
Hunter’s Lust for Futa

These are just a few random snippets which are not at all owned by me. I will remove the stories if the authors tell me to do so.

HunterSuccubus · Anime und Comics
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Futa House Anal training by Xarth

Something poked Chris's face. He groaned, squeezed his eyes more tightly shut, and tried to roll over. His shoulder was grabbed, and he was held in place. His mouth was poked more insistently.

He cracked his eyelids, and was not terribly surprised to find a cock in his face. Traveling his gaze upward, he discovered that said cock was attached to a nude Sasha, who was beaming down at him.

"Morning," she chirped.

"Nnnggh," said Chris.

"I tried to be patient. But I really couldn't wait any longer."

"I thought Natalie was taking care of you."

"She did, last night. That was ages ago." Sasha thrust her hips gently forward, smushing her cock head into Chris's lips again. "Open up."

"No. I haven't even woken up yet."

"Don't worry. I'll wake you up."

"Not by jamming your dick down my throat again you won't."

"Wanna bet?"

Sasha pushed Chris onto his back, then easily swung a leg over him and straddled his head facing his feet. Her beautiful round ass was directly above him, which at least got his eyes to open properly. Despite his reluctance to let her win so early in the morning, his cock twitched to life at the magnificent view she was giving him.

"Last chance," Sasha warned. "Are you gonna be a good boy?"

"Not unless you give me another hour or two first," Chris grumbled.

"So be it."

Without further warning, Sasha sat herself down, directly on Chris's face. He'd been expecting something more like her trying to pry his jaw open, rather than smothering his head with her big, soft ass. His cock grew ever harder.

At first, Chris wasn't terribly bothered by being used as Sasha's seat. However, he couldn't actually breathe, which drastically limited the amount of time he was ok with it.

He pushed Sasha, assuming she was just messing around, but she held firm. A rising panic made him push harder, then slap at her thighs and ass.

She finally lifted herself, allowing Chris to suck in a desperate gasp of air. As soon as his mouth was wide open, she shoved her cock in.

"Mmm," Sasha moaned. "That's better. Woulda been easier on you if you'd just cooperated, you know."

Chris was unable to answer since he was busy choking on her rapidly pistoning cock. Mostly he grunted and drooled, and drew small breaths when he could get them.

Sasha brutalized Chris's throat until she came. A hot explosion of her gooey cum poured into him, most of which was swallowed without ever being tasted.

She pulled out at the end, small strings of saliva and semen connecting her cock to his lips for a second, before falling away. With a tenderness belying her former wild passion, she wiped his face with the corner of one of his sheets.

"That wasn't nice," Chris panted.

"Was for me."

"Just because you had fun doesn't make it ok."

Sasha flipped back the covers. "You're awfully hard for someone who claims not to be enjoying himself."

Chris flushed. "I can't help that," he mumbled.

"Believe me, I am well aware. Mine has a mind of its own too." Sasha gently ran her fingers along Chris's shaft. "Do you still want me to leave, or are you gonna put your petulance aside long enough for me to play with you a little?"

It was no choice at all, really. Sasha was already gliding her fingers all over Chris's cock, and her sweet ass was still tantalizingly close to his face.

"You can stay," he said with only a hint of sulk in his voice.

"That's what I thought."

Sasha gripped him more firmly and stroked him with slow, smooth motions. She bent down and flicked her tongue all over the head, occasionally sucking just the tip between her lips.

Chris was soon mollified by the decadent treatment his cock was receiving. It made up quite nicely for the rough, early morning face-fucking.

Sasha's bum dipped lower and lower as she worked Chris's cock. He was relieved that she didn't seem to be trying to penetrate his mouth again already, and rather intrigued at the increasing proximity of her butthole. She wiggled back and forth a little, and Chris realized it was most likely entirely deliberate.

Well, what the hell. It wasn't like it would be the most questionable thing he'd done in the past twenty-four hours.

Chris grabbed Sasha's ass and pulled it down further still. He squeezed and massaged her butt cheeks, then explored into her butt crack. His fingertips traced delicately around the tightly puckered hole in the middle.

"That's a good boy," Sasha said. "You can lick it, if you want. I showered, so it's all clean."

"I don't know if I'm ready for that," Chris said, despite still being quite fascinated.

It was the first time a girl had ever let him examine and play with her butthole, let alone been so eager about it, practically forcing it upon him. It was enthralling. He circled it, pressed gently at it, then finally decided he wanted to lick it after all.

The first few swipes of his tongue were tentative and cautious, but they soon got longer and bolder. Her skin mostly just tasted like skin, neither good or bad. It was so deliciously naughty, however, and that was what really drove him. That and Sasha's reactions.

The more frantically Chris licked, the wilder Sasha got sucking him off and rubbing her butt in his face. He hadn't really expected her to enjoy it that much, but since she'd been the one to offer her ass for licking, it probably made sense that it was something she got off on.

Chris felt his orgasm nearing. He lapped maniacally at Sasha's butthole, hoping to spur her on to the very end. Instead, she rather disappointingly stopped altogether.

"You're pretty horny now, right?" Sasha said.

"You know I am. Finish me off already." Chris paused. "Uh... please?"

"I was just wondering," Sasha continued conversationally, "whether you're horny enough to let me do you in the butt."

Chris was, admittedly, not quite so against the idea as he'd been yesterday, but was still pretty sure he couldn't take a cock up there, especially the way Sasha liked to pound him.

"No. That's not happening."

"Why not? I'd be gentle."

"First off, I don't believe you. Second, you wouldn't fit in the first place."

"Sure I would. Boys are always stretchier than they think they are before they've tried it. And I would be so super gentle."

"You're not fooling anyone, Sasha," came a third voice.

Chris peeked around Sasha's thigh to see Natalie standing near the doorway. She was bottomless, and slowly stroking her hard cock as she watched the two of them.

"I could too be gentle," Sasha insisted.

"No," said Natalie. "You couldn't. You'd start out gentle, then you'd get too excited and start pounding like you always do."

"But... but... it's not fair," Sasha whined. "I never get to deflower any boys."

"Sure you do," Natalie said gently. "Remember our first year here? You found a boy to bring home?"


"And how he couldn't sit down for a week afterward?"

"Oh, right. Him."

"And last year? Another boy who didn't know any better? Remember what happened?"

"He... wouldn't return my texts after that." Sasha swung her leg away, unstraddling Chris and kneeling on the far side of the bed. She flushed in mild embarrassment. "I didn't mean to be so rough with them."

