
Hunter x Hunter: Reborn as Ken Masters [StreetFighterxKOF]

This is just for fun, don't take it seriously. Seriously, if you taker it seriously, you are going to be disappointed. It's just a story that I would have liked to read around here, but since nobody wrote anything similar, I decided to try to write something. English is not my native language, and I'm using a google translator, don't complain if there are errors, obviously there will be many errors. And well, I don't care much, as long as it is possible to reasonably understand.

luck_cc · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - Airship x Business x Plans

Ken and Sales watched the car leave, leaving the two of them in the middle of the runway.


It was almost noon at the airport. The winds continued to hit Ken hard. He held the coat, so it wouldn't come out. He also heard, in the background, the sound of the airship's engines.

- "Follow me, young boss" - said Sales to Ken, walking towards the airship, with his bags in hand.

Ken followed him down the lane, looking around at the horizon.

He ended up noticing that to the south of the airport, there were some small buildings, in the middle of a wooded area, surrounded by some large military cars and trucks, but they were all black.

And next to one of the buildings, there was a circuit for corridors, where there were several men running in uniforms like soldiers.

- Sales, who are they exactly? - Ken murmured curious. Sales looked in the direction that Ken was pointing.

- "They are mercenaries, young boss". He said to Ken, and kept walking. This made Ken even more curious.

- "What kind of service do you think they do for their father?" - asked ken, with an innocent look. Sales stopped and looked at him for a moment.

- "Well, I believe they were hired to protect your father's land, .." - he said, and added. - "And, maybe they do some extra services once in a while for your father - not so nice services .. well ..

He looked at Ken again, seeing the sparkle in his eyes. And he was a little embarrassed that he was being taken away by a child.

He sighed, tiredly. Already slightly regretting for accepting this job.

- "Come on, young boss. We are late". - He started walking again, leaving the matter aside.

"Okay," said Ken, shrugging his shoulders. He hoped to get more information from Sales, but it seems that this would not be the time.

They continued walking towards the airship. And the closer they got, the more they noticed its size.

It was a huge white blimp with some red stripes.

The "envelope" - which was the top of the airship, where the gas was stored, - had a somewhat flattened shape, similar to the more modern airship models of its past life.

And on this envelope, a huge logo was stamped, with red shading, with details and letters in blue, with the name of the company - "MaxOn",

They were already close, below the airship, in the shaded area. The sounds of the engines were deafening, and they covered their ears.


When Ken looked up, and admired it again ...

"Let's go up, sir," shouted Sales, pointing ahead to the metal ladder, attached to a small maintenance car. The driver had positioned the car so that the ladder would take them to the entrance to the gondola, , from where the crew members traveled in the airship.

They climbed several meters on the stairs, and the ambient temperature increased due to the airship's rear turbines. The sound became more intrepid, until they entered the gondola.

When they entered and the door closed, the noise of the engines disappeared completely.

Ken saw the interior, it was sunny, as the windows were transparent. The weather was a little cold, and he heard the sound of the connected air exchanges.

He took a walk around the compartment, and was amazed to look inside. It was much more, it was wide and long, than it looked. He felt like a child knowing new things. Well, technically, he is.

He remembered some scenes he saw in the airship characters anime, but he didn't think he was still underestimating it. It was certainly comfortable and luxurious.

After going deep, he climbed a staircase, and went to the second floor.

He looked around the area, looking enthusiastically through the rooms.

In the end, he spurred on.

It had two floors, all the corridors were wide, and the compartments found were - the twelve guest rooms, three suites, two lounges, kitchen, cinema, games room, tasting bar, emergency room, and finally, the compartment of the pilot ..

So he went to get Sales, and found him in the hall below, with some men and women. Two of them were talking to him, and the men were in uniform as pilots, while the others were dressed as attendants.

Sales saw him and introduced the pilot and co-pilot.

- Young boss. This is pilot Johnson, and his co-pilot Ryan - Ken looked at the two. Johnson was a mature, short man with a slight build; his hair was black, slightly bald on the front, probably due to stress, while his face was rigid, slightly wrinkled.

Ryan was younger, with an immature face and a little overweight. He was tall, with short brown hair,

- "It is a pleasure to meet you, sir." Johnson greeted politely. Ryan greeted him next.

- "Johnson was informing me that we are just waiting for international permission from the Japanese aero space" - commented Sales to Ken - "But as time is open, we will almost certainly be in heaven soon."

- "I understand". - Ken waved, not too worried, even if he wanted to leave soon ..- "Ah yes ... Which room should I be in?"

An attendant led the way.

