
unforgettable nightmare

"Me…? In love with you?" the fourteen-year-old teen asked through his uncontrolled chuckle.

"Have you seen yourself? How can a popular, rich, and handsome boy such as myself ever fall in love with an ugly four-eyed pig, like you? Impossible!!!"

The young teenage boy was taller than most of his peers and slender. His long, shiny jet-black hair cascaded smoothly over his face, concealing his deep black eyes. The teen's thin lips were curved into an arrogant smirk as he badmouthed the overfat girl in front of him.

"You are ugly!!!"

—your family is too poor and disgusting.

—-you stink!! And to top it all up you even

look and act like a freaky boy!!

—just go to hell, maybe you might find your soulmate there!

—ugly four eyes fat boyish pig! No one will ever want you.

—ugly four eyes pig….

—ugly four eyes….



The teenage girl's eyes squeezed shut as she fought through a painful, traumatizing dream. Her delicate lashes held tiny teardrops, glistening at the corner. Her pale slender hand gripped the sheet tightly, while cold sweat tricked down her translucent glass-like skin.


The clear sound of breaking glass shattered the quiet of the night, accompanied by her dad's booming voice. It jolted her awake from a nightmare about an event that took place some years ago. She quickly wiped away the tears, her face filled with an unusual sadness as she walked in an unhurried step to the living room.

When she arrived, looking tired but hiding all her sadness, she was greeted with a familiar scene she knew quite well.

"You crazy old slut!!! Where did you keep all my money??!!" her dad, Mr. Leywin's voice echoed in the crampy living room as he vigorously hit his wife, Rosa with the long stick In his hand.

Rosa cried out in pain each time the stick landed on her body. She wanted to fight back but she was too weak and she was scared of alarming the neighborhood. She didn't want anyone to curse her husband so she endured all the beating.

"If you don't tell me where you keep that money then I'm gonna kill you and after that, I'm gonna make sure I sell our daughter to the brothel!!!! Do you hear me, Rosa!!!" he stared down at her with his bloodthirsty eyes and increased the speed at which the long stick landed on her body.

"Why are you doing this Lewyin? The mo- money— I took is for our daughter's exam fees!!! Please don't do— this…?" her voice quivered as she wrapped her hands around her already bruised body tightly.

Lewyin scoffed in disgust at her words "I can see you still got enough strength to talk right?" he raised the stick high in the air and was about to hit her with it again but to his surprise, the stick was stuck. He turned around and saw his daughter holding tightly onto the other end of the stick with a neutral expression.

"You slutty little brat—" he pulled the stick from her grip and hit her across the face.

"Tessia!!!!!!" Rosa's heart-piercing scream followed after the sound of the slap.

Tessia stumbled backward a few times before regaining herself.

"Dad…" she held onto her burning red cheek. "I just wanted to give you this…!" she stretched out a red envelope filled with money to him.

When Lewyin saw the red envelope, he let go of the long stick and hastily grabbed the envelope. After taking a look at the inside, he smiled cheerfully like a kid who had just received a chocolate and happily embraced her.

"My dearest daughter…. I'm so glad you took after Dad the most and not this slut over here" he let go of her and stared down at Rosa with a disgusted expression before storming out.

Tessia stared at his back for a few seconds and after confirming that he was really gone, she began walking to her bedroom not even sparing Rosa a glance.

"Tessia…" Rosa caught a hold of her fair long hand. "Please forgive mummy… for she wasn't able to give you the life you always wanted…"

She stared down at her mom with a complicated expression. And her eyes softened for a split second. She wanted to embrace and comfort her mom. She wanted to tell her that she doesn't blame her. But at the end of it all, it was just wondering thoughts as she couldn't put them into action.

"Mom… I"


With a thud, Rosa's body collapsed lifelessly to the floor. But Tessia could tell she was still alive due to her hoarse breathing.

She took in a deep breath before going to her room to grab a blanket and an ointment. After that, she applied the ointment softly and slowly on the bruised parts of Rosa's body before tucking her into the blanket.

With a sigh, Tessia stood up from the floor and went back to her room. She lay down on the bed tiredly and stared at the ceiling.

'It's been four years now… so why did I suddenly have that nightmare which was supposed to be a dream if only it had worked out back then…'

She closed her eyes trying to recall how the weather was that day and how she felt but she just couldn't!

This is my first novel… I hope you like it! if you have any suggestions or any errors you like to correct, you can write them in the comment session and I will improve on them.

Lot of love ❤️❤️❤️

Vanessa_Attah_8419creators' thoughts