
Chapter 1

/////////This was my story while I was still writing on Royal Road, but I decided to post it here after many years.

"Hunter x Hunter: Gon Freecs, The Multiverse Gamer," was the name I gave it. (It is Freecss not freecs, by the way, but I didn't seem to know or care too much...)

It won't be the same, and the system won't be the same, but the beginning of the story (a very different one for this site) will be kept.

//////////////A note from Mystical Vanilla. (Me, back then)

A random dime from a Reddit user. For anyone that finds it difficult to like Gon, please read this before you leave.

Honestly, I'm not sure If I like that person's nickname more than the comment itself.

Thank you, Mister/Miss "XxShrimpTacoxX":

"People have a hard time appreciating incredibly flawed protagonists.

Also, the real depth of Gon's characterization and development is much more subtle when compared to someone like Killua, especially before the Chimera Ant arc. We get very few inner monologues from Gon that give much insight into the workings of his mind, so we learn about him through his actions and how other characters view him. Something that always interested me was the sheer amount of characters that were giving analysis and cleverly adding layers to Gon's character (Zepile, Bisky, Genthru, Nobunaga, etc., etc.)

He undeniably has some of those shounen MC traits you see all the time, but the way they are treated with Gon's character is excellent. Instead of having those traits and being portrayed as heroic or some kind of power fantasy, they are played up realistically as unhealthy behavior. He's the shounen MC in a world that doesn't cater to a shounen MC, and he pays the price for it. He is pure at heart, but by being placed into a world with so much nuance and being written so realistically with the classic shounen virtues being shown as flaws, he is entertaining as hell.

He doesn't get nearly as much understanding of his actions and appreciation of his character as he deserves."



A castle erected atop an elevated sand dune at the end of a gloomy valley. Like a termite fortress.

A kid was on his knees, despondent, even resigned. He no longer had any energy in his arms, and his manner made him especially vulnerable.

A monster that looked nothing like a human stood in front of him. The creature had a cat's head, fur, and limbs, but human clothing and hair.

As this creature looked at the kid, it had a heavyhearted expression on its face.

"You're a liar," Gon said to Neferpitou.

He couldn't accept the hard reality that smacked him in the face. Kite had died. He still had aspirations of mending him and putting an end to his prolonged agony.

Gon had no idea how to deal with situations other than being obstinate and getting his way. It made no difference how difficult life was. When there were no solutions, he felt, people redefined the world by clenching their teeth and suffering. Until it paid off.

Yet, the youngster learned that there was nothing he could do to change circumstances this time. Even if he lost his hands now, it wouldn't help the lifeless body nearby. It was too late.

They wouldn't have had to flee the cat monster if his closest friend, Killua, and he had been more dependable. They could have confronted the terrible Chimera ant with Kite, and he wouldn't have needed to toss them away.

The man unlike them, Kite, took it upon himself to face the abnormality alone. He was undoubtedly aware that death was imminent, but he attempted to avoid implicating the little fellows. He could have fled if he had used them as decoys.

Gon despised himself, and now, on their approach to Pitou's nest, he even went as far as to pour his rage and powerlessness upon his closest friend, Killua.

Gon was experiencing several different emotions at the moment, but most of all, he was hurting. His respiration was hampered by the agony of unfathomable remorse.

He remembered how everyone spoke about Ging Freecss. He felt as if he had let himself and his father's name down. Kite only acknowledged Gon since he was his master's son. He had been assisting Gon since that time on Whale Island...

... Deep in his dark thoughts, Gon finally lost it...

He couldn't stomach the current emotional pain, the current atrocious scene, as he remembered how the guy Kite, one of his idols, had saved him from the fox bear when he was almost a baby.


"Why..." In a murderous tone, Gon inquired. His voice was angry, and it sounded like it originated from the depths of hell.

Pitou only remained silent throughout this resurrection farce, ready to go for the kill she had prepared... But hearing the voice and its echo, for the first time in her life, she felt a chill go down her spine as she recognized the sorrow in the voice...

She was beginning to understand human emotions...

It was, unfortunately, too late for her as well... since...


... Gon's childish attitude and aura were transforming. Gently, then dramatically... Creating a terrible and dreadful tempest in the vicinity of the castle's caves...

When the change he had planned weeks ago under certain covenants, willing to give up everything for power, was complete, he straightened up, raising his head to gaze at the thing he detested to the point of surrendering to psychopathy...