"I know, baby girl," Natalie said soothingly. She leaned over Chris and gave Sasha a soft kiss. "But I'm not letting you scare Chris off of anal. I've got everyone else here to think of."

"Um, I'm not really sure-" Chris began nervously.

"Hush, little one," Natalie said. "I'll get to you in a minute."

"Fine," Sasha grumbled with crossed arms. "You're right. I probably can't be gentle enough for a first time."

"Don't pout," Natalie said. "You can prep him, if you want."

Sasha twisted her head back and forth a few times as she wrestled the conflict between petulance and lust. "Ok," she finally said. "Are we doing it now?"

"That's the idea," Natalie said. "At least a warm up. We've only got today to spare before others start showing up, and we mustn't still have our boytoy being obstinate by then."

"Alright, hang on now," Chris said. "I think I've been pretty clear about my ass being off limits."

"You have," Natalie agreed easily. "But I think perhaps we just haven't properly incentivized you yet." She grabbed his cock and jerked it rhythmically. "Now, you don't have to commit to a proper ass-fuck yet. But if you're willing to at least try it, you can have a go on my butt afterward. Or Sasha's, if you'd prefer."

Chris had been all set to say no again, but Natalie had successfully tempted him enough to make him hesitate. Plus her hand on his dick made it hard to concentrate on his moral indignation the way he would have liked.

"Or both," Sasha said. "Doesn't have to just be one of us, if choosing's the problem."

That wasn't, in fact, the problem. And yet, Chris was all the more tempted by the thought of having both girls. He could still feel Sasha's bumhole on his tongue. The thought of actually getting to stick his cock in there...

The girls weren't helping his resolve. Natalie kept quietly jerking him off, as though she knew it was only a matter of time before he caved. Sasha had actually turned around and stuck her bottom out toward Chris, showing off the prize he could win. Her asshole still gleamed with the layer of saliva he'd bestowed upon it.

"That's not fair," he said.

"It's entirely fair," Natalie said. "More than fair, one might argue."

Sasha winked and wiggled her butt at Chris. He groaned and tried not to look, but it was nearly impossible not to. It was right there, his for the taking, if he only agreed to let Natalie do naughty things to his ass first.

Chris's acquiescence was, perhaps, inevitable. Natalie and Sasha knew what they were doing, and were far too tempting and persuasive to resist forever.

"Fine," he said.

The girls' eyes lit up immediately.

"Really?" Natalie asked.

"Yes," Chris said. "Just... please don't make me regret this."

"I shall certainly endeavour not to," Natalie assured him. She nodded to Sasha. "Get him ready, then."

Sasha smiled almost as eagerly as Natalie. "Roll over," she instructed Chris.

He took a deep breath and rolled onto his tummy. He clutched one of his pillows tightly in an attempt to seek comfort from it. He'd vaguely wondered why there were more pillows than he needed on his bed, but maybe situations like this were exactly the reason.

"You don't need to get all tense," Sasha said as she massage his butt cheeks. "We're not even at the scary part yet."

She had a point, but Chris couldn't help how he felt. Natalie was going to try jamming her cock into a hole that was far too small to accommodate it. His hole. It was probably going to hurt quite a lot.

Still, Sasha was entirely correct that they weren't there yet. All she was doing so far was caressing, kissing, and licking his butthole, which was not only not painful, but actually quite pleasant. Despite his fears, her soothing tonguing and fingering genuinely helped him to relax.

Chris could see Natalie lubing herself up out of the corner of his eye. He tried not to notice, or to pretend that her threateningly hard cock wasn't going up his ass, but had only limited success with either.

It was a mixed blessing when Sasha lubed up her fingers as well and began poking a pair of them into his butthole. It was a welcome distraction, if slightly uncomfortable at first. At least it didn't take long to adjust to the mild penetration, and once he had, it was yet another new experience that turned out to be rather interesting, and perhaps even fun.

But he still wasn't ready for a full cock, let alone one the size Natalie was packing. He maintained, in his head, that it simply wouldn't fit, and that would be that. He'd have to go through with the attempt, however, or they'd never leave him alone.

Neither of the girls seemed to be in as much of a hurry as Chris had assumed. Sasha really took her time fingering and licking him, and Natalie made no move to push her friend out of the way. He still tensed up a little every few minutes when he imagined what was to come, but eventually even those little spasms had basically ceased.

Much to his own surprise, by the time Sasha was finished and Natalie took her place, he couldn't even muster up the appropriate level of dread. He felt Natalie's large, slippery shaft slide in between his butt cheeks and leave a trail of lube up to his lower back, and still he simply lay there and waited.

Sasha got herself settled in with a nice view of the action, slowly and intently stroking herself in anticipation.

Natalie slid her cock back and forth several times, getting Chris used to the feel of it, before pressing the tip against his virgin butthole. She pushed gently but firmly, and Chris was amazed to feel her actually spread him open and sink into him ever so slightly.

"Shh," Natalie whispered soothingly. "You're doing so good."

Chris bit his lip, then buried his face in his pillow to avoid looking at either of them, or vice versa. He felt such a bizarre mixture of things, both physical and emotional, and didn't really know how to handle it, other than to figuratively bury his head in the sand.

His asshole stretched even further open as Natalie pressed a little harder. There was a slight ache as she got to the widest part of her cock head, then the pain faded again as it popped in. It was nothing at all like the agony he'd expected. He'd been all set to yell at her to pull out, and instead he found no cause for such dramatics.

Natalie paused upon entry to allow Chris to adjust. She ran her hands over his butt and up to the small of his back in a gentle massage, ensuring he stayed loose and relaxed.

"Not so bad after all, is it," she said.

Chris grudgingly shook his head, but wasn't quite ready to face the girls yet.

Natalie gave a little push of her hips, sliding that tiny bit deeper into Chris. Since she was already past his butthole, the further penetration didn't seem quite as big a deal. She eased her way deeper and deeper, and still there was no sharp jolt of pain, no cause for sudden alarm.

"Is he super tight?" Sasha asked, sounding rapt and a bit jealous.

"You know he is," Natalie replied. "It's his first time, after all."

Chris risked a peek at Sasha. She was masturbating much faster now, with her eyes glued to his posterior.

"You're so lucky," Sasha said.

"I don't know that luck has much to do with it," Natalie said. She grunted in satisfaction as she shoved her cock the last little bit inside Chris, achieving a full sheath. "Although I'm not inclined to argue the point right now, 'cause this feels really damn good."

Chris felt Natalie's hips meet his at the same time as her balls slapped softly against him. She was all the way in. She felt like she was impossibly deep inside his body, and yet somehow he'd accepted her. He'd taken her entire cock, and he hadn't screamed or passed out or anything.