- "Sir, please follow me." - He said, going ahead, taking Ken's bags, and taking him towards the second floor, going straight to a suite. Ken followed him all the way.

They entered, and the attendant left the bags on the floor, next to the bed.

- "If you need anything, you can press that button" - he pointed towards an intercom, on the desk, on the left side of the bed. - "Then, me or another attendant will come immediately."

- "Right" - Ken thanked .. - "Thank you"

The man said goodbye and left.


10 minutes later, Ken was in his room, lying on the bed.

He noticed that the aircraft appeared to be going up, and went towards the window.

He saw that he was already many meters above the ground, starting to accelerate, and changing direction. After a few minutes, the airship was moving as fast as a helicopter and it didn't look like it was going to slow down.

This reminded him of one of his history classes, in which he learned a little about the development of the aircraft of this world, in general.

What he knew was that, due to widespread international demand, engineers of all nationalities, for many years sought to develop many methods, both aerodynamic and technological, to allow airships to be as fast as a small plane. While they remained very comfortable.

He saw some images of airships that literally supported small towns in the sky, in a completely self-sustaining way. He certainly planned to visit one of these someday.


Soon, someone knocked on the door. So Ken went to open it.

When he opened it, he saw Sales ..

- Young boss, I came to leave your new study material. Said Sales, holding up a small mountain of books. He smiled, pleased to see Ken's not-so-pleasant face.

The truth is that Ken liked to study, but he would much prefer to take classes with tutors.

Regarding books, he liked to have them, especially if it was about subjects that interested him. But the reason for his disgust was that he felt a little unwell and lazy at the moment, and he wanted to be able to relax more during the trip.

He sighed resignedly, as he could not do anything, after all he had promised his father.

Sales took the material to a table on the right side of the bed. - "As his teachers praised him, Mr. Masters thought it best to raise the level of subjects for post-higher education."

Ken was a little shocked, but he thought about it and accepted. He remembered that he was no longer a mediocre guy in intelligence.

With the Qi he now possessed, it's shouldn't be that much of a problem. And after thinking about it, he thought it might be good news. Since over time, he could ask to learn programming and engineering. After all, he always wanted to learn robotics, and he was aware that this area was still new during the 70s.

But he knew that if he were at home, his father would not agree, as he wanted Ken to focus on business first. but now going to Japan, he could ask Sales as a favor.

- "When we arrive in Japan, you will have private lessons in your free time with some hired teachers. And you will have a test every six months. "- he said -" While the rest of the time, you will have to obey Lord Gouken. This was the decision that your father pronounced for me. . Furthermore... "

He took a UIcard card - a bank card - from his pocket and placed it on the table next to the books.

- "Your father specified that you will not be able to make financial requests to me, or to him, whenever you want. And that you would have to earn his own money, using the knowledge in which he learned. " - pointed to the card, - "This is your new card, and there is a specific amount on it for you to make an initial investment. If you lose all your value, you will have to live on Mr. Gouken's accommodations and depend on him completely. And if he wants you to leave, then on your father's orders, I will have to take you back to the mansion.

Ken sighed when he heard the explanation.

- I got it. Follow the rules and everything will be fine. He said, a little tired. Sales smiled.

- "So, I'm already going, we will arrive in Japan tomorrow". - he said, walking to the door - "If you need to talk to me, I'm in the next room. Good studies, young boss. "

Sales came out and closed the door.

Ken went to the table, took the card and lay down on the bed again with a slight smile.

- Investments, hehe. - he said, looking at the card in his hands - This can be interesting.

The Uicard card was not much when compared to the Hunter association card, but it had really good benefits.

Like making his age completely irrelevant to business. Which means he could open a business, buy shares and sell things. In addition, it served as an identity card in some countries, which were allies of the Yorbian Union.

However, it did not give him discounts, and on all other continents it was completely useless. But in general, it was very good. In addition, he knew through classes with his professor of entrepreneurship and economics, that the card could only be requested by someone, who had an association with the bank.

After a few minutes, lying down. He sighed, sat on the bed, and stayed in the lotus position.

He relaxed parts of his body, controlling his breathing slightly (I'm sure you breathed now, didn't you? Hehe), and tried not to be distracted, using calm and relaxing memories, and slowly forgetting everything around you ... but, after a few more minutes of sitting, he sometimes felt a slight discomfort in his nose, or weight on his legs, and his arms stiffened, disrupting everything in the process.

And he opened his eyes, and he was annoyed ..

Again ... - he thought, lying on the bed again. - If I only had someone to slap me with Nen, I would have learned.


He remembered the fanfics he had read in his past life. Where, the MC, many times, was able to learn Nen conveniently, and still without help. However, the reality was harsh with Ken.

