
Hunter x Hunter: Reborn as Ken Masters [StreetFighterxKOF]

This is just for fun, don't take it seriously. Seriously, if you taker it seriously, you are going to be disappointed. It's just a story that I would have liked to read around here, but since nobody wrote anything similar, I decided to try to write something. English is not my native language, and I'm using a google translator, don't complain if there are errors, obviously there will be many errors. And well, I don't care much, as long as it is possible to reasonably understand.

luck_cc · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 - Lands x Airport x Travel

On a road, surrounded by wheat, barley and corn fields; a car could be seen moving around. Those inside him saw various animals such as lions, kangaroos and zebras on the way from time to time.

The car continued to move north along the road; passing through more mountains, pastures and hills. They waited for a train to pass, until finally they reached a large, long metallic bridge, which passed through a huge crystalline river.

The car climbed over the bridge to reach the bank on the other side.

In the car, there was Ken Masters, in which he was quite bored, as it had already been 40 minutes of travel.

He looked at the great river on the horizon, which was below the bridge, and saw huge hippos the size of an average boat. They were all animals of stature that would be impossible to find in your previous world. Furthermore, he cannot deny it, he was amazed by the extent of the lands and the creatures that inhabited them.

Father really seems to have made a great effort to acquire all these lands, he thought.

He knew that for years, Stevan used many methods, including illegal methods, to make deals with big farmers, governors and mayors. And in this way, he got all the land.

Ken already imagined that Stevan's biggest goal was to leave a legacy for future generations of the family. Mainly, after the death of his "mother", where something seemed to have broken in him.

As the province of Galiüa was considered a rural region, where it was furthest from the big centers, the lands were still very well preserved.

In the province, until then, there was a huge proportion of large farmers, who hardly gave up their farms. But Stevan Masters somehow managed to get them to sell.

Ken knew that Stevan believed that, in the near future, this region would also develop, and for this reason he was so insistent, even though he suffered financial losses.


After twenty minutes, the car reached an enclosed area, where it had surveillance posts, cameras and armed lookouts; the site seemed to resemble military areas, where entry would only be allowed after executive permission.

However, Ken was aware that, in fact, this place could only be the private Masters family airport.

The car stopped as it approached the entrance, and one of the men coming from the watchtower approached the driver's door. The Driver handed the man a document, while Ken looked to the side, so that he could watch Sales's face, which seemed to frown a little.

- Maybe he was weird like me, or is he just uncomfortable because of the delay? - Ken thought. .

He knew that Sales was actually a bodyguard, who was hired by his father to protect him in secret, disguising himself as a simple newly hired employee.

Even so, Ken acted like an ignoramus, since he shouldn't be aware of this.

He looked back at the scene in front of him.

"Maybe Dad is messing with things besides hotels, which I'm still kept in the dark for," he thought, somewhat puzzled by the uniforms of the watchmen, which was more like military uniforms than that of watchmen. He noticed that everyone wore vests and rifles.

And for a long moment, he was a little worried, but after seeing the watchman return to the watch post, and then see the railing open, he sighed in relief.

The car started moving again, and he looked in awe at what he saw inside the airport.

The airport was a large open area, with two runways and a dozen warehouses, where it had some small aircraft and gliders. And further on, in the large open area, there was a huge airship, which was monstrous in size.

Unlike their ancient world, airships were the most popular form of commercial transportation in HxH.

The main reason for this was due to the complicated international regulations for large combustion engine aircraft. This regulation made it extremely difficult for large companies to use commercial combustion aircraft. V5 used the problem, climate argument, but Ken guessed that was not the real reason.

Ken speculated that the reason for this regulation was to hinder free international air access, so that ordinary people would have more difficulty in becoming aware of the existence of the dark continent.

- Sir, let's go down. Said Sales. Ken came out of his reverie, and nodded.

They got out of the car and felt the strong arid wind. Sales went to the trunk, while Ken admired the birds that flew over the horizon.

- An adventure in Japan .. - Ken smiled .. - Who knew.

Short chapter. I was thinking to wait until tomorrow and try to write more, but I ended up giving up, because I may tomorrow have to work all day. So I posted now.

In case anyone doesn't know, in HxH there is a version of Japan officially. But of course, Japan will not be the same as in our world; since I will make some differences.

Thanks for reading.

I will not give a date for the next post as before, but I want to continue posting, so it will not fall, at least for now.

I want to at least achieve the feat of having 15 chapters. Then we'll see what happens.

luck_cccreators' thoughts