Natalie moaned even louder as she slowly pulled back out about halfway. "Oh god, he's gripping so tight."

"Not on purpose, I assure you," Chris mumbled around his pillow.

Natalie plunged back in, right to the balls. Once the initial novelty wore off, she wasn't long in establishing a rhythm that wasn't quite as slow as Chris would have liked, but still wasn't unmanageable.

Chris's butt protested the constant in and out motions. It had been much happier just having her filling him up without moving.

"Maybe a little more lube?" Chris suggested tentatively.

"Oh, whoops, good call," Natalie said, abruptly pulling out all the way. "I meant to recoat, but I kinda forgot. You've got quite the hypnotizing bum, you know."

"Geez, Nat," Sasha teased. "And here you were worried about how I'd treat him."

"Shut up. I got excited, is all."

Sasha leaned across Chris, accidentally dragging her cock over his back in the process, and grabbed the lube. She poured some into her palm, then rubbed it all over Natalie's cock for her like it was no big deal.

There was an immediate improvement upon reentry. Natalie glided in even easier, and her thrusts were much smoother.

"Is that better?" she asked.

Chris nodded affirmatively. It was much better. It still wasn't comfortable, exactly, but the longer Natalie gently fucked his ass, the more he found the pleasure in it.

There was a certain snugness to having Natalie balls deep inside his bum. he kind of wished she'd just stay like that for a while instead of focusing so much on fucking him.

He kind of got what he wanted when Natalie abruptly slammed her full length inside his butt and held it there while her dick spasmed and pulsed. A hot liquid spurted deep within him as she came up his ass.

"Daaammmn," Sasha said. "I think he really liked that."

Chris blushed and hid his face again.

Natalie stayed inside him for a little while, long enough that he could feel her start to soften. He felt her breasts on his back and she got down closer and nuzzled the back of his shoulder.

"That was really good," she whispered. "Thank you."

Chris bit his lip and didn't exit the safety of pillow-land.

Natalie sat back, pulling out of his ass with a soft but lewd sucking sound. Sasha almost immediately leaned in and prodded his butthole with her fingers.

"That's so cute," Sasha cooed. "It's still gaping a little." She easily inserted a pair of fingers. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Chris hesitated, then shook his head.

"Awesome," Sasha said. She gently finger-fucked him for a moment. "Can I have a turn, then? I mean, I know it was just s'posed to be Nat... but can I? Please? Pretty please?"

Chris turned his head to look at her. She was pouting so adorably that it was hard to say no. Plus, after Natalie had totally failed to cause him nearly as much pain as he'd expected, he wasn't nearly so scared of getting ass-fucked by Sasha anymore.

"You have to stop if I say," Chris said.

Sasha's eyes lit up and she squealed in delight. The sheer joy on her face made his acquiescence worthwhile all by itself.

Natalie gave Sasha's butt a smack as she lubed herself up.

"Be gentle," Natalie reminded her.

"I know, I know," Sasha said, too eager to sound properly annoyed at being patronized. "Don't worry. I got this."

And she was gentle at first, just as promised. Her initial penetration of Chris's ass wasn't as slow as Natalie's, since he was already warmed up, but it was quite tender all the same.

Sasha moaned happily as she sank her cock fully into Chris's tight butthole. He, too, found himself enjoying being snugly filled up again. It was even nicer for a few moments as she lay out on top of him, her soft, naked body pressing down on his back even while her cock firmly claimed his ass. Her breasts in particular felt exquisite as they were squished between her chest and his shoulder blades.

She inevitably began to fuck him properly, lifting her upper body away from him to get a better position to pound his ass. It didn't take her long to get rougher and more energetic than Natalie.

Chris whimpered softly as Sasha's hips slapped against his ass. His poor little bum wasn't anywhere near used to being treated that way. Thanks to a thorough loosening up, it still didn't exactly hurt, though there was a bit of a low-level ache developing.

The main thing that kept him quiet was an odd new sensation for him. It reminded him of jerking off, but different, and not really to do with his penis the way he was used to. It grew stronger and more intense every time Sasha bottomed out in him.

Chris lost himself in the feeling of being rectally pounded by a hot, big-cocked girl. It was like a dream, or perhaps a trance. He couldn't seem to focus on anything, even his own well-being.

He felt like he was on the verge of orgasm. Like somehow he was being held right at the edge, without anyone so much as touching his cock. He wasn't even able to move enough to grind against the bed. It was just the feeling of it. And then, suddenly, he was cumming.

Hot cum spurted onto the sheets beneath him. He felt the warmth and wetness of it on his tummy. Every fresh stroke from Sasha coaxed a little more out, until he was finally spent.

Sasha, however, kept going just as hard as ever, preventing Chris from taking a breather or figuring out what had just happened. She finally grunted animalistically and, for the second time in his life, Chris experienced a load of fresh cum being shot deep into his ass.

It was rather disappointing when she pulled out. Chris's butt felt even more disconcertingly empty than after Natalie's initial fucking.

"He's not moving," Sasha said, just a hint of worry in her voice. "Do you think I broke him?"

"Nah, he's fine," Natalie said. "I think he just came, is all."

"Oh," said Sasha. "Fair enough, then."

Natalie shook Chris's shoulder. "Come on. You can get up now."

Chris slowly pushed himself up on his elbows, then rolled over and sat on his butt a bit gingerly. The bed was soft, and his ass was only a little achy after its workout, so he was able to let his full weight down with only a small wince.

"So, you survived," Natalie said conversationally.

Chris nodded. "I did."

"And it seems like you enjoyed yourself."

"I... didn't not enjoy it, if I can put it that way."

"You totally liked it," Sasha said, bouncing slightly with barely contained glee. "You came all over the bed."

"Yeah. That was weird," Chris said.

"Not so weird," Natalie said. "It happens. Not with every boy every time, but a lot of them at least some of the time."

Sasha perked up even more. "Hey, that means I got to be the first one to make you cum from a butt-fucking!"

She held up her hand. Chris stared at her incredulously for a moment, then gave in and high-fived her.

"You wanna fuck one of our butts now?" Sasha asked. "'Cause you can."

Chris shook his head. "I may kick myself later, but I actually don't think I'm up for that right now."

"Don't worry about regrets like that," Natalie said. "We owe you whenever you want to collect. It doesn't have to be now by any means."

"And really, if you wanna do butt stuff, you just gotta ask," Sasha said. "Or any stuff, really."

"That's true," Natalie said. "We're all quite invested in keeping you happy."

"As long as you get to pound my butt whenever you want?" Chris asked wryly.