In his early days in this world, he had certainly written down everything he knew was important. And obviously, Nen was at the top. After all, how could he not? Nen was incredible, and it was his easiest way to acquire power, at least, he thought. For putting theory into practice was something else.


In his first days in this world, one morning, in his room.

He was lying on the floor while thinking.

He knew that there were two methods of liberation: the natural, and baptism.

The natural was the safe method, but it was time-consuming. With instructions, it would take at least a year to release all nodes from the aura.

"Well ... of course, if the person was a monster like Meruem, or the 4th prince of Kankin, then it wouldn't matter ... - he thought, mocking when he remembered the monsters in the manga.

He remembered again

As for baptism, what he knew was that this was the fastest method, however, it was dangerous. In addition, he needed another user, a trusted one, by the way. Since the person could kill you in the process. Not to mention that the person who was baptized would have to have the ability to control the aura quickly, otherwise he would die.

"It looks like I should leave this one for now," he sighed, a little annoyed.

He did not doubt his talent in controlling the release, but as until then, there was no one to help him "baptize him", he had to try to follow the more orthodox path, which would be the natural method. And that meant meditating.

However, this was terrible, as he had a problem, not so serious, but that affected him to do meditation, which was problems with anxiety and attention. This was something that he and the original Ken had in common. So, standing still was always torture.

Fortunately, he took over Ken's body at a young age, so perhaps it was possible to assimilate some methods of relaxation that were known. And get around the problem before it gets worse when it grows.

- "As in this world, personal computers have not yet been created, and it will probably take a few more years for them to emerge" - thought Ken, a little annoyed. - "So the internet will certainly take even more years, or even decades, to be worldwide. Therefore, I cannot research these methods. But okay, I think I still remember a few things from what I saw at that time. "

Fortunately, in his past life, he had researched the internet a few times for meditation techniques. However, as he had never been too enthusiastic to put them into practice, he ended up procrastinating, and almost ended up forgetting about them. .


He tried to meditate in the first few weeks, and even managed to achieve a lesser state of mental relaxation, And after a month of effort, he thought he felt something, but he wasn't sure if it was his imagination .. or if it was real ..

Still, the fact of standing still, and sitting, for hours ... Trying to remain relaxed, while trying to feel something that he never saw or felt, - those nodes of the aura, - was an immeasurable effort for him.

So, after the first month in his new life, he ended up giving up completely, and decided that temporarily, he would focus on learning and assimilating various martial arts, which he would have liked to have learned in the past life, while studying different subjects with their teachers, gathering information and making plans.

Deep down, he knew he was delaying the problem, but he took comfort in the fact that he had not wasted time on completely nonsense.

He decided to extend the problem until he went to Japan, where he would have a baptism of Nen with a real master, in which he would teach him correctly everything he needed to know.

[End flashback]

- "At least, the things I learned are useful things" - he sighs, lying down - "But I can't let that happen again."

He still believed it was understandable. After all, he was just some guy with nothing special previously, who ended up entering another life of comfort, security and luxury.

- "Fortunately, it was only a few months." - He thought, comforting himself, and smiled at what he planned after learning Nen.

He had made notes of some of his wishes. It was a little childish, but he liked it anyway.

One of his ideas was to do something similar to Ging. How to create a game with the help of some friends, on an island, totally independent from the rest of the world.

He ambitiously hoped to do something like that, with some crazy original ideas, and some not so original ones, anyway, he wanted to try doing things like that.

And of course, he wanted to have some women by his side. He certainly couldn't help wishing he had at least a little harem. Especially if it is with some of the women from the games.

He blushed a little, his face a little perverted. He couldn't deny that he was a fan of some characters from the games. And how, now that they actually existed, he would certainly seek them out in due course.

And the best part is that, after studying the culture of some of the most developed countries on the continent, he knew that polygamy was not really uncommon.

Not that it stopped him in any way. He had made a promise to himself, that he would get what he wanted, and deal with problems later.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This chapter got really big. It won't happen again, believe me.

In the next chapter it will be already in Japan, I promise.

I also made some small changes, you know. See, at first, I wasn't taking the story seriously. Well, actually, I'm not yet, but at least I'm trying to write a little better; writing less sloppy than the first two chapters. - * cough* - I hope someone noticed

One person in the comments had asked me earlier about the harem. Who the girls would be. I had replied, but I deleted the answer later, as I decided to think about it a little more.

I had commented that there would be four women. And now two of which are already decided: It's Cammy White and Mai Shiranui. The other two, I haven't made up my mind yet.

luck_cccreators' thoughts