
Hunter x Hunter: Reborn as Ken Masters [StreetFighterxKOF]

This is just for fun, don't take it seriously. Seriously, if you taker it seriously, you are going to be disappointed. It's just a story that I would have liked to read around here, but since nobody wrote anything similar, I decided to try to write something. English is not my native language, and I'm using a google translator, don't complain if there are errors, obviously there will be many errors. And well, I don't care much, as long as it is possible to reasonably understand.

luck_cc · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Talent x Situation x Exit

** Nine months later **

Ken was in his room sitting next to the television playing a platform game called Flash Joe on his PlayJostink video game. The game was similar to the Super Mario of his past life, only instead of a plumber character, he controlled a blond, sportsman who had some special powers.

He to read all the game magazines in his room and played all the cartridge games, especially those that were similar to those of his past life, at least those he knew. Unfortunately, he found none that looked like Zelda, Sonic or Pokémon. This made him question the intelligence of game developers.


- Sir, everything is ready. - Said an employee who was now at his bedroom door.

- Hm? I'm on my way. Said Ken. He was about to finish the level, but his character ended up dying due to the disturbance. He sighed, paused, and turned off the game a little sullenly. - Let's go.


. He was dressed in designer clothes: black pants, a white sleeveless shirt and a red jacket over it.

He walked down the aisle while the employee carried three suitcases in his arms.

He kept walking and thought about all the things that have happened since he arrived in this world.

He remembered the first meeting he had with his new father, Stevan Masters. It was a little strange, but acceptable.



Stevan had the typical, stereotyped appearance of an English nobleman in his early thirties: short blond hair, blue eyes, a trim beard; he wore glasses of the highest quality; while the outfit he was wearing was: black pants, a white shirt, a black vest over it, and finally a red tie with white stripes.

He was sitting in his office, and his features were still somewhat dejected. However, he was genuinely happy that Ken left the bedroom, and that he somehow grew up mentally.


After the conversation, he noticed that he would not be able to disguise himself as a child for long. And for this reason, he was grateful to have a good excuse to deal with such a situation, which would be the death of "his mother".

Since then, he made everyone believe that his personality change was due to this, so Stevan also became more understandable with the small personality changes of your son.

And then, Ken continued to do whatever he liked.

He walked throughout the house and through the mansion's rooms, wanting to see all the places, both inside and outside. He secretly listened to the employees' idle conversations and visited his new Father's office, even on the sly, to read documents, without his consent.

Over time, he had returned to taking lessons with his private teachers at the mansion. And as the future heir, he needed to learn multiple subjects.

The classes were in history, geography, economics, accounting sciences, entrepreneurship, geopolitics and languages. These were all mandatory subjects for a great entrepreneur.

The original Ken was just a small child, so he didn't like being forced to study. However, it was noticeable that Ken had a high IQ, as he had an enormous facility in learning anything, as long as it was something that interested him.

An example was the model airplanes and the Karts, in which the original Ken liked to assemble and disassemble. He did this naturally as if he were an engineer, since he was five years old.

Stevan Masters fully supported him with the resources for the original Ken to develop this ability by purchasing these toys and allowing him to do what he liked with them.

And because he inherited the original Ken's body, Leo got that talent. He had not noticed it immediately on his first day in this world, as it was not as obvious as a photographic memory or a system. In addition, he was absorbed in the fact that he went to another world.

It was only after returning from classes with private teachers and obtaining immediate results in studies, that he realized this "natural talent".

This at first had shocked him, as he did not imagine that the difference between people who had high Qi, those who did not have it would be so evident.

This meant that he was able to react much faster, being very useful for short memories, but useless for long ones. In this case, it was perfect for a fighter, as fighters needed to have quick reflexes in real time.

After this initial shock, he had tried hard not to let on one more of his sinister smiles during classes. He couldn't help it, as he realized that he could make great use of it, much more than the original Ken could have done.

Since then, he had understood how Ken, who was not born into a family with a martial tradition, could have reached out and become Ryu's rival in Street Fighter, since Ryu was Gouken's adopted son and had grown up with him.



[End FlashBack]

He was coming down the stairs and the family employees were lined up.

- May you have a good trip, Young Master Ken! - Everyone hailed when Ken passed them

He just nods a little and keeps walking.

He leaves the mansion and gets into a black armored car.

- It took longer than expected, but I did it. - he thought. He remembers how complicated it was to convince his Father to let him go to Japan, to become a student of Gouken even when he was only 10 years old.

Since the current Ken was disciplined in class and acted much more mature than he should have, Stevan would not feel the need to send him to Japan when he was 12 years old. But due to Ken's insistence on wanting to learn martial arts, telling him that after seeing some images, he thought they were cool, Stevan had a headache.

