
Chapter One

I sit in my room, staring at my phone. The latest news of The Game was up and I am reading through it quickly. One of the Hunters got wounded, and I wonder if that specific Hunted it was going after had survived. I sure hope so, but I highly doubt it. It was rare for a Hunted to survive. But I know one who has. I sigh quietly and drop my phone. It lands on the bed with a soft thump. I whine as best I could as I move my shoulder. The pain shoots through my arm and back. It hurts. More than the time I broke my leg by falling in the playground as a kid. More than the time I got socked in the face by an older kind in 4th grade. I stare at the ceiling, biting my lower lip trying to ignore the pain. Only a few days and I'll be a part of The Game. But why was I a Hunted? It makes no sense. I can't speak anyways so what's the point of adding a mute Hunted in the game?

I hear a knock on the door and immediately sit up. Who would be knocking on my door at 9 PM? I listen, waiting for them to knock again. They knocked yet again and my eyes widened, recognizing the knock. I knew the knocks of everyone in this household. So I knocked back and sat up, waiting for the person to enter.

My dad entered the room, and a smile lit up my face. He was my favorite parent as I wasn't treated like a child by him. He knew how I felt about him treating me like a child and tried to not treat me like one. But my mother on the other hand? Not so much. She was always acting as if I was hurt, or like it was my first day of kindergarten.

"Hey dad," I sign. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Adryan, you?" he replies, smiling.

"Good!" I sign again. "So, what did you need?"

He let out a soft sigh. I start wondering about what's wrong. What did I do? Is he upset? Did I do something to disappoint him? I then realize what's wrong.

"Dad. it's fine. No need to get upset over something small," I sign.

"I know I know... I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you," he replies, mumbling.

I nod softly. I pull my knees sup to my chest as I think to myself. I don't really know how to respond to that. I start to wish I could talk, my hands are getting tired. I sigh.

"Look dad, you have no need to worry about me. I promise I'll be fine and won't get hurt or killed," I sign quickly. He nods slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just overreacting," he mutters. "I just can't stand the fact that I have the possibility of losing someone I love."

I truly have no idea how to respond at this point. So I shake my head and hug him. I get it, losing someone you love can be really hard. I sniffle, I feel like crying. I don't want to get hurt or die, especially because my family is counting on me. I wipe away my tears the best I can. I pull away from the hug and look up at my father.

"Father. There is no need to worry about me," I sign quickly, my movements tired but quick and meaningful. "As long as I don't make a noise I'll be fine. Not like I can, I'm mute."

He smiles, and I know I've calmed him as he responds, "Thank you Adryan. You always know how to make me feel better."

"No problem!" I smile as I respond.

It seems my father realizes that I'm tired and kisses my forehead. He gets up off the bed and stretches as he ruffles my hair.

"Get some sleep sport. You have a long day tomorrow," my dad says, smiling.

"Alright," I sign while nodding.

I lay down as my dad turns out the light. He exits my room and then shuts the door as I start falling asleep. I then realize I forgot to change into my pajamas so I stand up and do that, turning off my light and laying down. I eventually drift off into a sleep.

**The next morning**

The next day I wake up in the morning to my alarm blaring. I groan slightly with just air as I sit up, slapping the 'snooze' button.

"Another day..." I think to myself in my head.

I stand up, turning the alarm off and then I walk over to my closet, choosing my clothes for the day. I grab the clothes and head to the bathroom. I sigh and turn the water on, closing the door and undressing. As soon as I step my foot in the tub I feel a burning pain in my shoulder. I whine softly. I look at my shoulder, being in severe pain. I see a mark slowly forming. I start freaking out and try to ignore it. I quickly get my shower over and get out. After I dress I sit on the ground, waiting for the pain to fade.

Once the pain fades I stand up and look at the mark in the mirror. The mark looks like a snake, coiled up and on its back, a rat halfway in its mouth. I sigh and then cover it up. I can't let my parents know that I have my mark now. They could force me to stay at home and I prefer not to have them do that. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs. I wave to my mom and go to sit in the dinning room chair. She comes out of the kitchen a few minutes later with breakfast. Pancakes with syrup and blueberries. And for me, with chocolate chips. She always puts it on top and gives me blueberries on the side.

"Hey brother!" I hear a males voice, and I look in the direction it came from. He comes over and messes my hair up. "Starting your college today, hm?"

I nod. It's my first day at my new college. And in all honesty, I wasn't sure whether or not I was ready for this or not. I turn back to the table from looking at him. I take a few bites of my pancakes. It tastes good, as per usual. My mother is an amazing cooker. I've learned that from all the years I've lived here with them. I'm unsure if I ever wanna stop living here.

"So, what classes do you have this semester?" my dad asks me from across the table.

I shrug slightly and then look at him with a knowing look. He knows what classes I have and we both know he does. He laughs softly and go back to eating as I do the same. As soon as I finish my food I smile and stand up.

"Thanks mom!" I sign, walking over and hugging her as I kiss her cheek.

I walk over and hug my brother, then my dad. I wave goodbye and exit the house. As soon as I exit the house, I see my bike is waiting for me on the sidewalk and I walk over to it. I swing my leg over, adjusting my backpack on my back and push off, peddling my way to my new college. I knew the directions by heart. Go straight, take a left on Bur-Bon Ave. I recount all the steps in my head as I go.

About 20 minutes later I reach the college. I park my bike and chain it up with two chains. I know no one would know the combination but I usually put two chains on just in case they have a lucky guess. I sigh softly and adjust my backpack again as I go to enter the college. I just hope this day is at least okay.