
Human perfection

this story is for fun and also for inspiration whoever reads it i wish it could change your life for the better

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chapter 1 : dawn of change

hello everyone my name is albert and today i wanna share my story with you guys. it all started when i was 18 years old i had nothing going on to my life i had no hobbies and i was always lazy back then i always hated my body thinking my genes were bad since i wasnt tall dont get me wrong i wasnt short either roughly at 5,8 i could say i was pretty average but now after so long i could understand that i was really gifted when it came to muscle genes as i said i was really lazy and someone with my lifestyle should be either overweight or so skinny but i was neither i had a pretty good muscle/fat proportions but thats it i never tried to take my gift further and develop it i could probably become a first rate athlete or one with a physique of a greek god albeit a little bit shorter alas they say that there is no medecin to regret i continued down the road of self destruction and laziness till i hit 23 y old. thats when there was a documentary made by 4 young fitness content creators that was the turning point of my life. At this point i was living far from home to pursue my studies i was always in my room i didnt like to talk to other people and i was a masturbation addict but even though i was a little bit on the skinnier side my body tanked it all for me i was still considered healthy this was one thing i always thanked god for i remember that day was the waking day i remember that i always spent my time after waking up i always stayed in my bed, scrolling down my phone or watching porn all day with no productivity whatsoever but that day something deep inside me started telling me i should change , i get it all of u people say the same thing to yourself so you think that i wouldnt stick or commit to it but the only difference between me and you is that when i decided to change i didnt say i will start tommorow i said i will start today i immediatly started doing pushups i did 30 at one go surprising right! well what can i say i don't wanna come off as naricisstic but im pretty gifted i set a small goal for that day and that it was to do 100 pushups when i finished it i couldnt stop smiling that day i realized i could do anything as long as i put my mind to it they say that god will never give up on you as long as you never give up on yourself that day again for the first time i knew that its only the start i should start setting small goals for each day and aim to surpass my past self and then staryed the grind that night i couldnt sleep so i searched what is money , wait wait stop albert why would you search for making money we taught this is a fitness story well let me enlighten you since i was small i had a dream and that is to stand at the apex of mankind for that i dont need to be only strong i needed to be rich and famous. that night i could only sleep 2 hours i stayed up all night and then slept on my laptop searching for ways to make money only i didnt get any results i had no idea where to start from the very next day i woke up at 8 am i started by drinking alot of water and this time i did only ten pushups my goal for today was a 100 situps my small goals were always something that bordered around reasonable and my body limits it was such a euphoric feeling achieving goal after goal conquering summit after summit and developping my body to the peak of its performance 2 months in and i saw great results till it all started going worse...                                                                                        to be continued.....

as this is my first work and english is not my first language i wish for you all to be understanding and give me your honest reflection on my work

Anonymecreators' thoughts