"Exactly right," Sasha said earnestly. "Now you're getting it."


Chris was a little timid about his ass and its recovery for the next while, but it seemed to have taken things well. He made sure not to let Natalie or Sasha play with it too much in case they decided to have another go.

The three of them lazed around just chatting for a bit, then headed to the showers to get cleaned up. They all squished into one shower stall at first, which was some lovely slippery fun, but they then had to split up to actually have enough room for washing.

Since Natalie had been the one to shower with Chris the night before, she semi-graciously allowed Sasha a turn. That predictably resulted in Chris sucking Sasha off yet again, then taking a load of her cum all over his face. After that, she helped him shower off for real.

Breakfast followed their sexy shower time. Chris took a cue from the girls and didn't bother getting fully dressed. Partly, he assumed, it would have just meant more of his clothes getting messed next time someone came all over him. He threw on a shirt and boxers for the sake of pretending like modesty mattered.

Natalie, similarly, put on a shirt and panties. Chris examined her underwear more closely, intrigued by its ability to contain her cock without it falling out or being too blatantly obvious. He blushed when he got caught staring at her tucked away package.

Sasha was even less formal, and only put on a top. Her soft cock swung free between her legs. She seemed absolutely unembarrassed to leave it hanging out for all to see.

Tiffany, Beth, and Layla had all beaten them to the breakfast table, and were in similar states of partial dress. Chris got a little nervous under their sly, knowing stares. He couldn't help feeling like the three of them knew that Natalie and Sasha had both just finished fucking his ass, and were probably plotting how to get a turn themselves. He couldn't even chalk it up to mere paranoia, because they all anticipated him surrendering his butt sooner or later.

Thankfully, Natalie and Sasha took him out on a more comprehensive tour of the campus after breakfast, which gave him a chance to get away from his sexual pressures and responsibilities for a while.

"Does everyone know about Futa House?" Chris asked after he felt like he'd been getting some looks from passers by.

"To varying degrees, sure," Natalie answered with a total lack of concern. "To most of them, it's all just rumour and theory. Some know the truth. Some of them are good friends, some think it's a big joke, some despise us for being freaks." She shrugged. "We run mostly the same gamut as any group who's a bit different."

"Ok, sure," Chris said. "I guess I kind of meant more specifically whether everyone's going to know about me. You know, like, what I'm doing there."

Sasha wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Don't you worry about that. We got your back if anyone decides to be a dick."

"And will anyone decide to be a dick?" Chris asked.

"Quite possibly," Natalie said. "It's not a common problem, but it happens. Honestly, it's more likely that people'll think you're a legend for 'living with a bunch of hot chicks and totally banging them.'"

"I'm not entirely sure how much better that is," Chris said.

Natalie shrugged. "Like I say, most of what people are gonna know, if you don't straight up tell them anything, is gonna be rumours and speculation. It can go either way. And people are... people. They all react differently to things. I can promise nothing, essentially."

Chris was not terribly comforted by their assurances, overall. He was only put at ease once he realized that the looks he was getting could just as easily have been envy as disgust. He caught a flash of their reflection in a window as they passed, which caused him to think about how the three of them actually appeared.

He was walking around flanked by two total hotties. That was the short version. Either Natalie or Sasha would have been what he considered 'out of his league' until very recently, and now not only was he strolling along with them, occasionally touching or holding hands, but he could have sex with either of them whenever he wanted. Not to mention how much sex they'd be having even when he didn't particularly want.

A different perspective really helped. His insecurities became elation and a sense that he'd hit the sexual jackpot. Who even gave a fuck what anyone else thought?


Chris headed back to his room after his tour with the intention of just chilling for a bit. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that didn't last long.

The door opened maybe five minutes after he'd flopped down on his bed to stare at the ceiling and ponder his new life. Beth stepped in, with Layla just behind her.

"Come in," Chris said a tad sarcastically.

Beth ignored him. "You're doing butt stuff now, right?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?"

Beth was already stripping. "Me and Layla, we've been patient."

"For certain values of 'patient,' sure," Chris said. Despite his sass, he watched intently as Beth disrobed. The novelty of hot girls casually taking their clothes off in front of him hadn't yet faded.

Beth stood up again once she was naked. She fidgeted, shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her cock was erect and drooling. "You let Nat and Sasha fuck you," she said, nearly a whine.

Chris sighed. "So I did. I suppose you're going to say I have to let the both of you do it too."

"Well... it's only fair."

Chris glanced at Layla, who was hanging back a little. She hadn't taken her clothes off yet, but her erect state was quite clear even so.

He almost couldn't believe he hadn't realized they were twins until being told. They weren't mirror images, exactly, but they were so similar as to make it painfully obvious now that he knew.

"What you said yesterday," Chris said, "about doing me at the same time..."

"What about it?" Beth asked. Then she brightened. "Does that mean we can?"

"I just mean, like, isn't that weird?"

"Why would it be? It's not like our balls touch."

"He means because we're sisters," Layla said quietly. "He thinks it's weird."

"Oh." Beth frowned. "That's a little narrow minded, don't you think?"

"I honestly don't know what to think about much of anything these days," Chris said. He stood up and started removing his clothes. "I'm still new to this shit. You're gonna have to go slow and warm me up."

"No problem," Beth said. "I can go slow, if it means getting some of that cute little butt."

Layla put a hand on Beth's shoulder before she could get any closer. "Me first."

"Hell no! Me first."

The twins glared at each other, then silently extended fists. They through rock, paper, scissors a few times, tying the first several rounds, before Layla emerged victorious again.

"Fuck's sake!" Beth said with a frightening scowl. "Every fucking time."

Layla, however, was all smiles. She disrobed and approached the bed.

There was some confusion as the three of them got settled. Being with Natalie and Sasha one after the other hadn't really prepared Chris for the logistics of two girls at the same time. He ended up having to get on his hands and knees instead of lying nearly prone as he had earlier. It wasn't as comfortable for him, but he imagined that probably wasn't the twins' first priority at the moment.

Beth stuck her cock down his throat with hardly any preamble. She seemed to have decided to take out her grudge with her sister on his mouth, though at least she slowed down after a few hard, penetrating strokes. He couldn't have taken that kind of oral pounding for very long.

Layla very efficiently lubed up his butthole and spent several minutes finger-fucking him. She didn't spend quite the time and effort that Sasha had earlier, however, so he still wasn't feeling quite ready when she pressed her cock against him.

Chris tried to warn her off, but his mouth was quite full, and it basically only came out as muffled grunting. His ass stretched a bit as Layla tried to enter him, but didn't give way.