At first, he brought martial artists to his mansion. And Ken, while not very satisfied with such a result, worked hard and learned the basics of these martial artists. He was able to assimilate and learn the basics of Muay Thai, Jujitsu, Aikido and Kendo. And after a few months, when the training was over, Ken continued to urge your Father for a better teacher.

He expected Stevan to think about Gouken soon, but Gouken was at best a friend of Stevan's and not someone he could hire to come here. He did not want to send your son for japan, because him was still very young, and this could harm his studies.

Stevan was completely unresponsive. He did not expect Ken to have such an attitude towards martial arts, and his insistence left him unhappy. After all, he hoped that Ken would feel such a passion for business.

Ken insisted so much that he ended up making a promise to his father. The promise was that he would get the best results in all subjects, no matter where he was, and if he didn't have the best results, his father could bring him back and he wouldn't mind.

This seemed to convince Stevan, who then decided to call his old friend Gouken, and see if he was able to teach him.


The car was moving and headed north, where the Masters family's private airport was.

In the car, there was the driver, Ken and a young employee named Sales. - the one who brought Ken's bags.

As the car moved, he looked at the landscapes of the "backyard" of the Mestres family, in which it was surrounded by forests, fields and mountains.

As for its location, it was in the Province of Galiüa, in the Republic of Sartibia, in year 1975.

The Republic of Sartibia is a medium-sized coastal country located in the southeast of the Yobian continent.

When reading books and viewing images of landscapes about the country's culture, which was given by his teacher, he noticed some direct similarities - both climatic, geographical, political and cultural - from three countries in his past life: Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii.

With this, he concluded that Sartibia was in fact a very exotic and beautiful country.

He also saw images of various plants and animals that were foreign to him, all of them from different species that lived specifically in Sartibia;

He only recognized those who had similarities with dinosaurs from his past life.

He also asked several questions to his other teachers. And his great interest made his teachers excited to teach him.

After asking his questions in geopolitics, economics and history, He learned several things.

He understood that Sartibia, until a few decades ago, was a third world country. However, after the discovery of an enormous amount of iron, gold, oil and other ores in several of the country's provinces, they caused international reactions.

The great discovery allowed the country to have its official entry into the economic bloc of the Yorbian Union. After this, a great economic boom was generated in the whole country, making Sartibia - a third world country -, in a first world country, in a few decades.

The country emerged very quickly and attracted large international companies; thus obtaining a lot of foreign capital. And after the great political and economic reform carried out exactly a decade ago, opening a company nationally and without any state bureaucracy became easy.

This hugely boosted the national market, attracting a huge influx of tourists and immigrants very quickly.

And when Ken found out that the Masters family was not originally from this country, but it's moved here in the last decade. He imagined that the reason for immigration was precisely due to the widespread interest in expanding the Hotel chain, given the opportunities that have arisen since the great economic flow.

He thought about it, because he had secretly read some of the documents his Father had in his office, which recorded tens of thousands of territorial hectares that Stevan had acquired in recent years, across the country.

And in other documents there were records of the progress of several works under construction.

In addition, the Masters family was very rich in games of Street Fighter, precisely because of its chain of hotels around the world, so everything indicated that this was the case.

However, in one night, during one of his walks around the mansion, Ken had managed to overhear a conversation between his father and some partners bussines in the games room.

After listening, he was able to understand some other important things.

One is that he had some blood relatives - in this case, his father's uncles and cousins ​​- who lived on another continent.

And apparently, Stevan Masters, the heir to the Masters family's entire fortune, had serious disagreements with his relatives for many years. And since that period, he has made a great effort to move all the family's resources to Sartibia.

During this period, there were several international legal battles over the fortune, in which Stevan suffered serious losses. Causing the fortune to divided among several parts. So, they were not as rich as they would be in the gaming stories.

In addition, Stevan had suffered more than one assassination attempt, be it poisoning or direct attack. And he has been around with a lot of bodyguards ever since.

This had seriously frightened Ken, who felt even more urgent to become strong as soon as possible.


-Sir, your father cannot attend his departure, as he had to deal with some problems that emerged in the company urgently. However, he asked me to remind him of the promise that the young master made to him. He also told me that if the old friend of the Lord tells him that the young master is giving him a lot of work, he will send him back to the mansion immediately ... - concluded Sales, while looking at his notebook.

- Hm. - Ken sighed and waved. He looked at the young employee and asked next. - You're also going with me, aren't you, Sales? So I won't have to worry about these little details, you take care personally of informing him accordingly.

"Understood, young master," waved Sales .

This chapter got really big, and it shouldn't have. But I ended up leaving it anyway. The next ones will not be like this.

Thanks for reading.

luck_cccreators' thoughts