
Human heart & The god

Chapter 1

      Now we are here to vote for Mr. Jackson to be new CEO of innovation & me...Do we all agree on it?

  As the discussion goes longer my heart skips it's beat more & more , here I am giving my position to someone I train to take it 😔😄... I should be happy with it...I could return the flavour of my saviour 🙂 but what's this feeling inside me that's eating me out ? Am I too good for myself? Am I feeling betrayed?

Miss Cate are you with us? Do you agree to transfer your position to Mr. Jackson as the new CEO of innovation & me.

Yes I do . I hope you will take good care of him & the company.  As my words were finished.  Jackson was declared as a new CEO of innovation & me & here, I lost my lifelong hardwork just like that , just for you my saviour 😄. I hope you are happy there. I hope you are in peace.