"He's too tight," Layla grumbled. "I can't even get in."

"That's how it works," Beth said, just a little smugly. "He's only new. He's bound to need more loosening up than we're used to. Do you want me to do it?"

"No," Layla said with determination. "I can do it."

Layla got some more lube, then fingered Chris more firmly with three fingers instead of two. When she next tried her cock, she managed to force it in, despite causing a sudden stab of pain for poor Chris.

"Gentle!" Beth said. "You nearly made him choke on me just now. Which felt kind of nice, mind you, but still."

Layla grunted in annoyance at her sister and kept working her way deeper into Chris. His butthole protested, but inexorably gave way and slowly relaxed under her assault. It didn't have a choice, really.

Chris was brutally impaled from both ends by the horny sisters. His mouth and ass were their simultaneous playthings.

Having them both balls deep inside him left him filled up like never before. At first it was too much. Too painful, too stimulating, too restricting, and just generally too overwhelming for his inexperienced body and mind to handle.

The positive side, from a certain viewpoint, to being so thoroughly dominated and spit-roasted was that it really didn't matter how he felt or what he was thinking. He didn't have to act or make any decisions. He could simply let himself be used. Beth and Layla were perfectly happy to pound his stretched holes without any input from him.

It took a while to adjust to Layla's anal intrusion in particular, but once he did, Chris once again found that he most enjoyed the moments when she was fully ensconced in his ass. He luxuriated in the brief sensations of fullness, while trying not to wince too much as she pistoned in and out of his sore bum.

Layla finally unloaded her cum in Chris's butt, much to his relief. She held herself deep inside him as she spasmed to completion, then withdrew.

Chris was given brief reprieve as Beth vacated his mouth as well, but it was not to last. The sisters calmly switched positions without any discussion, and Beth took over at his ass.

He groaned and tried to pull away from Beth as she shoved her cock into the sore hole Layla had left her. He couldn't go far, because Layla was also shoving her dick in his face. She was only about half hard, but still seemed to want some oral play time.

"Suck, please," Layla said.

"No thanks," Chris said, wincing as Beth managed to shove herself halfway into his loosened and lubed bottom.

"Suck!" Layla insisted, poking his mouth with her penis.

Chris opened his mouth, and almost immediately had it filled. Layla couldn't throat-fuck him the way she and the rest of the girls usually could, not being fully hard anymore, but she still thrust gently back and forth in time with her sister.

Luckily, he wasn't subjected to the taste of ass and cum for too long, as Beth ejaculated shortly after. She'd probably just been holding out to dump her load in his butt.

Layla pulled out of Chris's mouth and gave him a very sweet kiss on the lips, then flounced off out of the room, totally naked. Beth was a little slower and took the time to wipe herself off.

"Sorry about that," Beth said. "I know that was kinda rough of us."

"Yeah," Chris agreed. "It kinda was." He grunted as he rolled onto his side. "I wish I hadn't let you two do that to me."

"That bad, huh?" Beth chewed her lip. "Layla gets carried away, sometimes. She's never had much control when she gets too horny. And her first time with a new boy's ass? Yeah, I shoulda reined her in."

Chris shrugged. "Sisters. What ya gonna do?"

"Are you mad?"

"Not mad. Just... regretful, maybe. Wondering if I made the right choice." Chris sighed. "I mean, jesus, there's only five of you. What happens when more show up? I can't handle that."

"You will," Beth said far more confidently than Chris felt was warranted. "You'll get used to it."

"I doubt it. Not sure I even want to."

Beth looked guilty. "Don't say that. Let me make it up to you?"

Chris cringed away as she neared again. "Please no."

"Not your butt, silly. Your penis."

"Oh." Chris let his guard back down. "Well that's ok, then."

Beth got Chris on his back, then settled comfortably between his legs. She proceeded to give him a long, sensual blowjob unlike anything he'd yet experienced. In fact, he hesitated to call it a blowjob, except that was the only word he could think of to describe it.

Really, it was more like soft, playful, erotic teasing. Beth kissed, licked, and nuzzled his straining cock, and only very occasionally sucked on it. She traced her fingers along it at times, but never made a fist around his shaft.

It was, in many ways, the polar opposite of the hard twin-fucking she and Layla had just inflicted upon him. This was about him, not them. It was soft, where that had been hard. It was slow instead of fast, patient instead of needy. It was absolutely wonderful.

"Oh my god," Chris breathed. "How long has it been? You haven't even gotten me close to cumming yet."

"I know," Beth said. She gave him another little puppy-lick. "Nice, isn't it?"

"You've done this before?"

She nodded. "Yes. Not often. There's a time and place for it. Usually it's too much time and effort. But occasionally it's nice to do, or have done to me."

"With... Layla?"

Beth tilted her head. Her fingernail glided dangerously up the bottom of his shaft. "Is that what you think?"

"I honestly don't know. You're not like any sisters I've ever known. In more ways than one."

Beth smiled crookedly. She took him between her lips, then nipped with her teeth, just barely enough to register. "Maybe someday I'll tell you our secrets. I don't know you nearly well enough for that yet."

Chris actually laughed. "After what we did, you're still gonna be shy with me?"

"That's only sex stuff. Secrets and feelings are more important."

"Ok, sure."

Admittedly, he was probably the odd one out in the house in regard to how he viewed sex. His positions had already shifted quite dramatically in the short time he'd been there, and would certainly move further still.

Chris let the subject drop. He didn't want to upset Beth by pushing any harder. He didn't really need to know anyway. He was just curious, was all. Honestly, if she and Layla did fuck each other, he was pretty sure he didn't care enough one way or the other to make a fuss over it. Futa House had a way of rearranging his priorities and principles for him, whether he wanted it to or not.

Beth resumed her torturously slow penis play time. She watched him attentively, drawing out every little feeling, making sure never to over-stimulate.

This game, at least, Chris could understand and enjoy in a way he couldn't when getting pounded. Toying with his penis was fine. It wasn't anything like how he'd ever masturbated, but the basic feelings were similar enough, and he felt comfortable with it. It wasn't nearly so alien and novel as what the girls preferred doing to him.

When he finally came, it had built up so long that his cum exploded with unprecedented vigour all over Beth's face and hair. She smiled cat-like and stayed totally still and she was drenched in his cum. She was quite the pretty mess afterward.

"Does that make up for us treating you so badly?" Beth asked as she stretched languidly, like she knew the answer already.

Chris was still staring in awe at her cum-streaked face. "It helps," he said absently.

