
hungery stoves complete 2

Fun_terra_Dysonic · Fantasie
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my peaceful time

hello guys its me again heru lee, this time with my friend callum globy, please share my share if you like it...................


my computer.

one day at home I got myself a need combpooter, it was very sliggy, first i didnt know how to use it so I just pressed all keypes and they did some dinks and backled,

then the screen turned on and said, welcome to tutorial, would you like continue or to do cargigal?

I pressed 1 key and then 10 at the same time and then I said, cargigal plase, and then it said"ok uploading to mainfraim and then colors started flashing and turned into some pipes and then into a cube that looked like ping pong bouncing around and then it said

"upload comepleggted!"

I said"oh i wangt to plaeg a gaem"

1.mr farter 2. blister arena snot popper 3. wovles revendge for fluff.

I playged number threegee and it was about finding the fur the fell off wolf, the reason it happened is because birds saw that the wolf was tinking winking, and your not allowed to tink wink in the game.

Lator i joined a website forum called, a bungee and a mungee!, i was one of the first members.

1985 I think it was created, however back then things were future like, we atleast this time line.

I made a post saying: how come i always die by birds?

a member said: SHEESH you should stop plaging the game badly, really your supposed use claws

I said: oh well idk how to do that yet, but I did figuree out how to use a break dance.

member jackson said"well you could atleast used a coat and a hat"

i said"BRIM BRIM"

they said"WHAT race is it?"

"its 2000" I said

they said"well thats below 9000, so its too slow for us"

"welp im done with laptop, its needs a good bath"

in goes the laptop into the bath and does a big fart sound, mum runs in and says"OH NO THE BABy, what have you done! to my beutiful books!" she said.

I said"i put them on the tv!"

after that i had a sleep.