
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · sci-fi
Zu wenig Bewertungen
60 Chs

Chapter 35: New Spirit Beast Awakening 2

In the depths of despair, just as everyone was plunged into hopelessness, Ji Chang, his head pounding mercilessly, suddenly felt an intangible surge of spiritual energy rush into his body.

With the entry of this spiritual force, despite the persistent throbbing in his head, Ji Chang felt an extraordinary state taking hold of his spiritual energy. It wasn't a sensation of recovery like Chen Lingxue's green mist, nor was it a feeling of breaking shackles and ascending to a new level of spiritual power.

To be precise, as this sudden spiritual force made contact, he felt a faint sense of familiarity, as if the spiritual energy he had once lost was returning to its core!

In that moment of realization, Ji Chang suddenly snapped back to awareness!

For he discovered that within this comforting spiritual force, there was also a trace of familiarity—a connection with the ants!

It was the same spiritual energy he had expended when establishing that unique connection with the ants!

Just as Ji Chang grasped this realization, his consciousness suddenly returned.

In an instant, his ears were filled with the shrill screams of Dong Xuan, Wang Lingling, the defiant roars of Huang Mang, Zhou Jun, and Zheng Haiyu. In the midst of it all, he saw Huang Mang, with a hoarse roar, tightly embracing Wang Lingling, while Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu leaned on each other's shoulders, eyes reflecting cold determination. Dong Xuan's piercing screams held a hint of reluctance as she stared in his direction. On the contrary, Chen Lingxue, her eyes filled with tears, gazed at him with a serene expression.

These scenes jolted Ji Chang fully awake, the events that just transpired rapidly flashing through his mind.

Wolf Spider!

Suddenly, Ji Chang lifted his gaze toward the looming wolf spider that blotted out the sky.

He could even clearly see the cold light gleaming on the spider's hairy legs and its thick, fierce fangs!

In this critical moment, a line of information flickered before Ji Chang's field of vision.

"Detecting host's ability to control new spirit beasts!"

"Would you like to choose to control the current wolf spider..."

Upon seeing these familiar words, before the full message even revealed itself in his sight, Ji Chang made a decision without hesitation!


"Successful control of wolf spider!"

Immediately, another familiar window appeared in his line of sight!


Name: Ji Chang

Age: 19

Spirit Beasts: Wasp, Wolf Spider

Abilities: Locked (Will gradually unlock as host's strength improves)

However, in this moment, Ji Chang couldn't afford to examine the new window of information any further. With a single thought, he immediately commanded the wolf spider to retreat!

As Ji Chang's command was transmitted, the wolf spider, which was about to swipe its three claws across the crowd's bodies, abruptly retracted in the split second of its impending strike.


In the next moment, the wolf spider landed heavily in front of the wasp.

The impact from its landing caused the wasp's body to tilt, and the group of people fell to the ground.

The fallen group, faced with the mountainous spider before them, couldn't help but scream in terror.

Yet soon, they realized that the eight eyes of the spider were now regarding them with an oddly friendly gaze.




Confusion spread among the group.

The wolf spider that had just moments ago seemed poised to annihilate them, now how…

"Ji Chang! It's Ji Chang!"

Chen Lingxue, seemingly piecing it together, was the first to react.

Hearing her words, the others finally grasped the truth.

"Holy shit! It's Ji, bro!"

Huang Mang, seeing Ji Chang's pale face not far away, blurted out.

As for the rest, they were so stunned that words failed them.

Having narrowly escaped death just moments ago, Ji Chang glanced awkwardly at the massive legs of the spider nearby, his mind still struggling to catch up.

The fact that Ji Chang could control insects was something they were well aware of. However, they never imagined he could command such an unimaginably colossal wolf spider.

Not only were they taken aback, even Ji Chang himself was grappling with a sense of disbelief as he felt the special bond between him and the spider.

This left him with a surreal feeling. Until now, Ji Chang wasn't entirely certain about the circumstances that led to establishing this unique bond with spirit beasts, or to put it differently, what level of spiritual power allowed him to form a connection and sign contracts with new spirit beasts.

At this moment, Ji Chang considered that perhaps the death of the ants had caused a resurgence of the previously lost spiritual energy, enabling him to form this connection with the wolf spider.

Could it be that he could only establish connections with two spirit beasts simultaneously? If that were the case, were there any limitations to commanding two spirit beasts? Could he potentially command something like a rooster?

As he looked at the tearful and relieved survivors, Ji Chang's thoughts wandered.

But soon, he dismissed his earlier speculations about commanding spirit beasts. Ji Chang might not know the exact number of spirit beasts he could control, but he understood that controlling the wolf spider already pushed him to his limits. He could sense that the bond between him and the spider had significant room for growth.

It felt as though he had only just tiptoed into the lowest threshold of controlling such a formidable existence as the wolf spider.

Regardless, Ji Chang didn't have the luxury to ponder this for long. He raised his head, looking at the spider with excitement.

Wolf Spider!

What a powerful existence!

Just considering its size alone was enough to astonish Ji Chang.

Before long, he took a deep breath and, with a subtle thought, mounted his horse and flew up into the air above the wolf spider.

Then, with a leap, he landed on the spider's back…

The wolf spider was truly massive; climbing on it was a formidable challenge in itself...

People looked up as they witnessed Ji Chang's figure appearing on the spider's back. Sighs of admiration escaped them. "Our Ji bro is amazing!"

"If it weren't for Ji bro, we'd probably be this spider's meal by now!"

"Haha, you're overthinking it. We're so tiny that we wouldn't even be enough to get stuck in its teeth. Look at those fangs; they're bigger than the two of us combined!"

"Our captain is truly amazing! Just now… I had already given up resistance!"

"Ji bro, you're so incredible!"

"No doubt about it, Ji Chang!"


Standing atop the wolf spider's back, Ji Chang gently stroked its posterior, closing his eyes to feel the faint connection between them.

Before long, Ji Chang opened his eyes in astonishment. "My... My spiritual power has broken through again!"

Indeed! Ji Chang had discovered that after commanding the wolf spider, his spiritual power had surged once more, reaching an entirely new level. This change was brought about by his control over the wolf spider.

Just a while ago, due to the shock and excitement, coupled with the persistent throbbing headache, Ji Chang had temporarily overlooked the increase in his spiritual power.

Following Ji Chang's earlier classification of his spiritual power, he had now reached the level of the fourth stage!

Now fully aware of this fact, Ji Chang found it hard to suppress his excitement. Although his spiritual power had only increased by one level, his combat prowess was now maximized.

The spider's ferocity was something they had witnessed firsthand, and just having connected with it spiritually, Ji Chang realized its terrifying power exceeded what they had just experienced.

In essence, the display of strength the spider had shown against them earlier was merely the tip of the iceberg!