"Good." Beth gave his cock a final pat. "If you feel you need more to make up for it, just say so. I won't mind."

She kissed him on the cheek, accidentally smudging a bit of his cum on his face in the process, then sauntered out of the room just as naked as Layla, excepting her facial covering.

Chris lay right where he was for a while, a mixture of bliss and subtle agony. He finally dragged himself off his bed and stumbled down to the bathroom.

The thing about having cum up one's ass, he realized, was that it eventually had to come back out. He wasn't thrilled with the discovery.

Natalie was already changing his bedding and throwing all the discarded clothes on his floor into a basket by the time he got back.

"Damn, you're quick," he said.

"Well, you know," said Natalie. "I only have to do this until the younger girls get here. Might as well do a good job until then."


Chris didn't wait for Natalie to finish before sprawling back across the mattress. She spread the final blanket across him like she hadn't noticed.

"Very funny," said Chris.

Natalie pulled the blanket back and folded it at the end of the bed, out of the way. She had a crooked, teasing smile on her lips, but it faded slightly as she examined his expression.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Maybe," said Chris.

"You want to tell me?"

"I haven't decided."

Natalie sat down next to him. "You better tell me. I can make you talk if I have to."

"How, exactly?"

"Well... I could get my tits out."

Natalie pulled up her shirt over her breasts. That attracted Chris's attention, but didn't cause him to spontaneously reveal all his secrets.

"That's better, isn't it?" Natalie said while gently shaking from side to side and making her boobies sway.

"Well, yeah. But how is it helping?"

"'Cause now you're focused on my tits instead of whatever's bothering you." Natalie gently batted at her own breasts as yet a further distraction. "So what's up?"

Chris hesitated, then started talking. "I'm pretty sure I can't do this. Not with twenty of you, or however many. I know you all keep telling me I'll get better and more experienced, and it'll all be fine. I just don't think I believe that."

"Ah. I see." Natalie considered. "So you're not having a problem with the job, just the numbers involved?"

"I mean, I guess. Kinda."

"That's good, then. I'd hate to think you were still having doubts about staying with us."

"Yeah, no, I'd like to stay. I want to stay. I'm really getting to like all of you, and..." Chris flushed. "And I like the sexy stuff. Maybe even getting fucked in the ass. I'm not sure about that yet."

Natalie beamed. "Well I'm glad to hear that. We all love having you here. I hope you know that."

"Oh, I certainly do. Some of you maybe a little too much, is all."

Natalie's expression darkened. "What happened?"


"Chris, what happened? Seriously. If someone-"

"It's nothing bad," Chris said quickly. "Nothing you need to worry about or anything."

"I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much."

"It's really not a big deal though. Things got a bit rough, I'm a bit sore now, but-"

"Goddamn it." Natalie pulled her shirt down grumpily. "It wasn't Sasha, was it? No, it couldn't have been. She's been with me most of the day. Unless she snuck in when I wasn't looking." She chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully. "The twins, then. That would make sense. They were just in here, right? Was it Beth or Layla?"


"Nevermind. I'll figure it out. They should know better."

"You don't have to..." Chris trailed off. Natalie was already marching away, laundry forgotten.

He sighed and slumped back on the bed. He felt like he'd made a grievous error. He didn't want to get Layla in trouble, just... something. Just vent a little, maybe. Or get some advice. He'd clearly handled it all wrong.

Honestly, it didn't even hurt that bad. And it wasn't like Layla had meant to be overly rough. She was just a bit excitable. Accidentally sending Natalie after her felt worse than anything she'd inadvertently done to him.

This shit was complicated.


Chris was sucking Tiffany off a little later on when Layla appeared hesitantly in the doorway. Chris wasn't sure if he should stop and say something, but fortunately Tiffany came soon enough after that he didn't have to make a decision. He swallowed the last of her load, and she quickly scooted out of the way with a murmured, "Thanks."

"Can I come in?" Layla asked.

Chris wasn't used to any of the girls asking, and confusion alone made him hesitate. "Yeah, sure. Come on in."

She stepped inside, but only covered about half the distance between him and the doorway before she stopped again. She was wearing a long shirt, and presumably no panties underneath because her cock was hanging out the bottom.

"I guess I could take a lesson from Tiff, huh?" Layla said. "She's so much better at just letting you do your thing."

Chris shook his head. "I'm sorry. Natalie talked to you, didn't she? I didn't mean to send her after you. I really didn't."

"I mighta deserved it though," Layla said. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt, accidentally revealing more of her penis in the process. "I didn't realize you were still sore. I thought it was just, like, a little ache or something. Normal stuff."

Chris was a bit worried that she thought his ass aching was going to be normal for him, but he left that alone for the moment. "It's not that bad. It's just... there's going to be so many of you. I can handle you and Beth, and Natalie, Sasha, and Tiffany. Or I think I can, at least. But more? Like... I'm not that durable."

Layla managed a wry smile. "You're way tougher than you think. And more than you look, too. I thought you were gonna be like the usual boys who can't hardly even take it up the ass without weeks of training. I-"

"Hang on, what?"


"You said there's usually weeks of training?"

Layla cocked her head, confusion winning out over contrition as some of the gloom left her expression. "Well, yeah. Brand new boytoys don't usually take cock the way you do. Not so quickly."

"But then... but... everyone was acting like I was supposed to."

"Well of course we were. We wanted to fuck you. We're not exactly unbiased."

"Jesus fuck." Chris sat back and shook his head. "So I've been tricked into..."

He stopped and considered. Nothing had been a trick, exactly. It had just been heavily implied that he was meant to do certain things within a certain time frame, with full knowledge of what those things were, and what the consequences might be. Seduced or bribed were probably better words than tricked.

Layla had gone quiet again after an unusual amount of words all at once for her. She sat next to Chris, but not near enough to be touching. He couldn't help but notice her cock slowly stiffening and lifting her shirt in the process. He tried to ignore it for the moment.

"I guess it makes sense," he said at last. "If I'm the only boy here this year, and I'm brand new, there's probably a lot of pressure on me to perform."

Layla shrugged.

"I could almost even think of it as flattering, in a way," Chris said. "That you all want to fuck me so badly. I never got anything like that before I came here. Then again, I guess it's not really anything to do with me. I'm just the warm body that happens to be here, right?"

"I definitely wouldn't say that," Layla said. "You're way cuter than I was expecting."

Chris felt his face warm, and turned his head to hide his blush. "Really?"

"Yeah." Layla ran the back of her finger up and down his cheek. "Super cute."

"Oh. You mean, like, adorable. Not sexy."

"They're kinda the same thing."

