
Human Paradox(Fate/Type-Moon)

"My name is Adam Eltnam Empyrean, today is March 12, 1985, and I am four years old."

InvictusKyrielight · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter-01 "It doesn't matter." (Pt-2)

Images flashed inside his mind… 

Two separate beings, merging in one, what was one from the start.

One turn into two, two turn into one.

Identical but completely different.

But all of that was interrupted by a concerned voice.

"Now I want you to slowly try to reduce the flux of energy of the "river", keep doing this until It stops completely."

"Later on we will repeat this process until you can find a stable enough mental trigger, for now this will be enough. Next to perform the consecration I will need to ask you some questions, you can answer them in whatever manner feels right to you, it doesn't need to be truthful, but need to "right."

"Beginning in three, two, one… Lord Adam, can you please describe to me your perspective of the last four years?"

"Yes, I can!"

"Weird! That is the only way I could define the last four years. I was always there locked inside my own mind, but at the same time "I" was not really there. I remember everything but there is a strong feeling of disassociation, there's not much more to add to it. Unless you need a more detailed explanation… That is all I have to say."

"No, that was enough."

"From the great five elements your inclination is earth, wind, and ether. You also have an inclination with the imaginary element, "hollow", and lastly, an uncommon elemental affinity…"

The blond woman stared at Adam with an intensity that was not there before. It was almost like she was seeing him for the first time in her life, and would need to reevaluate all her preconceived opinions on him.

She let out a soft sight escape her lips, and smiled reassuringly to him, almost like to assure him that he is not alone… and that they would deal with the implications of whatever she was about to say together.

"What do you know about the current "grand order" of this family?"

"Well from what little I remember of the tales you tell me before bed, It all began at four hundred seventy two years ago, the tale started like every good story begins here in Atlas…"

His facial expression became "serious", and his voice tone "cold".

"When one of my ancestors predicted a "world" ending scenario."

The tension became almost palpable as the conversation took a more serious turn. Only for his next words to break all the "tension" building in the air.


Looking at his cute deadpan look, Luperca needed to cover her own mouth to hold down her laughter. When she finished recomposing herself she gave him an "outraged" look, and spoke in a "casticizing" tone.

"Lord Adam, you should treat this seriously!"

The lack of bite in her voice let her true opinions on the matter very clear to see.

"Luperca, tell me the current number of predicted "world" ending scenarios that are currently in motion, and have been already confirmed by the tri-hermes as "certainty," no variations of the same scenarios, and only those officially endorsed by the institute, please."

"Thirty seven..."

"Exactly! We work day and night trying to prevent the extinction of mankind all while those bastards at the Clock tower keep having meaningless contests about who has the bigger "Magic circuits!"

"The world we live in is a giant death trap, mankind is like a drunk blindfolded monkey walking on a string above the abyss juggling chainsaws all while completely unaware of how terrible its situation is. We are destroying our home, or "caretaker" is the type who thinks losing limbs can be a precious learning experience, and If we don't "learn" fast enough, she will simply discard us in favor of the monkey next door!"

"Damn Nasu, wait… I mean damn Root! Sorry I didn't mean to turn this into a rant."

Noticing Luperca giving him a weird look he decided to move on with his explanation.

"Once he determined that his family focus at that time would not be useful against this specific scenario, he asked permission to his grandfather Zepia Eltnam Atlasia to take a "piece" of the family Magic crest and start a new "branch" focused on developing a "tool" to "solve" that doomsday scenario."

"Since then, our goal is the creation of the Modicum miraculum factorem, If a homunculus is an artificial human the M. M. F would be an artificial "god", more specifically a "tool god"."

"For that he would need a "material", something that could actualize "miracles" directly without the need of complicated steps, something that is "anchored" to humanity and that wouldn't betray its given purpose, and above all else, something easily available so as to reduce the costs of experimentation. The answer he found was the "6th imaginary factor" also known as "Daemon"!"

"But to turn this "material" in something useful is hard, in their most basic state daemons are "sympathetic creatures", they are ''born" from our "human" plights, their nature is to satisfy our wishes so that we can stop "hurting". But like the saying goes, the way to hell is paved with good intentions, their common sense works on a completely different logic than ours, their attempts to "help" normally only have three possible results."

Adam raised three fingers, his amber eyes gained a cold glint to them, a glint that greatly contrasted with the soft smile still present on his lips, an expression that looked completely unnatural in a boy so young.

Slowly lowering his fingers, one by one, he calmly spoke.

"A gruesome death."

"The degeneration of the "self"."

"Hell on earth."

"So, the initial focus of our research was to translate their efforts into giving "help" into actually giving help. I don't even need to say how that has gone horribly wrong, right? So instead we opted for the second best option, the creation of artificial and pseudo daemons, as tools for specific purposes."

"That was, until our efforts finally bore fruits, and exactly seven generations ago we manifested a new sorcery trait called "Universal language", and with it's help, guiding the development of form, purpose, and ego, of "natural" born daemons is now possible."

Looking at Luperca's curvaceous figure and motherly aura, Adam silently nodded to himself, giving a round of mental applause in honor of the advances on his "family" craft.

Seeing him nodding to himself, Luperca gave him another weird look.


"Yes, your knowledge is really up to date… but back to what I was originally saying…"


"You have an unorthodox elemental affinity with the sixth imaginary factor."

"Well… that is bad, like, really bad! Humans aren't really supposed to have that right?"

"Well It doesn't matter, that is clearly a problem for my future self to solve, my present self is having a very important magecraft lesson, so that problem will have to wait."

Luperca looks at him, shakes her head, and gives a radiant smile in response to his semnly nonchalant answer.

"You're right lord Adam… It really doesn't matter."

And the lesson continued…