
309 Pomp and Ceremony

"Just for the sake of curiosity, how long will it take the algae that we used today to regrow?" Max asked.

"About a week?" The technician shrugged, unsure of the exact number since that was the domain of the botanists, not the technicians.

Roughly two thousand people in the Regiment, and the current algae growth rate supported a banquet meal for ten thousand at a time? That should be one meal at this level per day for the entire crew. That wasn't as ridiculous as Max had thought, and he began to relax.

"I know the numbers you're doing, and they're wrong. If the stockpile wasn't so heavily depleted it would take much less time to regrow. They currently have enough that at full supply it could nearly cover all three meals a day for the entire crew. 

That's why we're working so hard to get enough recipes in order that we can bring the rest of the units online.