"No they aren't. 'Cause girls tend to-"

"We're not ordinary girls, Chris. You know that. We like different things about boys. Different traits." She turned his head back to face her. "Like your lips..." She smiled shyly. "I love your lips."

Chris had a suspicion he knew what was about to happen, but he let it develop anyway. He allowed Layla to guide him to his knees in front of her, with a pillow for padding, then nudge him onto her cock.

It was kind of embarrassing how little flattery it took to make him want to pleasure her. Although it really wasn't her words so much as the desire behind them. He didn't know how much truth there was to what she said, but he liked the idea of legitimately being attractive to her, and not just a pair of warm holes to be used for dumping girl-cum into.

Being cognizant of her earlier failing, Layla was docile as could be this time around. She hardly moved a muscle, except to occasionally stroke Chris's hair while he bobbed his head up and down in her lap.

He much preferred setting his own pace, though he couldn't actually take her in his throat without help. He'd have to work on that. His blowjob technique simply wouldn't be all it could be if he had to rely on getting his throat forced open by overly horny girls.

Layla came in his mouth after a long and gentle suck-session. Her hips bucked and he felt her hand press the back of his head, but she didn't actually push down. That was progress, he felt.

Layla patted him some more, like he was a puppy who'd learned a trick, until he finished swallowing and climbed back into bed.

"You didn't hardly injure me at all that time," Chris said. "That was nice."

Layla kissed him softly and ran her tongue along his lip, sweeping up the last traces of her own cum. "I'll try to do better," she promised. "At least until you've got more practice."

"I'd appreciate that."

Her shirt had gotten hitched up over her butt a little, so as she walked away, Chris had a tantalizing peek at what lay beneath. He belatedly wished he'd asked her to play with his cock before leaving. He was all turned on now.

Chris thought about simply jerking off, though that seemed a bit of a waste when he had other opportunities to explore. And he was still owed from earlier, after all.

It was a mild thrill walking down the hallway naked and erect with no one else around. He was quickly getting used to his new life, but there were still so many new ways to look at his situation, and new things to explore. He'd never been so free to be nude in his life.

Chris stopped briefly by the balcony overlooking the ground floor. He could see the entryway from there, and in theory anyone coming in would see him pretty quickly too. Granted, anyone entering would most likely be someone who'd already seen him naked, and had their dick inside him too, so his risky stance wasn't quite the feat of daring that it might otherwise have been.

Natalie and Sasha were hanging out in the room they shared. Natalie was cross legged on her bed, laptop balanced on her knees while she typed away intently. Sasha had her cock out and was idly stroking it. It was nearly fully hard from her playing with it.

"Chris!" Sasha said with a beaming smile. "Good timing. I just thinking about coming to see you."

"Were you, indeed?" Chris said. "I can't imagine what for."

Sasha giggled. "For sex, silly."

"Ah, yes. Of course."

"Make sure he's ok with it before you jump him," Natalie warned, only briefly taking her eyes off her screen. "Chris needs to be rested for tomorrow."

"You didn't get hurt that bad, did you?" Sasha asked.

Chris wasn't sure if she was actually worried about him, or the possibility that she wouldn't get to fuck him.

"Nah, not that bad," Chris said with false bravery. "But, um... I don't suppose there's any chance the other girls who are going to be showing up won't want to fuck me right away?"

Natalie and Sasha devolved into raucous laughter.

"I'll take that as a no, shall I?" Chris said.

"Yeah, dude," Sasha said. "They're gonna want to tap that. No question." She shrugged. "I mean, some of 'em might be patient, for whatever reason. But, like, I wouldn't count on any lack of desire overall."

"None of them have boyfriends or anything?" Chris suggested weakly.

"Oh sure. Some probably do," Sasha said. "I think I remember one girl used to have a boy who went to this school too. She only ever fucked him and not any of the boytoys. You might get lucky."

"We don't do well at monogamy," Natalie said, finally shutting her laptop. "Especially not if there's separation of any kind. And it's not easy for us to casually date and get our sex fix that way."

Chris sighed heavily. "Well, if I die tomorrow, tell my mother I loved her."

"Can do," Sasha agreed cheerfully. "Now about me fucking you..."

"Actually," Chris said, forestalling Sasha's attempted seduction, "I kinda thought, maybe, like..."

"Like what?"

"Maybe I could have a turn?" he finished while looking down at the floor a bit uncomfortably. In theory, he was pretty sure he'd get a yes. His instincts still hadn't caught up to simply asking as being a viable strategy for getting sex.

"Oh! Right," Sasha said. "Good idea. You go first, then you'll be all relaxed for me."

That wasn't at all Chris's intention, but he let it slide for now. "So how do I... I mean, like..."

"It's not that complicated," Natalie assured him in a soothing voice. "Me and Sasha can both take cocks your size pretty easily, so no worries there. I guess the first thing is just to decide which of us you'd like. Or which order, if you want to try us both. That'd be up to you."


"I wanna go first," Sasha said, neatly solving Chris's dilemma of having to choose between them. "You got to fuck his ass first. It's only fair." Her eyes glinted eagerly. "Besides, I've never taken a boy's penile virginity before. Seems like a neat thing to do at least once."

Chris shrank back. "What makes you think-"

"Don't worry about that," Natalie said. She stood and put a hand on Chris's shoulder. "I told you, things like that aren't big deals to us. It's honestly a good thing this'll be your first time."

"You don't know that it is," Chris mumbled.

"Is it not?" Sasha said. "Because you've been acting like you haven't done it before. Getting all shy and quiet and blushy when the topic comes up." She shrugged. "What, you think we'd like you better if you'd fucked a bunch of girls before? Honestly couldn't give a shit. Except, as I say, it'd be kind of a neat little achievement to be your first. Unless you really want Nat, which is fine. Kind of annoying, though."

Natalie's hand moved from his shoulder and smacked his butt. "Go on. Have a good time. Stop worrying about it."

Chris was still feeling quite embarrassed at the evident transparency of his virginity, despite his efforts not let it slip. He knew it shouldn't bother him, at least partly because he'd had sex repeatedly that day alone, even if it wasn't the sort that traditionally counted. He wasn't even sure why certain kinds of sex counted, and others didn't. That was just the way it was, he supposed.

Sasha saved him from further awkwardness and introspection by going face down, ass up on her bed, then shaking her butt invitingly at him. He was drawn toward her as inexorably as if she'd been reeling him in with a rope.

"You've got such a nice ass," Chris said as he reached out and put his hands on each cheek, spreading her slightly wider.

"Aw, thanks," Sasha said. "I don't get many people staring at it, actually. Not with my pants off, anyway."

