

Upon arriving at the 50th floor I went directly to the waiting room, there it was full of people, those different from the first floor had a stronger vibe, not much else is something

They didn't make me wait long, 10 minutes after I arrived, I was already called to arena G on the 55th floor, I quickly got there, and again my opponent was already there

Conserteza is a contrast between this place and the 1st floor, many stands full of fans, here there is a vibe of a great event

The referee suddenly spoke explaining the rules of the fight

"Here the fights have a points system 1 bridge is given for critical hit and 2 points are for takedown, if you react before the referee distributes the points they don't count and if you reach 10 points it is automatically considered technical knockout and the fight is over"

He said this directly to me, I think he was warned that I'm a rookie

"Are ready"

"Yes" 2X


As soon as he said that I went into guard, and my opponent came running towards me, unlike the other one, this one was more trained, it was clear in his way of running, when entering his attack zone he quickly threw a punch in my direction

I noticed however that his punch despite being fast, compared to his movement speed was slower, that is, a feint, he will hit me with the other arm

I lifted one of mine to pretend I was going to try to defend against his feint, I saw him smile the moment I did that

After stopping his blow at the last second, he launched another that was already prepared with his right hand, thinking that he had taken me by surprise.

But my center of gravity was low, which made me duck fast enough to dodge the blow, so his right was completely exposed to me.


That was the sound that was heard as my fist slammed into my opponent's ribs.

'Oh this one sure hurt'

In an instant he walked away from me a little staggering, for sure it affected him, he is even spitting blood

"Critical Hit 1 Points"

'Critical even he is not in a good state haha'

I thought when I heard the judge

He walked away a little more trying to recover, but he wasn't going to let that chance pass like that, so I ran fast towards him, entered the attack zone and threw a punch towards his jaw, which he had the reaction to defend himself. sloppily, but when connecting the punch with his arm, he lost his balance, and that was a gap to launch a shower of well-placed punches at him

When I finished my streak he was already finished and fell unconscious

At that moment, the referee announced the knockout and the end of the fight.

The place was filled with screams of emotion.

It was a quick and exciting exchange of blows and the crowd went wild.

I left the arena thinking about the fight and why he had lost that fight, to also learn from my opponents' mistakes

'I have to be careful with false defenses, it can be used either to create openings to make attacking in a predictable way or use as I used to dodge by surprise'

Thinking about how I won or lost is important, as this is what combat experience is all about.

Upon arriving at the doctor's room, he examined me, and as he said before, I was prepared for the next fight.

I was going, but before I need money, when I arrived at the bank, the attendant said that she needs my account to deposit the money.

As I didn't have one I had to open one, luckily there was an agency in the tower itself, I spent an hour just to create

After I finished, I went back there and gave the girl the song number, she deposited the money there, and I'll say I have lots of money, I think it's the same I earned in a whole year fighting clandestinely

That's a lot, having money brings you an absurd tranquility and happiness that's why most people end up becoming money addicts

My life priorities are different, so I don't see myself lost in greed

"As I am an example of a human being hahaha"

'Oh, oh, I'm going to hit my next golden mine'

Genji kept fighting for 2 days straight until he reached the 100th floor and then asked for 3 days off.

"Aaa finally a room for me, it looks like I'm going to spend money on a hotel and I can have one for free here in the tower"

'That's not being cheap, it's just saving money for future plans, yes that's right'

Genji was lying to himself, due to living in absolute poverty for nine years, he developed an unconscious blackout for money.

I took these days off to finally look for my nen teacher and get to know the city, since I got here I haven't had time

I want to see new and unknown places, it kind of excites me

I thought it was fun to create fight scenes, I saw authors saying that it's very difficult so be worried, but it turned out that I actually had a lot of fun thinking about how to do it

Mateus_Gomes_8695creators' thoughts