.

"What? I've already seen you eyeing it several times when I use it, so don't pretend," Killua declared as if he had caught me red-handed.

"I like your skateboard, but it's not as valuable as Neon," I said, patting the head of the sleeping Neon next to me.

I could understand her fatigue, she had arrived at the Zoldyck estate and left on a trip a few hours later.

"Then I'll do a 'thing' of your choice, you have my word," he said determinedly.

Finally an interesting offer, getting a favor from Killua was equivalent to getting a favor from the future head of the Zoldyck family, and on top of that, he controlled Nanika, which was a good bonus.

I pretended to think it over before nodding as if I had made up my mind.

"Okay, but don't come crying if I take someone or something important from you, haha," I said, laughing after announcing his most likely future.


"This tower is impressive," Neon exclaimed, looking at the Heaven Arena.

"I quite agree," I said, observing my surroundings. 

We had just left the airship, accompanied by the few butlers who had come with us to handle the administrative formalities.

Even though we're assassins, we're officially still children, and I'll only escape that kind of thing when I become a Hunter or officially become an adult.

"Finally, we've arrived," I said, entering my hotel room.

"Yes, and it's the first time we'll be sleeping away from home," Killua declared, looking at the ceilings.

"You're right, and tomorrow we can demolish some idiots, haha," I said with a laugh, my words seeming to have put Killua in a good mood as well.