Chris traced his finger down the bottom of her cock, which hung hard and neglected below. "No. I suppose you probably don't."

Natalie flounced onto the bed next to Sasha. She'd brought a bottle of lube with her, though didn't hand it over quite yet. "What are you in the mood for?" she asked Chris. "You wanna get right in there? Or maybe eat her out a bit first? Or do some fingering?"

Chris stared transfixed at the tight, crinkled little hole on lewd display before him. He flashed back to the last time it had been stuck in his face, and the bizarre enjoyment he'd felt from giving analingus. "Is it weird if I kinda want to lick it?" he asked.

Natalie giggled. "Not at all. In fact, it's encouraged."

"Mmm, and you did such a nice job last time," Sasha agreed. She gave another wiggle. "Lick me, baby."

Chris was a bit hesitant, and wasn't at all sure about being watched, but moved in and licked Sasha's butthole anyway. She made a deep, low growl in her throat even just at the first swipe of his tongue.

He kept licking, gradually getting into it enough not to worry about Natalie spectating nearby. The noises Sasha made got more and more animalistic and gratifying the more anal attention she got, and became louder still when he closed a hand around her cock and jerked her off a bit while fiercely tonguing her asshole.

Natalie got her cock out to play with herself while she watched. Chris flicked his gaze over to her every so often, but mainly focused on Sasha's increasingly slobbery behind.

"Ooh, yeah. Get something in there," Sasha moaned. "Fuck that's nice."

Chris licked a few more times, then tentatively pressed a finger to her butthole. It sank in pretty easily with only spit for lubrication. He stared awestruck as his own finger disappeared inside a girl's ass. It was a truly captivating sight.

Natalie leaned over and drizzled some lube from her bottle down Sasha's butt crack. Chris pulled his finger out, coated it, then slid it back in even more easily.

Chris fingered Sasha a bit more, but was getting far too horny and impatient to delay any longer. He was excited to the point of shaking a bit at the thought of actually fucking her pretty little ass.

Sasha let out a pathetic whine and squirmed in readiness as Chris positioned himself behind her. Natalie helpfully spread Sasha's bottom to make it easier for him to guide his cock to her rear entrance.

Chris had to push a little harder to get his cock in than he had with his finger. Still, Sasha clearly had more experience than him, based on the amount of warming up they'd done relative to the ease of penetration. Then again, he recalled a with a slight flush of shame, his cock was also notably smaller than the ones that had been shoved inside him.

None of that really mattered to him as he buried his throbbing erection in Sasha's snug bum. She was delightfully warm and tight around him. He savoured the moment, still and quiet just for a moment, then gave a small thrust.

"That's it," Natalie said with an intense gleam in her eyes. "Give it to her."

Chris gave a few more thrusts, each longer and more confident than the last. He got an almost smooth rhythm going, and was absolutely enraptured with the experience of ploughing Sasha's tight and welcoming butthole.

"Harder, Chris," Natalie urged. "You don't need to be gentle with Sasha. She can take it. It's your first time. Enjoy yourself." She gave Sasha's butt a few smacks for emphasis.

Chris smiled shyly and followed Natalie's example, giving Sasha a few extra spanks. Sasha cooed in delight and arched her back even higher.

It didn't seem to matter how hard he pounded her ass, she kept it stuck up in the air, begging for more. He lost himself in the crazy thrill of going totally wild and succumbing to the most insane and lust-driven urges within.

"Aw hell yeah," Natalie breathed. She was unabashedly masturbating again, still occasionally squeezing or spanking Sasha as the mood took her.

All too soon, in Chris's mind, he felt an oncoming orgasm. He wanted to go longer, to fuck Sasha all night, but he also very much didn't want to stop or go slower, so he kept right on pounding her. Cum exploded inside her as he kept thrusting, and only at the end did he hold still, balls deep in her ass. He waited for a few moments, then finally, reluctantly, pulled free.

Natalie squealed and pulled Chris in for an excited hug and kiss on the cheek. "That was awesome!"

"Was it?" he said, just a little on the dazed side.

"Pretty good," Sasha confirmed as she stretched, then got up on her knees and sat back on her heels. "Of course, you just got me all horny."

"You were already horny," Natalie said. "You're always horny."

"Fine. Hornier, then." Sasha looked meaningfully back and forth from her cock to Chris. "Mind if I...?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah, alright."

He lay back while his legs were pinned back and his ass was warmed up in preparation of being filled with cock yet again. Perhaps due to his earlier troubles, Sasha was extra thorough about licking, fingering, and gently stretching his sore little bottom before finally getting to 'the good part.'

Natalie supervised at first in order to make sure Chris was doing ok. She couldn't just watch forever, though. She eventually straddled his head and sat on his face.

Chris was happy enough to kiss and lick Natalie's butthole, though was a bit confused and uncertain when she wiggled around so her balls were dangled in his face instead. Still, they were remarkably smooth and hairless, and somehow girly, despite not being a traditional part of female anatomy. He was brave and gave them a bit of a lick and suck, just to test. Natalie seemed to appreciate that, so he kept at it.

Chris alternated working her balls and butthole according to how she positioned herself above him. He fully expected to get throat-fucked sooner or later, and was proved absolutely correct. He gurgled and gagged a bit, but managed to take his double-penetration pretty well, he thought.

It didn't hurt that both Sasha and Natalie were worked up enough that they didn't last too long pounding his aching holes. He swallowed their pair of loads from both ends, then sagged in relief as he was vacated.

Chris didn't much feel like moving for a while afterward. Natalie and Sasha were perfectly happy to cuddle on either side of him, so it kind of worked out.

"It might be too early to call it," Natalie said, "but I'd say you survived your second day."

Chris nodded. "Mmhm."

"And you took an impressive amount of dick up your butt for your first day of anal training," Sasha said. "It might even be a record."

"God. Don't remind me," Chris said with a groan. "I'm gonna hurt tomorrow."

"We'll make sure to get you nice and warmed up first thing," Natalie said, as though somehow that would reassure him.

"Lots of stretching," Sasha added. "That's the key."

"Could we, perhaps, just not discuss it for a while?" Chris asked. "Let me pretend like I'm not going to be ruthlessly violated tomorrow by a horde of excitable futas?"

"Yeah, fair enough," Natalie said. "You just rest now."

She stroked Chris's hair and hummed a soothing melody. Sasha marred the maternal effect somewhat by occasionally feeling him up and, in particular, fondling and fingering his butt. Still, she was gentle, and it felt kind of nice, so he didn't say anything.
