
A 'No'

Everytime it's all about a 'No'. I am blamed about a 'No' I say everytime I do not want to do chores or and household works or any work that makes me feel I am gender wise biased by my parents, relatives or any person in a society. I understand that there are certain things than cannot be shared or performed between genders.

But my society is prepped in such a way that I cannot digest the things said by them. Every day I wake up my mom calls me for a cup of tea, but I am expected to wake up and make tea. After tea I am expected to help her making dal bhat and wash all the cups and dishes done by my family but sometimes I don't . Then I am supposed to go to the office after my dal bhat.

I go to office and come back then again I am expected to make the dinner but somedays I do and others I don't. Then I compulsoryly have to do all the dishes but I don't feel doing it but then again I cant let my mom do it. To be specific why I do not prefer doing chores is that I think all of the activities that I do at home makes me feel that I am gender wise biased.

Let me tell you why because every day when I am expected to wash dishes or cook or do any household chores my brother whom I have been in a cold war since he was born is doing nothing but using his laptop or doing supposedly each and every activity only men can do.

He gets appreciated for every cup of tea he makes and I get back lashed every time there is a little bit of more salt or chilli powder if I have cooked the meal. Everytime I help my mom I am supposed to do it but when my brother does it oh my goodness he did so much for her.

I want to change my thinking , how my parents think and how my society makes us think but I suppose it's really a hard thing to do. Everytime I see my parents I feel like I am an inferior person that can't possibly be right any time I open my mouth.

When I keep these topics in front of my friends they understand me but eventually they say that it's hard to change a grownups mind. Is it really that hard to do your own dishes? Is it really hard to clean your own room? Is it really that hard to cook food in turns? Is it really that hard to clean the washroom? Not Really!!

So I don't think there are any issues on a change. It's just an effort that matters the most. It's a family that I am living in not a Male dominated prison. I am not a feminist that thinks females are above men but I believe if everyone does their own chores this Male dominated prison can be a happy family.

I am not happy I can feel it.

My mom is not happy i can see it.

My brother is getting more arrogant towards the household chores and I can both see and feel it.

My father believes in differentiating the money makers and householders and I can see this since I was a little girl.

My grandmom feels sons are not the ones who does housework.

My mom was really happy when she found out she gave birth to a little girl because she thought I will help her when I get older

My aunties think as my mom has a daughter she can leave the house carefree as I am there to feed the whole family. They think it's easy for my mom because she has a daughter.

I think if women are to think a little different every now and there the society is eventually supposed to think differently.

If a boy and a girl are supposed to be treated equally then I think not only in education but behavioural rearing also matters the most. So that any child that says No doesn't say it because of gender biasedness.