
Humanity's Mission: Kill the Immortal

Humanity once thrived as a normal society, until one day everyone in the world awakened supernatural abilities and the world collapsed. Humanity was approached by "The Mistress" the source of their newfound power, and given a mission. Humanity's Mission? "Kill the immortal."

SageWritesNovels · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Apocalypse

"Get out of my apartment you bastard!" A voice screamed. Alexander, a young man who enjoyed living life to the fullest, opened his eyes just in time to see the plunger rushing at him.



Alexander's world went dark, not because he was unconscious, but because the plunger stuck to his face.

"Zi Li! Who is this scoundrel in your bed!" The same screaming voice yelled as the beautiful women next to Alexander went deep crimson, clinging onto his arm for comfort.

"Pfm mn xlnation!" Alexander said, his words blocked by the plunger.

"What the hell! I'll kill him!" The voice screamed as Alexander realized his mistake, unsticking the plunger and looking at a short Chinese man with dark hair and plenty of wrinkles to tell his age.

"My fault, I said I believe I have an explanation my good sir," Alexander said as he got up from the bed, forgetting his nudity as the older woman behind the man blushed.

"E-Even your god won't save you, foreigner! I'll send you through a hell you couldn't even dream of!" The man yelled, rushing at Alexander as the man smirked, sidestepping quickly and stopping the Chinese man from smashing into the lavender-painted walls.

"Mhm, whatever you say Sir. As I was saying before, I have a good explanation for everything..." Alexander repeated, seeing the older man was now much calmer after nearly crushing his nose against the wall.

"Fine boy, what is your explanation? And put some damn clothes on!"

Alexander chuckled as he found his underwear, jeans and T-shirt, slipping them on quickly before looking back at the family of three.

"You see, Your granddaughter Zi Li is a special person to me, we have a name for people like her in America..." Alexander said as he walked across the room to the window, looking down at the street below curiously.

"And... What is that?" The grandfather asked, seemingly completely calmed down. Obviously, Alexander was going to confess he and Zi Li had been dating for years and he'd decided he wanted to propo-

"We call people like her sluts, bye-bye now," Alexander said, jumping from the 5th floor without fear as Zi Li's grandfather rushed at him with the intent of ending his life.

"Get him!" The grandfather yelled as Alexander landed and rolled safely, waving up at the window before dashing off down the street away from the apartment building...


In the heart of the city, tucked away in a luxurious skyscraper, Alexander's penthouse stood as a testament to his vast fortune and refined taste. The penthouse, a mix of modern aesthetics and classical charm, provided him with a sanctuary from the world. He kept one in every major country, and some more in minor places.

Alexander stepped out of his steaming shower, his wet black hair sticking to his forehead as he moved to the sink and admired his form in the mirror.

"Uh conceited much?" Li Lei, Alexander's wife said as she stepped next to him, her nude form making the young man smile with glee.

"Oh Li Li, you look more beautiful each second you grace my eyes with your presence," Alexander said as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the back of her neck as she combed through her long brown hair.

She blushed ever so slightly, scoffing at his words. "If that were true you'd take me out to dinner, we've been married for nearly a year and we've yet to enjoy a romantic evening..." She complained as Alexander lay a line of kisses across the back of her neck.

"Really? I feel every moment with you is enough, but I'll make it up to you, tonight let's go to the finest restaurant they have in Beijing, my treat!"

Li Lei blushed deeper as Alexander spun her around, kissing her deeply and pressing her small form against the sink.

"A-Alright stop!" She said, shoving him away and turning back to get ready, a small smile on her face.

As for Alexander, he complied and shook his hair wildly, drying it enough and going into their bedroom to get ready for the day. His morning had been hectic enough, a romantic evening with his wife would be the perfect turn of events after the grandfather fiasco he had gone through before.

"So what do you have planned?" Li Lei asked as she walked into their bedroom drying her hair, trying her best not to smirk as she saw Alexander eye her nude form.

"For our romantic evening or for work?" He asked, plopping down on the bed and yawning.


Alexander thought about it. His company was really taking off, he'd managed to get his app to the top of the charts in only two months, and it had been only up from there.

"I suppose I'll look over user reviews, assign some people from customer support to fix whatever they have a problem with, plus soon our new messaging app will be released, I'll need to prepare for that..."

Alexander smiled as Li Lei climbed on top of him, staring down at him with her hazel eyes, her face red as her nude body tempted Alexander.

"Aw, was my teasing too much for you?" He asked, grabbing her hips as she let out a soft sigh.

"M-Maybe," She said as her face flashed a deeper red.

"Then let me finish what I started," He said as he flipped her onto her back, grabbing her wrists and pressing her into the bed.

That was when it happened. Like a hot iron hitting his face, two beams burst from Li Lei's eyes and blew his head off, sending his dead body spiraling across the room.

"E-Eh?" She said in surprise as the red beams shut off, leaving her hazel eyes back to how they were.

Blood fell on her from Alexander's desecrated head, causing her to widen her eyes as she felt puke rush up.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed, sitting up and seeing the dead body of her husband laying lifelessly across the room.

"Citizens of Earth!" A voice boomed as the sun that had been pouring through the terrace windows suddenly disappeared.

"As you are now figuring out, each of you has been blessed with abilities from my mistress," The voice boomed as Li Lei shook on the bed, trying her best not to throw up seeing her husband's dead body.

In the darkness that enveloped the penthouse, the voice echoed loudly, reverberating in her head as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"I am the Herald of the Mistress, the emissary of the one who has granted you these gifts," the figure proclaimed, his voice carrying an air of authority that sent chills down her spine.

Li Lei tried to make sense of the situation, her hazel eyes darting around the room, desperate for answers. She struggled to comprehend the death of her husband, Alexander, and this strange voice talking to her.

"You humans have been chosen for a special mission," the Herald continued, his voice penetrating her mind like an unyielding force. "The Mistress requires a task to be completed, and as the beings with the most intelligence in this realm, you shall complete it. Find and Kill the Immortal, and your race shall live. Kill this immortal, and your race shall thrive for millennia!"

The darkness subsided, and the news channel turned on showing massacre's and chaos from people and their abilities, yet Li Lei just sat there, shaking as she realized she had killed her husband.

"The mistress?" A voice said, surprising her as she looked up, tears flowing from her eyes as Alexander stood up, completely unharmed and steaming. "And here I thought I was finally free to live... Guess that's humanity's mission? Kill the immortal..." Alexander ignored the sobbing Li Lei, stepping out onto the terrace as he watched people run around the street, different abilities running wild, building getting destroyed.

"Complete and utter chaos..." He muttered distastefully. "Ha... Haha... Hahahahahahaha! Finally!"

Welcome to the first chapter of this humble novel of mine, I shall see how it goes since my last one wasn't exactly seen much.

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